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Adding or Replacing a QFX3100 Director Device in a QFabric System

date_range 13-Sep-17

The Director group in a QFabric system automatically recognizes when devices are added or replaced in the QFabric system. The Director group sends each device its own portion of the Junos OS configuration and adds them to the QFabric system inventory.

Before you replace a QFX3100 Director device in a QFabric system:

  • Ensure that you have taken the necessary precautions to prevent electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage. See Prevention of Electrostatic Discharge Damage.

  • If possible, install the replacement QFX3100 Director device and connect it to power to minimize the amount of time it takes to replace the device.

Ensure that you have the following parts and tools available to replace the device:

  • An ESD grounding strap

  • An external management device such as a PC

  • An RJ-45 to DB-9 rollover cable to connect the external management device to the console port

  • A 4-gigabyte (GB) USB flash drive

Powering Off and Removing the Old QFX3100 Director Device

If you are replacing a device, power off the QFX3100 Director device that you will remove from the QFabric system:

  1. Log in to the default partition of your QFabric system. See Gaining Access to the QFabric System Through the Default Partition.
  2. Shut down the Director device by issuing the request system halt director-device director-device-name operational mode CLI command. This command shuts down the device gracefully and preserves system state information. A message appears on the console, confirming that the operating system has halted.
  3. Observe the power supply faceplate LEDs. The AC power supply LED should turn off.
  4. Uncable the old QFX3100 Director device. Label each cable as you remove it, so that you can easily connect the replacement Director device.

Update the New QFX3100 Director Device Software

To update the new QFX3100 Director device software:

  1. Perform a recovery installation to upgrade the software to the same version that is on the existing Director device. See Performing a QFabric System Recovery Installation on the Director Group.

    You do not need to complete the steps to restore the backup configuration file. The Director device will receive the correct configuration from the other QFX3100 Director device.

  2. Shut down the Director device by issuing the request system halt director-device director-device-name operational mode CLI command. This command shuts down the device gracefully and preserves system state information. A message appears on the console, confirming that the operating system has halted.
  3. Observe the power supply faceplate LEDs. The AC power supply LED should turn off.

Adding the New QFX3100 Director Device to the QFabric System

To add a new QFX3100 Director device to the QFabric system:

  1. Install the new device and connect the QFX3100 Director device to power. See Installing and Connecting a QFX3100 Director Device for more information about mounting the device in a rack and connecting the device to power.
  2. Interconnect the two QFX3100 Director devices for control plane redundancy. See Connecting QFX3100 Director Devices in a Director Group.
  3. Connect the QFX3100 Director device to the control plane network. See Connecting QFX3100 Director Devices to a Copper-Based QFX3000-G QFabric System Control Plane Network, Connecting QFX3100 Director Devices to a Fiber-Based QFX3000-G QFabric System Control Plane Network, Connecting QFX3100 Director Devices to a Copper-Based QFX3000-M QFabric System Control Plane Network, or Connecting QFX3100 Director Devices to a Fiber-Based QFX3000-M QFabric System Control Plane Network.
  4. Power on the new Director device. The new Director device will synchronize its database with the existing Director device. See Powering On a QFX3100 Director Device for more information about powering on the Director device.
  5. Verify that the QFX3100 Director device has been added to the QFabric system using the show fabric administration inventory director-group status operational-mode CLI command from the QFabric default partition CLI.

    You see the following output (or something similar) after entering the command:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    Director Group Status Thu Aug  2 17:36:34 UTC 2012
     Member Status Role     Mgmt Address    CPU Free Memory VMs Up Time
     ------ ------ -------- --------------- --- ----------- --- -------------
     dg0    online master    8%  15191684k   4   6 days, 06:24 hrs
     dg1    online backup    7%  17733160k   3   6 days, 06:24 hrs
     Member Device Id/Alias  Status  Role
     ------ ---------------- ------- ---------
     dg0    0281052011000001 online  master   
      Master Services
      Database Server                online    
      Load Balancer Director         online    
      QFabric Partition Address      online    
      Director Group Managed Services
      Shared File System             online    
      Network File System            online    
      Virtual Machine Server         online    
      Load Balancer/DHCP             online    
      Hard Drive Status
      Physical ID:0                  online     
      Physical ID:1                  online     
      Size  Used Avail Used% Mounted on 
      ----  ---- ----- ----- ----------
      423G 9.4G 391G  3%   /          
      99M  16M  79M   17%  /boot      
      93G  11G  83G   12%  /pbdata    
      Director Group Processes
      Director Group Manager         online    
      Partition Manager              online    
      Software Mirroring             online    
      Shared File System master      online    
      Secure Shell Process           online    
      Network File System            online    
      DHCP Server master             online     master                           
      FTP Server                     online    
      Syslog                         online    
      Distributed Management         online    
      SNMP Trap Forwarder            online    
      SNMP Process                   online    
      Platform Management            online    
      Interface Link Status
      Management Interface           up        
      Control Plane Bridge           up        
      Control Plane LAG              up        
      CP Link [0/2]                  up        
      CP Link [0/1]                  up        
      CP Link [0/0]                  up        
      CP Link [1/2]                  down      
      CP Link [1/1]                  down      
      CP Link [1/0]                  down      
      Crossover LAG                  up        
      CP Link [0/3]                  up        
      CP Link [1/3]                  up        
     Member Device Id/Alias  Status  Role
     ------ ---------------- ------- ---------
     dg1    0281052011000032 online  backup   
      Director Group Managed Services
      Shared File System             online    
      Network File System            online    
      Virtual Machine Server         online    
      Load Balancer/DHCP             online    
      Hard Drive Status
      Physical ID:0                  online     
      Physical ID:1                  online     
      Size  Used Avail Used% Mounted on 
      ----  ---- ----- ----- ----------
      423G 9.8G 391G  3%   /          
      99M  16M  79M   17%  /boot      
      93G  11G  83G   12%  /pbdata    
      Director Group Processes
      Director Group Manager         online    
      Partition Manager              online    
      Software Mirroring             online    
      Shared File System master      online    
      Secure Shell Process           online    
      Network File System            online    
      DHCP Server master             online     backup                           
      FTP Server                     online    
      Syslog                         online    
      Distributed Management         online    
      SNMP Trap Forwarder            online    
      SNMP Process                   online    
      Platform Management            online    
      Interface Link Status
      Management Interface           up        
      Control Plane Bridge           up        
      Control Plane LAG              up        
      CP Link [0/2]                  up        
      CP Link [0/1]                  up        
      CP Link [0/0]                  up        
      CP Link [1/2]                  down      
      CP Link [1/1]                  down      
      CP Link [1/0]                  down      
      Crossover LAG                  up        
      CP Link [0/3]                  up        
      CP Link [1/3]                  up
  6. Verify that the Routing Engine services are running on the QFX3100 Director device using the show fabric administration inventory infrastructure operational-mode CLI command from the QFabric default partition CLI.

    You see the following output (or something similar) after entering the command:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    Routing Engine Type     Hostname                      PID      CPU-Use(%)
    Fabric manager          FM-0                          9832      1.0
    Network Node group      QFabric_default_NW-NG-1_RE1   24633     4.2
    Fabric control          QFabric_default_FC-1_RE0      25374     1.8
    Diagnostic              QFabric_DRE                   6789      1.3
    Routing Engine Type     Hostname                      PID      CPU-Use(%)
    Fabric manager          FM-1                          572       1.6
    Network Node group      QFabric_default_NW-NG-0_RE0   19217     7.8
    Fabric control          QFabric_default_FC-0_RE0      20071     1.9