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Workspaces User Guide
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Viewing Script Bundles

date_range 03-Jun-21

Junos Space Network Management Platform allows you to group multiple operation (op) and commit scripts into a script bundle. The script bundles that you create are displayed on the Script Bundles page of the Junos Space Platform UI. You can view information about all the script bundles from the Script Bundles page and you can view detailed information about a particular script bundle by using the View Script Bundle Details option.

To view script bundles from the Script Bundles page:

  1. On the Junos Space Platform UI, select Images and Scripts > Script Bundles.

    The Script Bundles page appears, displaying the script bundles created in Junos Space Platform.

    Table 1 describes the fields displayed on the Script Bundles page.

    You can use the filter option on the Script Bundle Name and Domain drop-down lists to specify the filter criteria. When you apply the filters, the page displays only the script bundles that match the filter criteria. The Creation Date and Last Updated Time fields do not support the filter option.

  2. Select a script bundle and click the View Script Bundle Details icon, or double-click the script bundle whose details you want to view.

    The Script Bundle Detail dialog box appears.

    Table 1 also contains the description of fields in the Script Bundle Detail dialog box.

Table 1: Description of Fields on the Script Bundles Page and the Script Bundle Detail dialog box



Displayed In

Script Bundle Name

Name of the script bundle

Script Bundles page


Domain to which the script bundle is assigned. Default domain is Global.

Script Bundles page

Creation Date

Date and time when the script bundle was created

Script Bundles page

Last Updated Time

Date and time when the script bundle was modified

Script Bundles page


Name of the script bundle

Script Bundle Detail dialog box

Scripts Count

Number of scripts in the script bundle

Script Bundle Detail dialog box


Description of the script bundle

Script Bundle Detail dialog box


Sequence number of the script in the script bundle

Script Bundle Detail dialog box

Script Name

Name of the script in the script bundle

Script Bundle Detail dialog box

Descriptive Name

Descriptive name of the script that is specified using the @NAME annotation

Script Bundle Detail dialog box

Script Version

Version number of the script

Script Bundle Detail dialog box
