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About the Service Designs Page

The Service Designs page is an inventory of service designs that Paragon Automation provides for provisioning services. The page lists service designs for different services such as L3VPN, to be provisioned in a network. The service designs are listed by name, service type, version number, number of active instances, and so on. Paragon Automation allows you to provision up to three concurrent versions of a service design in a network. One of the three versions is set as the default version.


You must be a Super User to manage the service design catalog. Network Admins and Observers have read-only access to the inventory.

To access the Service Designs page, click Orchestration > Service Catalog on the navigation menu.

Tasks You Can Perform

You can perform the following tasks on the Service Designs page:

  • View service design details

    To view details of a service design, do any of the following:

    • Hover over the service design and click the Details icon that appears next to the design name.

    • Select the design and click More > Show Detail.

    The service-design-name pane appears on the right side of the Service Catalog page. On the service-design-name pane, you can view general information about the service design and details of other service designs that this service design depends on. See Table 2 and Table 3.

  • View the service instances associated with a service design.

    To see details of the service instances of a service design, click the service-design-name hyperlink. You are directed to the Service Instances page, where the service design name is used as a filter to display the service instances associated with the design.

  • Set the default version of a service design

    The Service Designs page lists up to three versions of a service design. One of the three versions is set as the default version and is marked as (Default) in the Service Designs table, next to the version number. Any service instance you create, modify, or delete is associated with the default service design. To change the default version for a service design:

    1. Select the service design version you want to set as the default version.


      You must select a version that is not listed as default in the table.

    2. Click the Set Default Version button and click Yes to confirm.

      You see a message that the default version is successfully changed. The table automatically refreshes to display the updated service design default version.

  • Show or hide columns in the table or reset page preferences, using the vertical ellipsis menu.

Field Descriptions

Table 1 lists the fields on the Service Designs page.

Table 1: Fields on the Service Designs Page




Name of the service design.

Service Type

The type of service that the service design provides guidelines for:

  • Onboard—Service type for adding network infrastructure; for example, onboarding devices to Paragon Automation.

  • Network resource—Service type for adding routing, topology, L3 address, and VPN resource pools to Paragon Automation.

  • L3VPN—Service type for provisioning L3VPN service in a network.


Version number of the Service design.

Created time

Date and time when the service design was created.

Created by

Name of the user who created the service design.

# Active Instances

Number of active service instances associated with the design.


Brief description about the service design, if any.

Table 2: Fields in the General Section of <service-design-name> Pane




Name of the service design.

Service Type

Type of service for which the service design provides guidelines.

  • Onboard—Service type for adding network infrastructure; for example, onboarding devices to Paragon Automation.

  • Network resource—Service type for adding routing, topology, L3 address, and VPN resource pools to Paragon Automation.

  • L3VPN—Service type for provisioning L3VPN service in a network.


Version of the service design.

Release Notes

Summary of service design enhancements and bug fixes. Hover over the value of this field to view the summary of enhancements.

Table 3: Fields in the Dependencies Table




Name of service design on which the current service design depends. For example, VPN service design on which the L3VPN service design depends.

Service Type

Service type offered bythe service design on which the current service design depends. For example, network resource service type for VPN service design on which the L3VPN service design depends.


Version of the service design on which the current service design depends.