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Configure Aruba ClearPass

SUMMARY Learn how to configure the SRX Series Firewall to include security policies with Aruba ClearPass.

Example: Enforce Security Policy with Aruba ClearPass

This example covers how to configure security to protect your resources and control access to the internet using the SRX Series Firewall integrated ClearPass authentication and enforcement feature, which relies on the Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager as its authentication source. The SRX Series integrated ClearPass feature allows you to configure security policies that control access to company resources and the Internet by identifying users by username, group name, or the name of a role that ties together a group of users and a device type.

Today’s network environments are more open to attacks of various kinds because they support anywhere, anytime, any device access, to a greater or lesser degree, and they allow a user to use multiple concurrently network-connected devices. Because it allows you identify the user by username, the integrated ClearPass authentication and enforcement feature narrows the security gap that these capabilities introduce.

For details on how user authentication and identity information is conveyed from the CPPM to the SRX Series Firewall, see the following topics:

The example covers the following processes:

  • How to control access at the user level based on username or group name, not device IP address.

    You can use the source-identity parameter in a security policy to specify the name of a user or the name of a group of users whose authentication is provided by the CPPM. The policy is applied to traffic generated by the users when they attempt to access a protected resource or the Internet regardless of the device used. The access control is tied to the user’s name, and not directly to the IP address of the user’s device.

    You can configure different security policies for a single user that specify different actions, differentiated by the zones and the destination addresses specified or a group that the user belongs to.

  • How to display and interpret the contents of the ClearPass authentication table.

    The SRX Series Firewall creates the ClearPass authentication table to contain user authentication and identity information that it receives from the CPPM. The device refers to the table to authenticate a user who requests access to a resource.

    The ClearPass authentication table contents are dynamic. They are modified to reflect user activity in response to various events and also in regard to security policies that reference groups.

    For example, when a user logs out of the network or in to the network, the ClearPass authentication table is modified, as is the case when a user is removed from a group or a referenced security policy that specifies a group that the user belongs to is deleted. In the latter case, the user entry no longer shows the user as belonging to that group.

    In this example, the ClearPass authentication table contents are displayed to depict changes made because of two events. The content for the users is displayed:

    • Before and after a specific user logs out of the network

    • Before and after a referenced security policy is deleted

      The entry for the user who belonged to the group referenced by the security policy is displayed before and after the policy is deleted.


This section defines the software and hardware requirements for the topology for this example. See Figure 1 for the topology design.

The hardware and software components are:

  • Aruba ClearPass. The ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) is configured to use its local authentication source to authenticate users.

    It is assumed that the CPPM is configured to provide the SRX Series Firewall with user authentication and identity information, including the username, a list of the names of any groups that the user belongs to, the IP addresses of the devices used, and the device posture token.

  • SRX Series Firewall running Junos OS that includes the integrated ClearPass feature.

  • A server farm composed of six servers, all in the servers-zone:

    • marketing-server-protected ( )

    • human-resources-server ( )

    • accounting-server (

    • public-server (

    • corporate-server (

    • sales-server (

  • AC 7010 Aruba Cloud Services Controller running ArubaOS.

  • Aruba AP wireless access controller running ArubaOS.

    The Aruba AP is connected to the AC7010.

    Wireless users connect to the CPPM through the Aruba AP.

  • Juniper Networks EX4300 switch used as the wired 802.1 access device.

    Wired users connect to the CPPM using the EX4300 switch.

  • Six end-user systems:

    • Three wired network-connected PCs running Microsoft OS

    • Two BYOD devices that access the network through the Aruba AP access device

    • One wireless laptop running Microsoft OS


In its capacity as the authentication source for the integrated ClearPass feature, the CPPM posts to the SRX Series Firewall user authentication and identity information. When it receives this information, the SRX Series UserID daemon processes it and generates entries for the authenticated users in the Routing Engine authentication table and then synchronizes that information to the ClearPass authentication table on the Packet Forwarding Engine side.

The SRX Series Firewall requires the user authentication and identity information to verify that a user is authenticated when the user makes an access request and the traffic generated from the user’s device arrives at the SRX Series Firewall. If a security policy exists that specifies in the source-identity parameter the username or the name of a group that the user belongs to, the SRX Series Firewall searches the contents of its ClearPass authentication table for an entry for that user.

If it does not find an entry for the user in its ClearPass authentication table, the SRX Series Firewall can search its other authentication tables, if you have configured a search order that includes them. See Table 1 for information about the authentication table search order.

The integrated ClearPass feature allows you to create identity-aware security policies configured to match traffic issued by users based on their username or the name of a group that they belong to.

You configure role mappings on the CPPM, not on the SRX Series Firewall.

For example, a device type role mapping might tie user identities to company-owned computers. You could specify this role as a group in a security policy configured to apply to all users who are mapped to the rule. In this case, the conditions set by CPPM for the rule—use of company-owned computer—would apply to all users mapped to the rule. The SRX Series Firewall does not consider the conditions, but rather accepts the rule from the CPPM.

The following configurations included in this example cover security policies that are applicable based on the type of device used as defined by the CPPM through rule mappings. It is assumed that the CPPM posted to the SRX Series Firewall the following mapped rules that are used as groups in security policies:

  • marketing-access-for-pcs-limited-group

    Maps jxchan to the device type PC.

    The policy that specifies marketing-access-for-pcs-limited-group in its source-identity field allows jxchan, and other users who are mapped to it, access to the marketing-server-protected server using their PC, whether it is company owned or not.

  • accounting-grp-and-company-device

    Maps users who belong to accounting groups using company devices. The CPPM sends the role accounting-grp-and-company-device to the SRX Series Firewall. The mapping is done on the CPPM by role mapping rules.

    The policy that specifies accounting-grp-and-company-device in its source identity field allows users who are mapped to the rule to access protected resources on the accounting-server. The group accounting-grp is mapped to the rule. Therefore the mapped rule applies to the members of accounting-grp.

    The user viki2 belongs to accounting-grp. If all conditions apply—that is, if viki2 is using a company-owned device and the policy permits access—she is allowed access to the resources on accounting-server. But, recall that the SRX Series Firewall does not analyze the rule. Rather it applies it to all users who are mapped to it by the CPPM.

  • guest-device-byod

    Maps the guest group to the device type byod—that is, any user-owned device brought to the network.

    The policy that specifies guest-device-byod in its source identity field denies users who are mapped to the rule access to all servers in the server zone if they are using smartphones or other user-owned devices. The username guest2 is mapped to this rule by the CPPM.

For all cases, if the users are allowed or denied access according to the security policy conditions, you can assume that the following conditions exist:

  • The CPPM posted the correct authentication information for the users and groups to the SRX Series Firewall.

  • The SRX Series Firewall processed the authenticated user information correctly and generated entries for the users and groups in its ClearPass authentication table.

Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D130, the SRX Series Firewall supports the use of IPv6 addresses associated with source identities in security policies. If IPv4 or IPv6 entry exists, policies matching that entry are applied to the traffic and access is allowed or denied.

Table 1 summarizes the users, their groups, and the zones to which they belong. All users belong to the default GLOBAL domain.

Table 1: Authenticated User Information for Security Policy Example




Abe (abew1)

  • marketing-access-limited-grp


John (jxchan)

  • posture-healthy

  • marketing-access-for-pcs-limited-group

  • marketing-general

  • sales-limited

  • corporate-limited


Lin (lchen1)

  • posture-healthy

  • human-resources-grp

  • accounting-limited

  • corporate-limited


Viki (viki2)

  • posture-healthy

  • accounting-grp

  • accounting-grp-and-company-device

  • corporate-limited



  • posture-healthy

  • guest



  • posture-healthy

  • guest-device-byod



Figure 1 shows the topology for this example.

Figure 1: Topology for the Integrated ClearPass Authentication Enforcement Through Security Policies ExampleTopology for the Integrated ClearPass Authentication Enforcement Through Security Policies Example


This section covers how to configure the SRX Series Firewall to include security policies that match traffic issued by users authenticated by the CPPM.

CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following statements, paste them into a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the statements into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

Configuring Interfaces, Zones, and an Address Book

Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode.

Configure the following interfaces and assign them to zones:

  • ge-0/0/3.0 > marketing-zone

  • ge-0/0/3.1 > human-resources-zone

  • ge-0/0/3.2> accounting-zone

  • ge-0/0/4.0 > public-zone

  • ge-0/0/4.1 > servers-zone

Because this example uses logical interfaces, you must configure VLAN tagging.

  1. Configure interfaces for the SRX Series Firewall:

  2. Configure zones.

  3. Configure an address book containing the IP addresses of the servers to use as destination addresses in security policies.

  4. Attach the servers-zone-addresses address book to servers-zone.


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration for interfaces by entering the show interfaces command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

From configuration mode, confirm your configuration for zones by entering the show security zones command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

From configuration mode, confirm your configuration for the address book by entering the show security address-book command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

Configuring Identity-Aware Security Policies to Control User Access to Company Resources

Step-by-Step Procedure

This task entails configuring security policies that apply to a user’s access to resources based on username or group name, and not the IP address of the device used.

Note that all users belong to the default GLOBAL domain.

  1. Configure a security policy that specifies marketing-access-for-pcs-limited-group as the source-identity. It allows the user jxchan, who belongs to this group, access to any of the servers in the servers-zones when he is using a PC, whether it is a personal device or a company-owned device. The username jxchan is mapped by the CPPM to the rule marketing-access-for-pcs-limited-group.

  2. Configure a security policy that allows the user abew1 access to the marketing-zone-protected server (IP address ) in the servers-zone regardless of the device that he uses.

  3. Configure a security policy that allows the user viki2 access to the accounting-server (IP address in the servers-zone when she is using a company-owned device. The user viki2 belongs to accounting-grp which is mapped to the company-owned-device rule (accounting-grp-and-company-device) by the CPPM.

  4. Configure a security policy that allows users who belong to the corporate-limited group limited access to the corporate-server server (IP address in the servers-zone when they are initiating a request from the human-resources zone.

    If the source-address were specified as “any”, the policy would apply to other users who also belong to the corporate-limited group.

  5. Configure a security policy that allows the user abew1 access to the corporate-server (IP address server in the servers-zone. The user abew1 belongs to marketing-access-limited-grp to which the security policy applies.

  6. Configure a security policy that allows users who belong to the sales-limited-group access to the human-resources-server (IP address server when they initiate a request from the marketing-zone. The user jxchan belongs to sales-limited-group.

  7. Configure a security policy that allows users who belong to the guest group access to the public-server (IP address in the servers-zone.

  8. Configure a security policy that denies users who belong to the guest-device-byod group access to any servers in the servers-zone when they use their own devices.


From configuration mode, confirm your security policies configuration for integrated ClearPass by entering the show security policies command.

If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configuration instructions in this example to correct it.


This section verifies the ClearPass authentication table contents after certain events occur that cause some of its user authentication entries to be modified. It also shows how to ensure that the ClearPass authentication table has been deleted successfully after you issue the delete command. It includes the following parts:

Displaying the ClearPass Authentication Table Contents Before and After an Authenticated User Logs Out of the Network


Display the ClearPass authentication table contents when a specific, authenticated user is logged in to the network and after the user logs out.


Enter the show services user-identification authentication-table authentication-source authentication-source command for the ClearPass authentication table, which is referred to as aruba-clearpass. Notice that the ClearPass authentication table includes an entry for the user viki2.

Enter the same command again after viki2 logs out of the network. Notice that the ClearPass authentication table no longer contains an entry for viki2.

Displaying the Authentication Table Contents Before and After a Referenced Security Policy Is Deleted


Display the ClearPass authentication table contents for a specific user—lchen1—who belongs to a group that is referenced by a security policy. Delete that security policy, then display the entry for that user again.


Enter the show service user-identification authentication-table authentication-source user user-name command to display the ClearPass authentication table entry for a specific user, lchen1. Notice that it includes the group corporate-limited.

The human-resources-p1 security policy source-identity field refers to the group corporate-limited. As shown above in the ClearPassauthentication entry for him, the user lchen1 belongs to that group. Here is the configuration for the human-resources-p1 referenced security policy:

After you delete the human-resources-p1 security policy, whose source-identity parameter refers to the group called corporate-limited, enter the same command again. Notice that the authentication entry for lchen1 does not contain the corporate-limited group.

Take a different approach in verifying the ClearPass authentication table state after the modification. Display the entire table to verify that the group—corporate-limited—is not included in any of the user entries. Note that if more than one user belonged to the corporate-limited group, authentication entries for all of the affected users would not show that group name.

From operational mode, enter the show services user-identification authentication-table authentication-source aruba-clearpass command.

Example: Configure Web API Function

The SRX Series Firewall and the ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) collaborate to control access to your protected resources and to the Internet. To carry this out, the SRX Series Firewall must authenticate users in conjunction with applying security policies that match their requests. For the integrated ClearPass authentication and enforcement feature, the SRX Series Firewall relies on ClearPass as its authentication source.

The Web API function, which this example covers, exposes to the CPPM an API that enables it to initiate a secure connection with the SRX Series Firewall. The CPPM uses this connection to post user authentication information to the SRX Series Firewall. In their relationship, the SRX Series Firewall acts as an HTTPS server for the CPPM client.


This section defines the software and hardware requirements for the topology for this example. See Figure 3 for the topology design.

The hardware and software components are:

  • Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM). The CPPM is configured to use its local authentication source to authenticate users.


    It is assumed that the CPPM is configured to provide the SRX Series Firewall with user authentication and identity information, including the username, a list of the names of any groups that the user belongs to, the IP addresses of the devices used, and the device posture token.

  • SRX Series Firewall running Junos OS that includes the integrated ClearPass feature.

  • A server farm composed of six servers, all in the servers-zone:

    • marketing-server-protected ( )

    • human-resources-server ( )

    • accounting-server (

    • public-server (

    • corporate-server (

    • sales-server (

  • AC 7010 Aruba Cloud Services Controller running ArubaOS.

  • Aruba AP wireless access controller running ArubaOS.

    The Aruba AP is connected to the AC7010.

    Wireless users connect to the CPPM through the Aruba AP.

  • Juniper Networks EX4300 switch used as the wired 802.1 access device.

    Wired users connect to the CPPM using the EX4300 switch.

  • Six end-user systems:

    • Three wired network-connected PCs running Microsoft OS

    • Two BYOD devices that access the network through the Aruba AP access device

    • One wireless laptop running Microsoft OS


You can configure identity-aware security policies on the SRX Series Firewall to control a user’s access to resources based on username or group name, not the IP address of the device. For this feature, the SRX Series Firewall relies on the CPPM for user authentication. The SRX Series Firewall exposes to ClearPass its Web API (webapi) to allow the CPPM to integrate with it. The CCPM posts user authentication information efficiently to the SRX Series Firewall across the connection. You must configure the Web API function to allow the CPPM to initiate and establish a secure connection. There is no separate Routing Engine process required on the SRX Series Firewall to establish a connection between the SRX Series Firewall and the CPPM.

Figure 2 illustrates the communication cycle between the SRX Series Firewall and the CPPM, including user authentication.

Figure 2: ClearPass and SRX Series Firewall Communication and User Authentication ProcessClearPass and SRX Series Firewall Communication and User Authentication Process

As depicted, the following activity takes place:

  1. The CPPM initiates a secure connection with the SRX Series Firewall using Web API.

  2. Three users join the network and are authenticated by the CPPM.

    • A tablet user joins the network across the corporate WAN.

    • A smartphone user joins the network across the corporate WAN.

    • A wireless laptop user joins the network from a wired laptop connected to a Layer 2 switch that is connected to the corporate LAN.

  3. The CPPM sends the user authentication and identity information for the users who are logged in to the network to the SRX Series Firewall in POST request messages using the Web API.

    When traffic from a user arrives at the SRX Series Firewall, the SRX Series Firewall:

    • Identifies a security policy that the traffic matches.

    • Locates an authentication entry for the user in the ClearPass authentication table.

    • Applies the security policy to the traffic after authenticating the user.

  4. Traffic from the smartphone user who is requesting access to an internal, protected resource arrives at the SRX Series Firewall. Because all of the conditions identified in Step 3 are met and the security policy permits it, the SRX Series Firewall allows the user connection to the protected resource.

  5. Traffic from the wired laptop user who is requesting access to a protected resource arrives at the SRX Series Firewall. Because all of the conditions identified in Step 3 are met and the security policy permits it, the SRX Series Firewall allows the user connection to the resource.

  6. Traffic from the tablet user who is requesting access to the Internet arrives at the SRX Series Firewall. Because all of the conditions identified in Step 3 are met and the security policy permits it, the SRX Series Firewall allows the user connection to the Internet.

The Web API daemon is not enabled by default for security reasons. When you start up the Web API daemon, by default it opens either the HTTP (8080) or the HTTPS (8443) service port. You must ensure that one of these ports is configured, depending on which version of the HTTP protocol you want to use. We recommend that you use HTTPS for security reasons. Opening these ports makes the system more vulnerable to service attacks. To protect against service attacks that might use these ports, the Web API daemon will start up only after you enable it.

The Web API is a RESTful Web services implementation. However, it does not fully support the RESTful Web services. Rather, it acts as an HTTP or HTTPS server that responds to requests from the ClearPass client.


The Web API connection is initialized by the CPPM using the HTTP service port (8080) or HTTPS service port (8443). For ClearPass to be able to post messages, you must enable and configure the Web API daemon.

To mitigate abuse and protect against data tampering, the Web API daemon:

  • Requires ClearPass client authentication by HTTP or HTTPS basic user account authentication.

  • Allows data to be posted to it only from the IP address configured as the client source. That is, it allows HTTP or HTTPS POST requests only from the ClearPass client IP address, which in this example is

  • Requires that posted content conforms to the established XML data format. When it processes the data, the Web API daemon ensures that the correct data format was used.


Note that if you deploy Web management and the SRX Series Firewall together, they must run on different HTTP or HTTPS service ports.

See Web API Function for further information on how this feature protects against data tampering.

The SRX Series UserID daemon processes the user authentication and identity information and synchronizes it to the ClearPass authentication table on the Packet Forwarding Engine. The SRX Series Firewall creates the ClearPass authentication table to be used for information received only from the CPPM. The ClearPass authentication table does not contain user authentication information from other authentication sources. The SRX Series Firewall checks the ClearPass authentication table to authenticate users attempting to access protected network resources on the Internet using wired or wireless devices and local network resources.

For the CPPM to connect to the SRX Series Firewall and post authentication information, it must be certified using HTTPS authentication. The Web API daemon supports three methods that can be used to refer to an HTTPS certificate: a default certificate, a PKI local certificate, and a customized certificate implemented through the certificate and certificate-key configuration statements. These certificate methods are mutually exclusive.

This example uses HTTPS for the connection between the CPPM and the SRX Series Firewall. To ensure security, the integrated ClearPass feature default certificate key size is 2084 bits.

Whether you use any method—the default certificate, a PKI-generated certificate, or a custom certificate—for security reasons, you must ensure that the certificate size is 2084 bits or greater.

The following example shows how to generate a certificate and key using PKI:


Figure 3 shows the topology used for the integrated ClearPass deployment examples.

Figure 3: Integrated ClearPass Authentication and Enforcement Deployment TopologyIntegrated ClearPass Authentication and Enforcement Deployment Topology


This section covers how to enable and configure the SRX Series Web API.


You must enable the Web API. It is not enabled by default.

CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following statements, paste them into a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the statements into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

Configuring the SRX Series Web API Daemon

Step-by-Step Procedure

Configuring the Web API allows the CPPM to initialize a connection to the SRX Series Firewall. No separate connection configuration is required.

It is assumed that the CPPM is configured to provide the SRX Series Firewall with authenticated user identity information, including the username, the names of any groups that the user belongs to, the IP addresses of the devices used, and a posture token.

Note that the CPPM might have configured role mappings that map users or user groups to device types. If the CPPM forwards the role mapping information to the SRX Series Firewall, the SRX Series Firewall treats the role mappings as groups. The SRX Series Firewall does not distinguish them from other groups.

To configure the Web API daemon:

  1. Configure the Web API daemon (webapi) username and password for the account.

    This information is used for the HTTPS certification request.

  2. Configure the Web API client address–that is, the IP address of the ClearPass webserver’s data port.

    The SRX Series Firewall accepts information from this address only.


    The ClearPass webserver data port whose address is configured here is the same one that is used for the user query function, if you configure that function.


    Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D130, SRX Series Firewall supports IPv6 addresses to configure the Web API client address. Prior to Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D130, only IPv4 addresses were supported.

  3. Configure the Web API daemon HTTPS service port.

    If you enable the Web API service on the default TCP port 8080 or 8443, you must enable host inbound traffic on that port.

    In this example, the secure version of the Web API service is used (webapi-ssl), so you must configure the HTTPS service port, 8443.

  4. Configure the Web API daemon to use the HTTPS default certificate.

  5. Configure the trace level for the Web API daemon.

    The supported trace levels are notice, warn, error, crit, alert, and emerg. The default value is error.

  6. Configure the interface to use for host inbound traffic from the CPPM.

  7. Enable the Web API service over HTTPS host inbound traffic on TCP port 8443.


From configuration mode, confirm your Web API configuration by entering the show system services webapi command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

From configuration mode, confirm the configuration for the interface used for host inbound traffic from the CPPM by entering the show interfaces ge-0/0/3.4 command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the verification process in this example to correct it.

From configuration mode, confirm your security zone configuration that allows host-inbound traffic from the CPPM using the secure Web API service (web-api-ssl) by entering the show security zones security-zone trust command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the verification process in this example to correct it.

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.

Configuring the ClearPass Authentication Table Entry Timeout and Priority

Step-by-Step Procedure

This procedure configures the following information:

  • The timeout parameter that determines when to age out idle authentication entries in the ClearPass authentication table.

  • The ClearPass authentication table as the first authentication table in the lookup order for the SRX Series Firewall to search for user authentication entries. If no entry is found in the ClearPass authentication table and there are other authentication tables configured, the SRX Series Firewall will search them, based on the order that you set.

  1. Set the timeout value that is used to expire idle authentication entries in the ClearPass authentication table to 20 minutes.

    The first time that you configure the SRX Series Firewall to integrate with an authentication source, you must specify a timeout value to identify when to expire idle entries in the ClearPass authentication table. If you do not specify a timeout value, the default value is assumed.

    • default = 30 minutes

    • range = If set, the timeout value should be within the range [10,1440 minutes]. A value of 0 means that the entry will never expire.

  2. Set the authentication table priority order to direct the SRX Series Firewall to search for user authentication entries in the ClearPass authentication table first. Specify the order in which other authentication tables are searched if an entry for the user is not found in the ClearPass authentication table.


    You need to set this value if the ClearPass authentication table is not the only authentication table on the Packet Forwarding Engine.

    The default priority value for the ClearPass authentication table is 110. You must change the local authentication table entry from 100 to 120 to direct the SRX Series Firewall to check the ClearPass authentication table first if there are other authentication tables on the Packet Forwarding Engine. Table 2 shows the new authentication table search priority.

    Table 2: SRX Series Firewall Authentication Tables Search Priority Assignment

    SRX Series Authentication Tables

    Set Value

    ClearPass authentication table


    Local authentication table


    Active Directory authentication table


    Firewall authentication table


    UAC authentication table



From configuration mode, confirm that the timeout value set for aging out ClearPass authentication table entries is correct. Enter the show services user-identification command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

Example: Configure User Query Function

This example covers how to configure the SRX Series Firewall to enable it to query Aruba ClearPass automatically for user authentication and identity information for an individual user when that information is not available.


The user query function is supplementary to the Web API method of obtaining user authentication and identity information, and it is optional.


This section defines the software and hardware requirements for the overall topology that includes user query requirements. See Figure 5 for the topology. For details on the user query process, see Figure 4.

The hardware and software components are:

  • Aruba ClearPass (CPPM). The CPPM is configured to use its local authentication source to authenticate users.


    It is assumed that the CPPM is configured to provide the SRX Series Firewall with user authentication and identity information, including the username, a list of the names of any groups that the user belongs to, the IP addresses of the devices used, and the device posture token.

  • SRX Series Firewall running Junos OS that includes the integrated ClearPass feature.

  • A server farm composed of six servers, all in the servers-zone:

    • marketing-server-protected ( )

    • human-resources-server ( )

    • accounting-server (

    • public-server (

    • corporate-server (

    • sales-server (

  • AC 7010 Aruba Cloud Services Controller running ArubaOS.

  • Aruba AP wireless access controller running ArubaOS.

    The Aruba AP is connected to the AC7010.

    Wireless users connect to the CPPM through the Aruba AP.

  • Juniper Networks EX4300 switch used as the wired 802.1 access device.

    Wired users connect to the CPPM using the EX4300 switch.

  • Six end-user systems:

    • Three wired network-connected PCs running Microsoft OS

    • Two BYOD devices that access the network through the Aruba AP access device

    • One wireless laptop running Microsoft OS


You can configure the user query function to enable the SRX Series Firewall to obtain authenticated user identity information from the CPPM for an individual user when the device’s ClearPass authentication table does not contain an entry for that user. The SRX Series Firewall bases the query on the IP address of the user’s device that generated the traffic issuing from the access request.

There are a number of reasons why the device might not already have authentication information from the CPPM for a particular user. For example, it can happen that a user has not already been authenticated by the CPPM. This condition could occur if a user joined the network through an access layer that is not on a managed switch or WLAN.

The user query function provides a means for the SRX Series Firewall to obtain user authentication and identity information from the CPPM for a user for whom the CPPM did not post that information to the SRX Series Firewall using the Web API. When the device receives an access request from a user for which there is not an entry in its ClearPass authentication table, it will automatically query the CPPM for it if this function is configured.

Figure 4 shows the user query flow process, which encompasses the following steps:

  1. A user attempts to access a resource. The SRX Series Firewall receives the traffic requesting access. The device searches for an entry for the user in its ClearPass authentication table, but none is found.

  2. The device requests authentication for the user from the CPPM.

  3. The CPPM authenticates the user and returns the user authentication and identity information to the device.

  4. The device creates an entry for the user in its ClearPass authentication table, and grants the user access to the Internet.

Figure 4: User Query Function ProcessUser Query Function Process

For details on the parameters that you can use to control when the device issues the query, see Understanding the Integrated ClearPass Authentication and Enforcement User Query Function.


You can also manually query the CPPM for authentication information for an individual user when this feature is configured.

The ClearPass endpoint API requires use of OAuth (RFC 6749) to authenticate and authorize access to it. For the device to be able to query the CPPM for individual user authentication and authorization information, it must acquire an access token. For this purpose, the device uses the Client Credentials access token grant type, which is one of the two types that ClearPass supports.

As administrator of the ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM), you must create an API client on the CPPM with the grant_type set to “client_credentials”. You can then configure the device to use that information to obtain an access token. Here is an example of the message format for doing this:

A successful request from the device to obtain an access token results in a response that is similar to the following example:

Before the access token expires, the device can obtain a new token using the same message.


Figure 5 shows the overall topology for this deployment, which encompasses the user query environment.

Figure 5: Topology for the Overall Deployment that Includes User Query Topology for the Overall Deployment that Includes User Query


To enable and configure the user query function, perform these tasks:

CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following statements, paste them into a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the statements into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

Configure the User Query Function (Optional)

Step-by-Step Procedure

Configure the user query function to allow the SRX Series Firewall to connect automatically to the ClearPass client to make requests for authentication information for individual users.

The user query function supplements input from the CPPM sent using the Web API. The Web API daemon does not need to be enabled for the user query function to work. For the user query function, the SRX Series Firewall is the HTTP client. By it sends HTTPS requests to the CPPM on port 443.

To enable the SRX Series Firewall to make individual user queries automatically:

  1. Configure Aruba ClearPass as the authentication source for user query requests, and configure the ClearPass webserver name and its IP address. The device requires this information to contact the ClearPass webserver.

    Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D130, you can configure Aruba Clearpass server IP address with IPv6 address, in addition to IPv4 address. Prior to Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D130, IPv4 address was only supported.


    You must specify aruba-clearpass as the authentication source.


    You can configure only one ClearPass webserver.

    Optionally, configure the port number and connection method, or accept the following values for these parameters. This example assumes the default values.

    • connect-method (default is HTTPS)

    • port (by default, the device sends HTTPS requests to the CPPM on port 443

    However, if you were to explicitly configure the connection method and port, you would use these statements:

  2. (Optional) Configure the ClearPass CA certificate file for the device to use to verify the ClearPass webserver. (The default certificate is assumed if none is configured.)

    The ca-certificate enables the SRX Series Firewall to verify the authenticity of the ClearPass webserver and that it is trusted.

    Before you configure the certificate, as administrator of the ClearPass device you must take the following actions:

    • Export the ClearPass webserver’s certificate from CPPM and import the certificate to the device.

    • Configure the ca-certificate as the path, including its CA filename, as located on the SRX Series Firewall. In this example, the following path is used:

  3. Configure the client ID and the secret that the SRX Series Firewall requires to obtain an access token required for user queries.

    The client ID and the client secret are required values. They must be consistent with the client configuration on the CPPM.


    When you configure the client on the CPPM, copy the client ID and secret to use in the device configuration.

  4. Configure the token API that is used in generating the URL for acquiring an access token.


    You must specify the token API. It does not have a default value.

    In this example, the token API is api/oauth. It is combined with the following information to generate the complete URL for acquiring an access token

    • The connection method is HTTPS.

    • In this example, the IP address of the ClearPass webserver is

  5. Configure the query API to use for querying individual user authentication and identity information.

    In this example, the query-api is api/vi/insight/endpoint/ip/$IP$. It is combined with the URL resulting in$IP$.

    The $IP variable is replaced with the IP address of the end-user’s device for the user whose authentication information the SRX Series is requesting.

  6. Configure the amount of time in seconds to delay before the device sends the individual user query.

Manually Issuing a Query to the CPPM for Individual User Authentication Information (Optional)

Step-by-Step Procedure
  • Configure the following statement to manually request authentication information for the user whose device’s IP address is


Use the following procedures to verify that the user query function is behaving as expected:

Verifying That the ClearPass Webserver Is Online


Ensure that the ClearPass webserver is online, which is the first mean of verifying that the user query request can complete successfully.


Enter the show service user-identification authentication-source authentication-source user-query status command to verify that ClearPass is online.

Enabling Trace and Checking the Output


Display in the trace log any error messages generated by the user query function.


Set the trace log file name and enable trace using the following commands:

Determining If the User Query Function Is Executing Normally


Determine if there is a problem with user query function behavior.


Check syslog messages to determine if the user query request failed.

If it failed, the following error message is reported:

The reason might be “server unconnected” or “socket error”.

Determining If a Problem Exists by Relying on User Query Counters


Display the user query counters to home in on the problem, if one exists, by entering the show service user-identification authentication-source authentication-source user-query counters command.


The timestamp returned by ClearPass in response to the user query request can be specified in any of the ISO 8601 formats, including the format that includes a time zone.


Example: Configure ClearPass to Filter and Rate-limit Threat and Attack Logs

The SRX Series Firewall can dynamically send to the ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM) information about threats and attacks identified by its security modules that protect network resources. It detects attack and attack threats that pertain to the activity of specific devices and their users, and it generates corresponding logs. To control this transmission, you must configure the type of logs to be sent and the rate at which they are sent. You can then use this information in setting policy rules on the CPPM to harden your network security.

This example shows how to configure the SRX Series integrated ClearPass authentication and enforcement feature to filter and transmit only threat and attack logs to the CPPM and to control the volume and rate at which the SRX Series Firewall transmits them.


The topology for this example uses the following hardware and software components:

  • Aruba CPPM implemented in a virtual machine (VM) on a server. The CPPM is configured to use its local authentication source to authenticate users.

  • SRX Series Firewall running Junos OS that includes the integrated ClearPass feature. The SRX Series Firewall is connected to the Juniper Networks EX4300 switch and to the Internet. The SRX Series Firewall communicates with ClearPass over a secure connection.

  • Juniper Networks EX4300 switch used as the wired 802.1 access device. The EX4300 Layer 2 switch connects the endpoint users to the network. The SRX Series Firewall is connected to the switch.

  • Wired, network-connected PC running Microsoft OS. The system is directly connected to the EX4300 switch.

    Threat and attack logs are written for activity from these devices triggered by events that the security features catch and protect against.


The SRX Series integrated ClearPass authentication and enforcement feature participates with Aruba ClearPass in protecting your company’s resources against actual and potential attacks. The SRX Series Firewall informs the CPPM about threats to your network resources and attacks against them through logs that it sends. You can then use this information to assess configuration of your security policy on the CPPM. Based on this information, you can harden your security in regard to individual users or devices.

To control the behavior of this feature, you must configure the SRX Series Firewall to filter for attack and threat log entries and set rate-limiting conditions.

You can tune the behavior of this function in the following ways:

  • Set a filter to direct the SRX Series Firewall to send only threat and attack logs to the CPPM. This filter allows you to ensure that the SRX Series Firewall and the log server do not need to handle irrelevant logs.

  • Establish rate limit conditions to control the volume of logs that are sent.

    You set the rate-limit parameter to control the volume and rate that logs are sent. For example, you can set the rate-limit parameter to 1000 to specify that a maximum of 1000 logs are sent to ClearPass in 1 second. In this case, if there is an attempt to send 1015 logs, the number of logs over the limit—15 logs, in this case—would be dropped. The logs are not queued or buffered.

You can configure a maximum of three log streams with each individual log defined by its destination, log format, filter, and rate limit. Log messages are sent to all configured log streams. Each stream is individually rate-limited.


To support rate-limiting, log messages are sent out from the device’s local SPU at a divided rate. In the configuration process, the Routing Engine assigns a divided rate to each SPU. The divided rate is equal to the configured rate divided by the number of SPUs on the device:


Figure 6shows the topology for this example.

Figure 6: Integrated ClearPass Authentication and Enforcement Deployment TopologyIntegrated ClearPass Authentication and Enforcement Deployment Topology


This example covers how to configure a filter to select threat and attack logs to be sent to ClearPass. It also covers how to set a rate limiter to control the volume of logs sent during a given period. It includes these parts:

CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following statements, paste them into a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the statements into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level, and then enter commit from configuration mode.

Configuring Integrated ClearPass Authentication and Enforcement to Filter for Threat and Attack Logs Sent to the CPPM

Step-by-Step Procedure
  1. Specify a name for the log stream and the IP address of its destination.

  2. Set the log mode to stream.

  3. Set the host source interface number.

  4. Set the log stream to use the structured syslog format for sending logs to ClearPass through syslog.

  5. Specify the type of events to be logged.


    This configuration is mutually exclusive in relation to the current category set for the filter.

  6. Set rate limiting for this stream. The range is from 1 through 65,535.

    This example specifies that up to 1000 logs per second can be sent to ClearPass. When the maximum is reached, any additional logs are dropped.


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration for interfaces by entering the show interfaces command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

Example: Configure ClearPass with JIMS

This example shows how to enable Juniper Identity Management Service (JIMS) and ClearPass at the same time for user identity information, and verify how JIMS and ClearPass works at the same time. Also, this example explains which authentication entries are given first preference and how the timeouts behave for JIMS and ClearPass.


This example uses the following hardware and software components:

  • An SRX Series Firewall.

  • An IP address of the JIMS server.

  • ClearPass client IP address.

  • Aruba ClearPass Policy Manager (CPPM). The CPPM is configured to use its local authentication source to authenticate users.


    It is assumed that the CPPM is configured to provide the SRX Series Firewall with user authentication and identity information, including the username, a list of the names of any groups that the user belongs to, the IP addresses of the devices used, and the device posture token.


An SRX Series Firewall obtains the user or device identity information from different authentication sources. After the SRX Series Firewall obtains the device identity information, it creates an entry in the device identity authentication table. The SRX Series Firewall relies on JIMS and ClearPass for user identity information. By enabling JIMS and ClearPass at the same time, an SRX Series Firewall queries JIMS to obtain user identity information from Active Directory and the exchange servers, and CPPM pushes the user authentication and identity information to the SRX Series Firewall through Web API.

When both JIMS IP query and ClearPass user query are enabled, SRX Series Firewall always queries ClearPass first. When the IP-user or group mapping is received from both JIMS and CPPM, an SRX Series Firewall considers the latest authentication entries and overwrites the existing authentication entries. You can set a delay-query-time parameter, specified in seconds, that allows the SRX Series Firewall to wait for a period of time before sending the query. When JIMS and ClearPass are enabled, the delay time should be the same value for each other. Otherwise, an error message is displayed and the commit check fails.


CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, and then copy and paste the commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level.


Step-by-Step Procedure

To configure JIMS and ClearPass at the same time, use the following configurations:

  1. Configure the IP address of the primary JIMS server.

  2. Configure the client ID that the SRX Series provides to the JIMS primary server as part of its authentication.

  3. Configure the client secret that the SRX Series provides to the JIMS primary server as part of its authentication.

  4. Configure Aruba ClearPass as the authentication source for user query requests, and configure the ClearPass webserver name and its IP address. The SRX Series Firewall requires this information to contact the ClearPass webserver.

  5. Configure the client ID and the client secret that the SRX Series Firewall requires obtaining an access token required for user queries.

  6. Configure the token API that is used in generating the URL for acquiring an access token.

  7. Configure the query API to use for querying individual user authentication and identity information.

  8. Configure the Web API daemon username and password for the account.

  9. Configure the Web API client address–that is, the IP address of the ClearPass webserver’s data port.

  10. Configure the Web API process HTTPS service port.

  11. Configure an authentication entry timeout value for Aruba ClearPass.

  12. Configure an independent timeout value to be assigned to invalid user authentication entries in the SRX Series authentication table for Aruba ClearPass.

  13. Configure an independent timeout value to be assigned to invalid user authentication entries in the SRX Series authentication table for JIMS.

  14. Set a query-delay-time parameter, specified in seconds, that allows the SRX Series Firewall to wait for a period of time before sending the query.

  15. Set a query-delay-time parameter, specified in seconds, that allows the SRX Series Firewall to wait for a period of time before sending the query.


From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show system services webapi, command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show services user-identification authentication-source aruba-clearpass command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show services user-identification identity-management command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the instructions in this example to correct the configuration.

If you are done configuring the devices, enter commit from configuration mode.


Confirm that the configuration is working properly.

Verifying JIMS Authentication Entries


Verify that the device identity authentication table for JIMS is updated.


Enter the show services user-identification authentication-table authentication-source identity-management source-name "JIMS - Active Directory" node 0 command.


The output displays the authentication entries are updated.

Verifying ClearPass Authentication Entries


Verify that the device identity authentication table for ClearPass is updated.


Enter the show services user-identification authentication-table authentication-source aruba-clearpass node 0 command to verify that entries are updated.


The output displays the authentication entries are getting updated for ClearPass.

Verifying Device Entries by Domain


Verify that all authenticated devices belong to the domain.


Enter the show services user-identification device-information table all domain node 0 command.


The output displays all authenticated devices that belong to the domain.

Verifying ClearPass Webserver Is Online


Verify that the ClearPass webserver is online.


Enter the show services user-identification authentication-source aruba-clearpass user-query status command.


The output displays the ClearPass webserver is online.

Verifying JIMS Server Is Online


Verify that the JIMS server is online.


Enter the show services user-identification identity-management status command.


The output displays the JIMS server is online.