- play_arrow Introduction
- play_arrow Main Window
- play_arrow File Manager
- play_arrow Topology Window
- play_arrow File Menu
- play_arrow Import Network Wizard
- play_arrow Network Menu
- Network Menu Overview
- Network Menu: Summary
- Network Menu: Nodes
- Network Menu: Links
- Network Menu: Interfaces
- Network Menu: Demands
- Network Menu: Tunnels
- Network Menu: Sites
- Network Menu: SRLG
- Network Menu: Owners
- Network Menu: Templates
- Network Menu: OSPF Areas/Domains
- Network Menu: QoS Manager
- Network Menu: Service Type
- Network Menu: Admin Weight
- Network Menu: Path and Capacity
- Network Menu: Show Site Demands
- Network Menu: Aggregate Demands/Tunnels
- play_arrow Design Menu
- play_arrow Traffic Menu
- play_arrow Inventory Menu
- play_arrow Report Manager
- play_arrow Admin Menu
- play_arrow Tools Menu
- play_arrow Appendix A: Input Files Format
- play_arrow Appendix B: Search Preferences
Simulation Menu: Predefined and Interactive Scenarios
Scripted simulations are predefined simulation scenarios, which provide a quick and easy way for you to test the network's resiliency to various failures. For each script, a failure report is automatically generated.
Before running a scripted, or batch simulation, be sure to review your failure simulation option settings. These can be accessed by selecting Tools > Options > Failure Simulation, and are described in detail in Tools: Options Menu. By default, an exhaustive failure simulation will fail all elements one for each simulation. To specify not to fail certain nodes or links, first modify the node (Design Properties tab) or link (Properties tab) and set FAIL=0 to true.