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Campus Fabric DHCP Relay—Juniper Validated Design Extension (JVDE)

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About this Document

date_range 21-Oct-24

This document covers how to successfully implement DHCP relay with all existing campus fabric types. Part of the integration of almost all campus fabric installations is the need to provide a scalable and redundant way to assign DHCP leases to wired and wireless clients. Most customers design and use their own DHCP servers that need to be integrated into the design as they also provide integration into other systems such as DNS or security functions such as Network Access Control (NAC). In this case, the campus fabric is instructed to forward the DHCP lease response through a DHCP relay function from the customer-provided DHCP server responding to the original lease request of the client. The reader of this JVD will find the different architectures and forwarding options explained and how they operate. The appendix of this JVD contains two example configurations from two major third-party DHCP server vendors and configuration examples for two fabric types tested.
