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Specify the Source for Configuration Information Requests Using NETCONF

In a NETCONF session with a device running Junos OS, to request information from the candidate configuration or open configuration database, a client application includes the <source> element and <candidate/> tag within the <rpc> and <get-config> tag elements.


If a client application issues the Junos XML protocol <open-configuration> operation to open a specific configuration database before executing the <get-config> operation, setting the source to <candidate/> retrieves the configuration data from the open configuration database. Otherwise, the server returns the configuration data from the candidate configuration.

To request information from the active configuration—the one most recently committed on the device—a client application includes the <source> tag element and <running/> tag enclosed within the <rpc> and <get-config> tag elements.


If a client application is requesting the entire configuration, it omits the <filter> tag element.

The NETCONF server encloses its reply in <rpc-reply>, <data>, and <configuration> tag elements. In the opening <configuration> tag, it includes the xmlns attribute to specify the namespace for the enclosed tag elements.

When returning information from the candidate configuration or open configuration database, the NETCONF server includes attributes that indicate when the configuration last changed (they appear on multiple lines here only for legibility).

junos:changed-localtime represents the time of the last change as the date and time in the device’s local time zone.

junos:changed-seconds represents the time of the last change as the number of seconds since midnight on 1 January 1970.

When returning information from the active configuration, the NETCONF server includes attributes that indicate when the configuration was committed (they appear on multiple lines here only for legibility).

junos:commit-localtime represents the commit time as the date and time in the device’s local time zone.

junos:commit-seconds represents the commit time as the number of seconds since midnight on 1 January 1970.

junos:commit-user specifies the Junos OS username of the user who requested the commit operation.