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GET /config/event_sources/custom_properties/calculated_properties/{calculated_property_id}/dependents

SUMMARY Retrieves the objects that depend on the event calculated property.

Retrieves the objects that depend on the event calculated property.

Table 1: GET /config/event_sources/custom_properties/calculated_properties/{calculated_property_id}/dependents resource details:

GET /config/event_sources/custom_properties/calculated_properties/{calculated_property_id}/dependents resource details



Table 2: GET /config/event_sources/custom_properties/calculated_properties/{calculated_property_id}/dependents request parameter details:

GET /config/event_sources/custom_properties/calculated_properties/{calculated_property_id}/dependents request parameter details

Parameter Type Optionality Data Type MIME Type Description






Required - The identifier of the event calculated property to get the dependents for.






Optional - Use this parameter to specify which fields you would like to get back in the response. Fields that are not named are excluded. Specify subfields in brackets and multiple fields in the same object are separated by commas.

Table 3: GET /config/event_sources/custom_properties/calculated_properties/{calculated_property_id}/dependents response codes:

GET /config/event_sources/custom_properties/calculated_properties/{calculated_property_id}/dependents response codes

HTTP Response Code Unique Code Description


The calculated event property dependents retrieval was accepted and is in progress.



The user does not have the required authorization to start the task for finding dependents of calculated event property.



The requested calculated event property cannot be found.



One or more parameters are invalid in the request.



An error occurred during the attempt to initiate the calculated event property dependents retrieval task.

Response Description

A Dependents Task Status object and the location header set to the task status URL "/api/config/event_sources/custom_properties/calculated_property_dependents_tasks/{task_id}". A Dependent Task Status object contains the following fields:
  • id - Long - The ID of the task.
  • message - String - The localized task message.
  • status - String - The current state of the task.
  • name - String - The name of the task.
  • created_by - String - The name of the user who started the task.
  • cancelled_by - String - The name of the user who requested to cancel the task.
  • created - Long - The time in milliseconds since epoch since the task was created.
  • started - Long - The time in milliseconds since epoch since the task was started.
  • modified - Long - The time in milliseconds since epoch since the task was modified.
  • completed - Long - The time in milliseconds since epoch since the task was completed.
  • number_of_dependents - Long - The number of dependents found. The value is null until the task completes.
  • maximum - Long - The maximum number of objects to check for dependency.
  • progress - Long - The number of objects that were checked for dependency.
  • task_components - Array - An array of task component objects. A task component object contains the following fields:
    • message - String - The localized sub-task status message.
    • status - String - The current state of the sub-task.
    • sub_task_type - String - The type of the sub-task
    • maximum - Long - The maximum number of objects to check for dependency.
    • progress - Long - The number of objects that were checked for dependency.
    • created - Long - The time in milliseconds since epoch since the sub-task was created.
    • started - Long - The time in milliseconds since epoch since the sub-task was started.
    • modified - Long - The time in milliseconds since epoch since the sub-task was modified.
    • completed - Long - The time in milliseconds since epoch since the sub-task was completed.

Response Sample