Tuning the Active Rules That Generate CRE Events
The Custom Rules Engine (CRE) event report shows which active rules generate CRE events. In many cases, a rule response is configured to generate CRE events, along with the offense or without it. The report shows which CRE events were generated most by which rule. In general, if the event is generated many times per day, the rule is firing too often. Consider tuning the rule. For example, 1 or 2 Source IPs in the report are related to all the CRE events generated by the rule. The Source IP might need to be added to one of Host Definition BBs that are referenced by the rule. Select the rule and click Investigate to see which Host Definition to update.
You can also use this report to test the rules. In this case, the rule response does not include the offense creation, only the CRE event dispatch. If the report shows that the rule is firing too often, consider tuning it. If you're using CRE events to test the rule, and the number of generated CRE events is only a few per week, change the rule response to generate an offense.
Unapplied filter tags appear in the filters row with a lighter colored background. After you apply the filters, the tags change to a darker colored background.