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Minimum Security Association Configurations

The following sections show the minimum configurations necessary to set up security associations (SAs) for IPsec services:

Minimum Manual SA Configuration

To define a manual SA configuration, you must include at least the following statements at the [edit services ipsec-vpn rule rule-name term term-name then manual] hierarchy level:

Minimum Dynamic SA Configuration

To define a dynamic SA configuration, you must include at least the following statements at the [edit services ipsec-vpn] hierarchy level:

  • Starting with Junos OS Release 11.4, both IKEv1 and IKEv2 are supported by default on all M Series, MX Series, and T Series routers. The version statement at the [edit services ipsec-vpn ike policy name] hierarchy level allows you to configure the specific IKE version to be supported.

  • The mode statement at the [edit services ipsec-vpn ike policy name] hierarchy level is required only if the version option is set to 1.

You must also include the ipsec-policy statement at the [edit services ipsec-vpn rule rule-name term term-name then dynamic] hierarchy level.