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Junos CLI Reference
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[edit chassis fpc slot-number inline-services]


Configure support for the service creation of flows for inline services sampling. This configuration results in a first-come-first-serve creation of flows. Whichever flow comes first, that is allowed to occupy the flow-table if there is space in the table. Otherwise, the flow is dropped and an error count is created.


You cannot configure the explicit flow-table-sizes because flex-flow-sizing and explicit flow-table-sizes are mutually exclusive.

You need not perform fpc reboot to change from flex to per family configuration.


  • Default: 1K flows for IPv6 and VPLS flows each.

  • Range: 15 through 256K flows for IPv4.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1F5.


As a workaround for flex-flow-sizing on MX204 router for releases earlier than Junos OS Release 17.4R2 or Junos OS Release 18R3, replace the flex-flow-sizing statement with the flow-table-size statement configuration and reload the box. Configure the flow-table-size statement value within a range of 1 through 15. If the flex-flow-sizing statement is configured, deactivate or delete the same. For example:

content_copy zoom_out_map
flow-table-size {
    ipv4-flow-table-size 10;
    ipv6-flow-table-size 4;