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POST /system/authorization/password_policies/{id}

SUMMARY Update a single Password Policies available on the system. This policy defines the requirements for passwords that are stored locally, and that will be enforced on login or while creating a new user, or while a user is updating their password.

Table 1: POST /system/authorization/password_policies/{id} resource details:

POST /system/authorization/password_policies/{id} resource details



Table 2: POST /system/authorization/password_policies/{id} request parameter details:

POST /system/authorization/password_policies/{id} request parameter details

Parameter Type Optionality Data Type MIME Type Description




Number (Integer)


Required. The ID of the Password Policy to retrieve. This can only be 1






Optional - Use this parameter to specify which fields you would like to get back in the response. Fields that are not named are excluded. Specify subfields in brackets and multiple fields in the same object are separated by commas.

Table 3: POST /system/authorization/password_policies/{id} request body details:

POST /system/authorization/password_policies/{id} request body details

Parameter Data Type MIME Type Description Sample




Required. A single Password Policy object has the following modifiable fields:
  • minimum_length - The minimum length that passwords on the system must adhere to
  • variance_rules - Contains a subset of the following values: UPPER_CASE, LOWER_CASE, NUMBER, OTHER.
  • variance_rules_required_count - The number of variance_rules that must be met before a password is said to 'pass'. This must be a number between 0 and 4.
  • password_history_size - The number of password_expiry_intervals that passwords are remembered and not allowed to be reused. Must be greater than 0, or 'null'. For example, with a password_history_size of 3 and a password_expiry_interval of 90 (days), 270 days must pass before a password can be reused. If a user changes their password four times in one day, they still cannot use the first password because 270 days have not passed.
  • password_expiry_interval - The number of milliseconds before a password must be changed. Setting this field to 'null' means passwords never expire.
  • disallow_repeating_characters - Set this value to true to disallow more than 2 repeating characters. For example, "abbc" is allowed, where "abbbc" is not.
Any other set fields will be ignored.

{ "disallow_repeating_characters": true, "minimum_length": 42, "password_expiry_interval": 42, "password_history_size": 42, "variance_rules": [ "String <one of: UPPER_CASE, LOWER_CASE, NUMBER, OTHER>" ], "variance_rules_required_count": 42 }

Table 4: POST /system/authorization/password_policies/{id} response codes:

POST /system/authorization/password_policies/{id} response codes

HTTP Response Code Unique Code Description


The Password Policy was updated



The password policy does not exist



The minimum_length field is invalid



The variance_rules_required_count field is invalid



The password_history_size and the password_expiry_interval are not set correctly. Either both must be set, or both must be set to null



The truncated value password_expiry_interval is 0

Response Description

The resulting Password Policy with the following fields:
  • id - Number - The ID of the Password Policy
  • minimum_length - The minimum length that passwords on the system must adhere to
  • variance_rules - Contains a subset of the following values: UPPER_CASE, LOWER_CASE, NUMBER, OTHER.
  • variance_rules_required_count - The number of variance_rules that must be met before a password is said to 'pass'. This must be a number between 0 and 4.
  • password_history_size - The number of password_expiry_intervals that passwords are remembered and not allowed to be reused. Must be greater than 0, or 'null'. For example, with a password_history_size of 3 and a password_expiry_interval of 90 (days), 270 days must pass before a password can be reused. If a user changes their password four times in one day, they still cannot use the first password because 270 days have not passed.
  • password_expiry_interval - The number of milliseconds before a password must be changed. Setting this field to 'null' means passwords never expire. The password_expiry_interval field will be truncated to milliseconds in a day.
  • disallow_repeating_characters - Set this value to true to disallow more than 2 repeating characters. For example, "abbc" is allowed, where "abbbc" is not.

Response Sample