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Campus Fabric Core-Distribution CRB Using Juniper Mist Wired Assurance— Juniper Validated Design (JVD)

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Juniper Mist Wired Assurance provides real-time status related to the health of the Campus Fabric Core-Distribution CRB deployment using telemetry such as BGP neighbor status and TX/RX port statistics. The following screenshots are taken from the Campus Fabric Core-Distribution CRB build by accessing the campus fabric option under the Organization > Wired > Campus Fabric path of the portal:

Figure 1: Core1 Insights Core1 Insights
Figure 2: Dist1 Insights Dist1 Insights
Figure 3: Access1 Insights Access1 Insights

From this view, Mist also provides remote accessibility into each device’s console through the Remote Shell option as well as rich telemetry through the Switch Insights option. Remote Shell has been demonstrated throughout this document when displaying real-time operational status of each device during the verification stage.

Switch Insights of Dist1 displays historical telemetry including BGP peering status critical to the health of the campus fabric:

Figure 4: Single Switch Insights Single Switch Insights