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L3VPN Service Provisioning Workflow

Service orchestration automates provisioning of Layer 3 VPN (L3VPN) service and monitoring the health and quality of the service after it is provisioned. Paragon Automation provides predefined service designs that contain the guidelines and templates for executing the service provisioning and monitoring workflow for the L3VPN service.

The L3VPN service provisioning workflow includes tasks such as configuring network resources, defining service elements, initiating and publishing service orders for service provisioning, and troubleshooting issues by monitoring task logs. A Network Admin or a Super User provisions an L3VPN service by using the Paragon Automation GUI, REST API, or the service orchestration cMGD CLI.

Before provisioning a service for a customer, you must add the customers to the customer inventory and configure network resources for the service. You can also change the default version of the service design from the Service Designs page. You then create, modify, or delete a service instance. These operations generate corresponding service orders that activate the automated workflows. The Service Orders page (Orchestration > Monitoring > Service Orders) displays all the service orders generated for an organization. You can also monitor the service order execution status by viewing workflow run details and task logs to troubleshoot issues.

To provision an L3VPN service:

  1. Add customer names in the Customer Inventory page. See About the Customer Inventory Page.

  2. View the installed service designs with version numbers on the Service Designs page. Network Admins and Observers have read-only access to this page. Super Users can manage the service design catalog and perform tasks like setting the default version of service design. See About the Service Designs Page.

  3. Configure and upload L3VPN network resources by using the Paragon Automation GUI, REST API, or the service orchestration cMGD CLI. See Add Network Resources for L3VPN Service.

  4. Create or modify L3VPN service instances by using the Paragon Automation GUI or by uploading a preconfigured JSON file. See Add an L3VPN Service Instance and Modify an L3VPN Service Instance.

    After you create or modify an L3VPN service instance, a service order is generated for these operations (create and modify).

  5. Publish the service instance by clicking the Publish button on the Service Instances page to generate a service order that would activate the create or modify workflows.

    You can also delete a service instance by clicking More > Deprovision on this page to generate a workflow to delete a service order. See About the Service Instances Page.

  6. View details of the service order and the execution status of the service order on the Service Orders page. See About the Service Orders Page.

  7. Monitor the workflow run details for each service order. By viewing detailed task logs, you can troubleshoot issues when a workflow run fails. See About the Workflows Page.

Before provisioning a service in the network, Paragon Automation validates the service configuration on all the devices on which the service is provisioned. Paragon Automation automatically configures Paragon Insights and Paragon Active Assurance instances to monitor the health and quality of the service.