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GET /config/deployment/hosts/{id}

SUMMARY Retrieves a deployed host by ID.

Retrieves a deployed host by ID.

Table 1: GET /config/deployment/hosts/{id} resource details:

GET /config/deployment/hosts/{id} resource details



Table 2: GET /config/deployment/hosts/{id} request parameter details:

GET /config/deployment/hosts/{id} request parameter details

Parameter Type Optionality Data Type MIME Type Description




Number (Integer)


Required - The ID of the deployed host to be retrieved.






Optional - Use this parameter to specify which fields you would like to get back in the response. Fields that are not named are excluded. Specify subfields in brackets and multiple fields in the same object are separated by commas.

Table 3: GET /config/deployment/hosts/{id} response codes:

GET /config/deployment/hosts/{id} response codes

HTTP Response Code Unique Code Description


The host was successfully retrieved.



No such host is deployed for the given ID



The provided id was a negative number or zero.



An error occurred during the retrieval of the host.

Response Description

The associated deployed host object. The Host object has the following fields:
  • id - The ID of this managed host.
  • hostname - The host name of this managed host.
  • private_ip - The private IP of this managed host.
  • public_ip - The public IP of this managed host.
  • appliance - An object that represents the appliance type ID and description of this managed host.
  • version - The installed version on this managed host.
  • status - The status of this managed host.
  • email_server_id - The id of the email server for this managed host.
  • eps_rate_hardware_limit - The upper limit for eps_allocation based on hardware constraints for this managed host.
  • eps_allocation - The allocated eps rate of this managed host.
  • average_eps - The average eps rate of this managed host over the previous month.
  • peak_eps - The peak eps rate that was experienced by this managed host over the previous month.
  • proxy_server_id - The id of the proxy server for this managed host.
  • fpm_rate_hardware_limit - The upper limit for fpm_allocation based on hardware constraints for this managed host.
  • fpm_allocation - The allocated fpm rate of this managed host.
  • average_fpm - The average fpm rate of this managed host over the previous month.
  • peak_fpm - The peak fpm rate that was experienced by this managed host over the previous month.
  • primary_server_id - The ID for the primary server host for this managed host.
  • secondary_server_id - If configured, the ID for the secondary server host for this managed host.
  • license_serial_number - The serial number that is associated with this managed host's license.
  • components - A list of components that are associated with this managed host.
  • compression_enabled - Whether or not compression is enabled for this managed host.
  • encryption_enabled - Whether or not encryption is enabled for this managed host.
  • cpus - The number of cpus on this host.
  • total_memory - The total amount of memory in kb.
  • app_memory - The total amount of memory available to apps in kb.

Response Sample