- play_arrow Troubleshoot Paragon Automation Installation
- Resolve Configuration File Merge Conflicts
- Troubleshoot Backup and Restore Issues
- Troubleshoot RabbitMQ Cluster Failure
- Use Log Files to Debug Issues
- Troubleshoot Issues with Ceph and Rook
- Troubleshoot Air-Gap Installation Failure
- Renew kubeadm-managed Certificates Manually
- Recover the Device Controller Group
- Create Controller Playbook Manually
- Troubleshoot Using the paragon CLI Utility
- play_arrow Debug Paragon Automation Components
- play_arrow Troubleshoot Paragon Pathfinder
- General Troubleshooting Techniques
- LSP Controller Statuses Overview
- The Operational State of the LSP Is Down
- LSPs Missing from the Network Information Table
- Topology Not Displayed in the GUI
- Changes Not Reflected in the GUI
- Topology Displayed in the GUI Is Incorrect
- PCS Out of Sync with Toposerver
- PCCs Are Not PCEP-Enabled
- play_arrow Troubleshoot Paragon Planner
Debug No-Data
You are unable to determine why a device or rule displays a “no-data” status on the Configuration > Devices page and the Configuration > Rules page. You are unable to debug this error.
You can use the debug no-data tool to determine why a device or rule displays a “no-data” status. The tool goes through a step-by-step process to determine at which stage incoming data gets dropped or blocked.
The step-by-step process is as follows:
Verifies that all common and device group-related services are up and running.
Tests connectivity to the device by using ping and SSH.
Verifies that configured ingest sessions are established.
This verification is limited to OpenConfig, iAgent, and SNMP-based ingests.
Verifies whether the ingest is receiving any raw data from the devices.
(Within rules) Verifies that the fields process sensor-related information and that this information is populated in the database.
(Within rules) Verifies that the trigger settings work as intended and that trigger status information is populated in the database.
Checks for API timeouts that might be affecting the GUI.
To debug the no-data status of a device or rule:
Access the debug no-data tool by navigating to either of the following pages:
Monitoring > Network Health
On this page, click any tile that shows "no-data."
Configuration > Data Ingest > Diagnostics
The Diagnostics page appears.
Click No Data to view the No-Data Settings tabbed page.
From the No-Data Settings tabbed page, configure the following settings:
Select a device group from the Device Group drop-down list.
Select a device from the Device drop-down list.
Select a topic from the Topic drop-down list.
Select one or more rules from the Rule(s) drop-down list.
Click Test to run the debug no-data test.
The test results appear after a few minutes.
The color coding for the test results is as follows:
Green status = pass
Yellow status = error (unable to test)
Red status = fail (test failed)
Yellow or red status includes a message with details about the issue.
High-level information about the results of the test is also displayed.