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Campus Fabric Core-Distribution ERB Using Juniper Mist Wired Assurance— Juniper Validated Design (JVD)

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date_range 22-Jul-24

The following simple guidelines will help you to successfully implement a campus fabric ERB design into your network.

  • Review the JVD extension for WAN router integration.
    • For this fabric type, we recommend using the Layer 3 eBGP integration approach.
  • All fabric networks should be configured in the following way to avoid inconsistency:
    • First, create them as part of your switch template for a site.
    • Then, import the created networks as part of the campus fabric dialogue and assign to VRFs.
    • Even if the system allows you a local network creation on a switch, do not use this option.
  • Do not manually configure VRFs locally on any switch. The fabric usually does this automatically on an as-needed basis.
    • The current exception to this rule is Layer 2 WAN router integration via transport VLAN. Please review the JVD extension for WAN router integration and follow the example in the appendix.
  • When using DHCP relay, configuration for the fabric:
    • Configure a “Loopback per-VRF subnet” pool range.
    • Include the pool range as sharing host routes with your WAN router as the loopback IP addresses get assigned as /32 across all of the VRFs shared on the fabric.
    • Only use the fabric dialogue for configuring DHCP relay and no local configuration directly on a switch.
    • There is a planned JVD extension which covers DHCP relay configuration. Please look to see if it is available.
  • Consider Juniper Mist Edge integration when you have more than 2,000 wireless clients.
    • Each Juniper Mist Edge should only connect via LAG to a single service block function.
    • Design for stickiness at a single Juniper Mist Edge until failover must happen.
  • Unassigned access ports should be configured with a quarantine VLAN via a template.
    • If possible, use a different VRF for the quarantine VLAN to isolate this traffic.
    • Best practice is also enabling “STP Edge” in the quarantine Port Profile.