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Viewing and Acknowledging Inventory Changes on Devices

date_range 10-Jan-22

You can view the list of inventory changes performed on the devices that are managed on Junos Space Network Management Platform. You can also acknowledge the inventory changes on the devices.

To view and acknowledge the list of inventory changes on devices:

  1. On the Network Management Platform user interface, select Devices > Device Management.

    The Device Management page that appears displays the list of devices managed on Junos Space Platform.

  2. Right-click the devices whose inventory changes you need to view or acknowledge and select Device Inventory > View/Acknowledge Inventory Changes.

    The View Inventory Changes page is displayed.


    The View/Acknowledge Inventory Changes task is disabled if there are no pending and acknowledged inventory changes.

    This page displays two tabs: Inventory Changes and Acknowledged Inventory Changes. By default, the Inventory Changes tab is displayed.

    Table 1 describes the columns displayed on the Inventory Changes tab.

    Table 1: Inventory Changes Tab

    Column Name



    ID of the inventory change

    Device Name

    Name of the device

    Component Name

    Name of the component on the device


    XPath of the component on the device

    Serial Number

    Serial number of the device

    Part Number

    Part number of the device


    Type of inventory change performed: Added or Removed.

    Date Time

    Time at which the component was removed from or added to the device

  3. To view the acknowledged inventory changes, select the Acknowledged Inventory Changes tab.

    This tab displays the same columns as on the Inventory Changes tab and an additional column User. The User column specifies the username of the user who acknowledged the inventory change.

  4. To acknowledge the inventory changes, select the Inventory Changes tab.
  5. Select the inventory changes you need to acknowledge and click the Acknowledge icon on the tool bar.

    The Inventory Changes information dialog box is displayed.

  6. Click OK to confirm the inventory changes.

    The inventory changes are acknowledged.
