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Configuring BERT Testing for CESoPSN Bundles (CTPView)

BERTs do not run on bundles that use transparent encoding or on fractional T1/E1 bundles. On CESoPSN bundles, you can configure BERTs only for Serial interfaces on CTP150 devices.

To configure BERTs with CTPView:

  1. In the side pane, select Bundle > Diagnostics.
  2. Click Bit Error Rate Tester.
  3. Run your mouse over the MouseOver to Select a Port to Display bar.

    A list of bundles configured on the CTP device appears.

  4. In the table of bundles, select the bundle for which you want to configure BERTs.
  5. Configure the BERT parameters as described in Table 1.
Table 1: BERT Parameter Settings in CTPView
Field Function Your Action

BERT Injection

Specifies whether this bundle acts as the BERT transmitter. If the bundle is the BERT transmitter, specifies the direction in which it transmits test data.

Select one:

  • Disabled—Disables BERT transmission on this bundle.

  • Tx to Net—BERT pattern is injected toward the IP network. User data transmitted in the direction of the IP network is replaced with the BERT pattern.

  • Tx to I/F—BERT pattern is injected toward the serial interface. User data transmitted in the direction of the IP network is replaced with the BERT pattern.

BERT Reception

Specifies whether this bundle acts as the BERT receiver. If the bundle is the BERT receiver, specifies the direction from which it receives test data.

The BERT receiver does not disrupt the existing data flow in either direction.

Select one:

  • Disabled—Disables BERT reception on this bundle.

  • Rx from Net—BERT pattern is received from the network.

  • Rx from I/F—BERT pattern is received from the interface.


Specifies the type of BERT pattern.

BERT patterns are compatible with the external BERT equipment that you are using. All patterns except 2^31-1 are compatible with the Fireberd 6000.

When you set up a bidirectional end-to-end BERT, you must configure the same pattern on both bundles.

Select one:

  • MARK

  • ALT

  • 511

  • 2047

  • 2^15-1

  • 2^20-1

Update Rate

Specifies the rate at which CTPView checks the status of the BERT and updates the synchronization status and counters.

Select the number of seconds.

Inject Error

The BERT transmitter injects an error into the pattern to verify that an end-to-end BERT has been established.

Click the button to inject an error into the pattern. The Error Cnt should increment by one.