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Release Notes: Junos OS Release 22.4R1
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Open Issues

date_range 12-Jan-23

Learn about open issues in this release for EX Series switches.

For the most complete and latest information about known Junos OS defects, use the Juniper Networks online Junos Problem Report Search application.

Class of Service (CoS)

  • On all Junos OS platforms, in a scaled scenario when some of the ge/xe/et interfaces are members of aggregated Ethernet (AE) and the Class of Service (CoS) forwarding-class-set configuration is applied with a wildcard for all the physical interfaces and aggregated Ethernet interfaces, it might trigger a Flexible PIC Concentrators (FPC) crash which leads to traffic loss. PR1688455


  • After Routing Engine switchover, a momentary traffic loss may be observed with EVPN VxLAN on EX4400 switches. PR1659315

General Routing

  • runt, fragment and jabber counters are not incrementing on EX4300-MPs. PR1492605

  • On EX2300, EX3400,EX4300-48MP and EX4300, pause frames counters does not get incremented when pause frames are sent. PR1580560

  • In rare circumstances when doing Routing Engine switchover, the routing protocol daemon in former active Routing Engine (new backup Routing Engine) might restart generating a core file while in process of being terminated.PR1589432

  • EX4100-24mp,48mp,24p/t,48p/t,F-24p/t,F-48-p/t: In an interop scenario, when using 1G SFP Optic on PIC-2, auto-negotiation should be disabled on the peer. PR1657766

  • EX4100 MACsec interface statistics of encrypted/decrypted bytes do not increment further after reaching a 40-bit limit (1099511627775). PR1658584

  • If MVRP is enabled on an MSTP enabled interface, the interface will be made part of all the existing instances on the switch, Therefore, if there are two interfaces between R1 and R2 as below: R1(et-0/0/1 and et-0/0/2)======(et-0/0/1 and et-0/0/2)R2. And one interface is MVRP enabled (say et-0/0/1), and et-0/0/2 is not MVRP enabled. By configuration et-0/0/1 is part of MSTI-1 and et-0/0/2 is part of MSTI-2. MSTI-1 is running on vlan-100 and MSTI-2 is running on Vlan-200. R2 in this case, is advertising only vlan-100. The MVRP enabled interface will become part of all the MSTIs(MSTI-1 and MSTI-2 both) configured on the device and it will take part in the FSM of all the MSTIs. Although et-0/0/1 is not member interface of vlan-200 (correspnding to MSTI-2). This potentially can cause a problem where et-0/0/1 although not a vlan-200 member, will go into FWD state and et-0/0/2, genuine member of vlan-200 goes into BLK state for MSTI-2. Therefore, when traffic is received in vlan-200 it will be sent out of et-0/0/1, an it will be dropped.PR1686596

  • Traffic loss could be seen in case configuration changes lead to switching from fallback to primary or vice-versa are committed, while SAK rollover from current live session is in progress. The issue is dependent on sequence of event at specific time. Example - MACsec session is live with primary key and at non-keyserver CAK for primary is changed this will lead to switching to fallback session, in case at same instance SAK rollover was triggered by Key-server then traffic loss will be observed.PR1698687

  • On EX Series, QFX5000, and MX Series platforms having persistent binding for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) snooping configured might cause Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) space exhaustion for DHCP snooping learning on the trusted port after the device reboot.PR1699777

  • On EX4400 platforms in the EVPN-VXLAN environment, the overlay equal-cost multipath (ECMP) route does not get programmed in hardware resulting in traffic drops when hierarchal overlay ECMP is configured.PR1704470

Interfaces and Chassis

  • On Junos OS platforms such as EX4600 and QFX5100 line of switches configured with Virtual Chassis (VC), if a master member is unplugged or forced to power off, the unicast traffic is dropped due to mac-persistence-timer expiry there is a difference in mac addresses between logical aggregated parent interface and member aggregated ethernet(ae) interface.PR1695663

Layer 2 Ethernet Services

  • When an EX3400 Virtual Chassis (VC) member is zeroized or if it powered on for the first time after halt, set chassis auto-image-upgrade configuration is removed during the process of VC formation. Absence of this configuration will not allow the user to download configuration and images via ZTP. PR1694952

Layer 2 Features

  • The memory leak might occur because of the eswd daemon on EX Series platforms. A message like the following is displayed in the system log: eswd[1330]: JTASK_OS_MEMHIGH: Using 212353 KB of memory, 158 percent of available /kernel: KERNEL_MEMORY_CRITICAL: System low on free memory, notifying init (#2). /kernel: Process (1254,eswd) has exceeded 85% of RLIMIT_DATA: used 114700 KB Max 131072 KB. PR1262563

Platform and Infrastructure

  • On EX4300 platform, if encapsulation ethernet-bridge is configured, the interface is getting programmed as trunk instead of access in VLAN membership. This leads to untagged traffic drop. PR1665785

  • On EX4300-24T, EX4300-48P, EX4300-VC, EX430024P, EX430032F and EX430048T platforms, when a VLAN Spanning Tree Protocol (VSTP) Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) arrives with a VLAN ID that is not configured in the switch, but that matches with an hardware token of any other configured VLAN, the VLAN ID of the BPDU will be changed to the VLAN ID corresponding to the matched hardware token and flooded. This disrupts STP convergence on the configured VLAN because some ports can incorrectly go into blocking state. PR1673000

Virtual Chassis

  • On Junos OS EX4600 Virtual Chassis (VC), the master Routing Engine reboot and all-members reboot lead to the Packet Forwarding Engine manager hogging logs when SFP-T pluggable is installed in. The Packet Forwarding Engine manager hogging logs has no functionality impact (PR 1641556).PR1685067

  • When you execute request system reboot all members command on EX4600 Virtual Chassis, one of the FPCs may disconnect and join the Virtual Chassis back post reboot. The FPC reboots with reason "FXPC_RENESAUS_RETRY_FAILURE: fxpc_fpga_fpc_ideeprom_read: FAILED retry to Renesaus chip". This issue may be hit approximately once in 10-12 attempts of executing the CLI command request system reboot all members. PR1700133
