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Configure Junos OS on the QFX5120

QFX5120 Default Configuration

We ship each QFX5120 switch programmed with a factory-default configuration that contains the values set for each configuration parameter. The default configuration file sets values for system parameters such as the system log and file messages.

When you commit changes to the configuration, a new configuration file is created that becomes the active configuration. You can always revert to the factory-default configuration.

This topic shows the factory-default configuration file of a QFX5120 switch:

Connect and Configure a QFX5120 Switch

Before you connect and configure a QFX5120, set the following parameter values on the console server or desktop PC:

  • Baud Rate—9600

  • Data—8

  • Flow Control—None

  • Parity—None

  • Stop Bits—1

  • DCD State—Disregard

Ensure that you have the following parts and tools available:

  • An Ethernet cable with an RJ-45 connector attached—not provided

  • An RJ-45 to DB-9 serial port adapter—not provided

  • A management host such as a laptop or desktop PC, with a serial port—not provided

Have the following information available before you configure custom settings for the switch:

  • Root password

  • IP address of the default gateway

  • IP address of the management port

  • IP address of a DNS server

  • (Optional) Hostname

  • (Optional) IP address of a backup router

  • (Optional) SNMP read community, location, and contact to configure SNMP parameters

  • (Optional) Static routes to remote subnets with access to the management port

  • (Optional) Static routes to remote prefixes with access to the management port

We ship the QFX5120 switch with Junos OS preinstalled and ready to be configured when you power on the switch. You must perform the initial configuration of the QFX5120 through the console port (labeled CON) on the switch by using the command-line interface (CLI).

This procedure describes how to perform the initial configuration on the switch and to connect it to the network. For the complete information about enabling the switch to forward traffic, including examples, see the Junos OS configuration guides.

We no longer include the RJ-45 console cable with the DB-9 adapter as part of the device package. If the console cable and adapter are not included in your device package, or if you need a different type of adapter, you can order the following separately:
  • RJ-45 to DB-9 adapter (JNP-CBL-RJ45-DB9)
  • RJ-45 to USB-A adapter (JNP-CBL-RJ45-USBA)
  • RJ-45 to USB-C adapter (JNP-CBL-RJ45-USBC)

If you want to use RJ-45 to USB-A or RJ-45 to USB-C adapter you must have X64 (64-Bit) Virtual COM port (VCP) driver installed on your PC. See, to download the driver.

To perform the initial configuration on the switch and to connect it to the network:

  1. Power the switch on.
  2. Connect the console port (labeled CON) on the switch to a management host such as a laptop or desktop PC by using an RJ-45 to DB-9 serial port adapter.
  3. At the Junos OS login prompt, type root to log in. You don't need to enter a password. If the software boots before you connect to the console port, you might need to press the Enter key on the keyboard for the prompt to appear.
  4. Start the CLI.
  5. Enter the configuration mode.
  6. Add a password to the root administration user account. Enter a plain-text password, an encrypted password, or an SSH public key string.

    Plain-text password:

    Encrypted password:

    SSH-ECDSA password:

    SSH-RSA password:

  7. (Optional) Configure the hostname of the switch. If the name includes spaces, enclose the name in double quotation marks (“ ”).
  8. (Optional) Create a user account.
  9. (Optional) Set the user account class to super-user.
  10. (Optional) Configure the domain name of the switch.
  11. Configure the default gateway.
  12. Configure the IP address and prefix length for the management interface on the switch.

    The management port em0 (labeled MGMT) is located on the front panel of the QFX5120-32C switch. The management port em0 (labeled MGMT) is located on the rear panel of the QFX5120-48T switch. The management ports em0 (labeled C0) and em1 (labeled C1) are located on the rear panel of the QFX5120-48Y and QFX5120-48YM switches.

  13. (Optional) Configure the IP address of a backup router, which is used only while the routing protocol is not running.
  14. Configure the IP address of a DNS server.
  15. (Optional) Configure the static routes to remote subnets with access to the management port. Access to the management port is limited to the local subnet.
  16. (Optional) Configure the static routes to remote prefixes with access to the management port.
  17. Configure the SSH service.
  18. Configure in-band management or out-of-band management:
    • With in-band management, you can configure a network port interface as the management interface and connect it to the management device. In this scenario, you can do either of the following:

      • Use the automatically created VLAN named default for management of all data interfaces as members of the default VLAN. Specify the management IP address and the default gateway.

      • Create a new management VLAN. Specify the VLAN name, VLAN ID, management IP address, and default gateway. Select the ports that must be part of this VLAN.

    • With out-of-band management, you use a dedicated management channel (MGMT, C0, or C1 port) to connect to the management device. Specify the IP address and gateway of the management interface. Use this IP address to connect to the switch.

  19. (Optional) Specify the SNMP read community, location, and contact to configure SNMP parameters.
  20. (Optional) Specify the system date and time. Select the time zone from the list. The configured parameters are displayed.
  21. Enter yes to commit the configuration. The configuration is committed as the active configuration for the switch.
  22. (Optional) Display the configuration to verify that it is correct.
  23. (Optional) Configure additional properties by adding the necessary configuration statements.
  24. Commit the configuration to activate it on the switch.
  25. When you have finished configuring the switch, exit the configuration mode.

You can now log in by using the CLI and continue configuring the switch.