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About the Test Agents Page

To access this page, click Inventory > Active Assurance > Test Agents.

Test Agents evaluate the quality of your network by collecting metric data for preconfigured key performance indicators (KPIs). Test Agents deployed in different locations in your network send metric data to Paragon Automation over management interfaces. For more information on Test Agents, see Test Agents Overview.

You (superusers and network administrators) can view the following widgets on the Test Agents page:

  • Total—The total number of Test Agents in the network.

  • In Use—The number of Test Agents that are actively running a Test or a Monitor.

Tasks You Can Perform

You can perform the following tasks on the Test Agents GUI:

  • View details of Test Agents—You can view the list of all the Test Agents in your network and you can also view details of a selected Test Agent.

    To view the details of all the Test Agents in your network, see Table 1.

    To view the details of a selected Test Agent, click a Test-Agent-Name. The Test Agent Details page displays the following tabs:

    • Overview—Displays system information and location details of the Test Agent.

    • Interfaces—Displays all the interfaces used by the Test Agent. For more information, see About the Test Agent Details Page.

  • You can also perform the following tasks on this page:

    • Sort, resize, or re-arrange columns in a table (grid).

    • Show or hide columns in the table or reset page preferences, using the vertical ellipsis menu.

    • Filter the data displayed in the table—Click the filter icon (funnel) and select whether you want to show or hide advanced filters. You can then add or remove filter criteria, save criteria as a filter, apply or clear filters, and so on. The filtered results are displayed on the same page.

    For more information, see GUI Overview.

Table 1: Description of Fields on the Test Agents Page
Fields Description

The Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) of the Test Agent.


The name of the Test Agent that you have specified at the time of installing a Test Agent.

Based on the icon of the Test Agent, you can identify the type of Test Agent.

  • Blue circle icon—Indicates that the Test Agent Application is standalone and the Test Agent is not associated with any device.

  • Blue circle with router icon—Indicates that the Test Agent Application is running and the Test Agent is associated with a device.

  • Router icon—Indicates that the Test Agent is associated with a device but does not support Test Agent Application.

Description The description of the Test Agent that you have specified at the time of configuring the Test Agent. You can also edit the description from the Test-Agent Details page.


The connection status of the Test Agent. For more information, see Table 2.

Device Online

The connection status of the device on which the Test Agent is installed. For more information, see Table 2.

In Use

In use indicates whether the Test Agent is actively collecting traffic measurements or not.

True—Test Agent is actively collecting traffic measurements.

False—Test Agent is not collecting traffic measurements.

IPv4 Address The IPv4 address of the interface of the device from which Paragon Automation initiates the test.
IPv6 Address The IPv6 address of the interface of the device from which Paragon Automation initiates the test.
External IP (Address)

The public IP address of the Test Agent. Based on the Test Agent deployment, this IP address is a static or dynamic (using DHCP) assignment.

Software version

The software version of the Test Agent.

Device ID

The UUID of the device on which the Test Agent is deployed.

Device Model

The model of the device on which the Test Agent is deployed.

Device Name

The name of the device on which the Test Agent is deployed.

Device State

The installation status of Test Agent on a device.

For example, Configuring, Installing, Installed, Deconfiguring, Uninstalling, Uninstalled, Failed, or Error.

Device Requested State

The installation status that you have requested during the process of installing a Test Agent on a device.

For example, if you have requested to install a Test Agent on a device, the Device State can be anything from Configuring to Error, but the Device Requested State will be Installed.

Device Version

The OS version of the device on which the Test Agent is deployed.

For example, 23.2R1.15-EVO.


The tags configured for the Test Agent in the key:value format.

A tag is a key-value pair in which the key signifies a category for which you configure a value. The value is an identifier for the category.

Examples of key-value pairs are device and device name (edgedevice:acx7000), site and site name (site:bangalore).

You can configure tags from the Test-Agent Details page.

Table 2: Connection status of Test Agents and Devices

Online (Indicates the connection status of the Test Agent)

Device Online (Indicates the connection status of the device)

Status (Describes the type of the Test Agent)

Green tick

Green tick

Indicates that the Test Agent is associated with a device and the Test Agent application is running.

Both the device and Test Agent are online.

Red cross

Green tick

Indicates that the Test Agent is associated with a device and the Test Agent application is running.

The device is online but the Test Agent is offline.

Red cross

Red cross

Indicates that the Test Agent is associated with a device and the Test Agent application is running.

Both the device and the Test Agent is offline.

Green tick


Indicates that the Test Agent Application is running independently and is not associated with any device.

The Test Agent is online.


Green tick

Indicates that the Test Agent is associated with a device but has no Test Agent application running.

The device is online.