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SAToP Bundle Overview

Structure Agnostic TDM over Packet (SAToP) bundles use a standards-based transport mechanism for T1/E1 circuits that allows them to interoperate with other SAToP-compliant equipment.

SAToP bundles comply with RFC 4553 to provide pseudowire encapsulation (PWE3) for TDM bit streams (T1, E1, T3, E3) that disregards any structure that may be imposed on these streams, in particular the structure imposed by the standard TDM framing.

You can configure SAToP bundles on CTP150 and CTP2000 platforms with T1/E1 interfaces or on CTP2000 platforms with serial interfaces that have T1/E1 daughter cards.

SAToP Encapsulation for E1 Interfaces

Figure 1 shows an example of SAToP encapsulation for E1 interfaces.

Figure 1: SAToP Encapsulation for E1 InterfacesSAToP Encapsulation for E1 Interfaces

SAToP encapsulation works as follows:

  • The entire T1/E1 stream is packetized including all DS0s. The current state of the DS0s is not taken into consideration during this process.

  • The T1/E1 stream is sliced into equal sized packets. The slice position is random and unrelated to the position of the frame bit. In other words, the process is structure agnostic.