- play_arrow Log Files and Debug Utilities
- play_arrow Troubleshooting Junos Space Network Management Platform Issues by Using Log Files
- System Status Log File Overview
- Junos Space Network Management Platform Log Files Overview
- Troubleshooting Log File Overview
- Downloading the Troubleshooting Log File in Server Mode
- Downloading the Troubleshooting Log File in Maintenance Mode
- Downloading Troubleshooting System Log Files Through the Junos Space CLI
- Customizing Node System Status Log Checking
- Customizing Node Log Files to Download
- play_arrow Troubleshooting Network Devices by Using Junos Space Debug Utilties
- play_arrow Troubleshooting Junos Space Platform Issues
- play_arrow Troubleshooting Login–Related Issues
- play_arrow Troubleshooting Device Management–Related Issues
- play_arrow Troubleshooting Network Monitoring–Related Issues
- play_arrow Troubleshooting DMI Schema–Related Issues
Junos Space Network Management Platform Widgets
This topic presents a list of workspaces in Junos Space Network Management Platform and the widgets that they display:
The Devices workspace displays the following widgets:
Device Count by Platform—Number of Juniper Networks devices added per device platform
Device Status—Percentage of devices with the UP, Down, or NA connection status
Device Count by OS—Number of devices running a particular Junos OS version
Device Count by Synchronization State—Device discovery targets that were discovered, failed, are managed
For more information about these widgets, refer to the Viewing Device Statistics topic in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
Device Templates
The Device Templates workspace displays the following widgets:
Template Status—Percentage of device templates with the Enabled and Need Review statuses
Template Definition Status—Percentage of device templates that are Published and Unpublished statuses
Template Count by Device Family—Number of device templates created per device family
For more information about these widgets, refer to the Viewing Device Template Statistics and Viewing Template Definition Statistics topics in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
CLI Configlets
The CLI Configlets workspace displays the following widgets:
CLI Configlet Count by Device Family—Number of CLI configlets created per device family
Configuration Viewer Count by Device Family—Number of configuration views per device family
For more information about these widgets, refer to the Viewing CLI Configlet Statistics and Viewing Configuration Views Statistics topics in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
Images and Scripts
The Images and Scripts workspace displays the following widgets:
Device Image Count by Platform Group—Number of device images per platform group
Device Images Count by Version—Number of device images created per Junos OS version
Number of Scripts by Type—Number of scripts created per script type. The script types are : Commit, Op, and Event
Number of Jobs per Script Action—Number of jobs triggered by different script-related actions
For more information about these widgets, refer to the Viewing Statistics for Device Images and Scripts topic in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
The Reports workspace displays the following widgets:
Report Definition Count by User—Number of report definitions created per user
Report Count by User—Number of reports created per user
For more information about these widgets, refer to the Viewing Report Statistics and Viewing Report Definition Statistics topics in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
Network Monitoring
The Network Monitoring workspace displays the following widgets:
Nodes with Pending Problems—Nodes with outstanding alarms
Nodes with Outages—Nodes that reported outages
Availability Over the Past 24 hours—Number and percentage availability of the network interfaces of the devices that reported outages
Notification—Check for notifications sent to you, all Junos Space Platform users, and the on-call schedule to fix outages.
Resource Graphs—Search for resource graphs. Resource graphs display data collected from managed nodes throughout your network such as critical SNMP performance, response time, and so forth.
KSC Reports—Search for key SNMP customized (KSC) reports. KSC reports enable you to create and view SNMP performance data using prefabricated graph types.
Quick Search—Search for nodes by node ID, node label, IP address, or the type of service whether ICMP or SNMP.
For more information about these widgets, refer to the Network Monitoring Reports Overview topic in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
Configuration Files
The Configuration Files workspace displays the following widgets:
Configuration File Count by Device Family—Number of configuration files per device family
Devices with most Frequently Revised Configuration Files—Devices whose configuration files have been revised most number of times
For more information about these widgets, refer to the Viewing Configuration File Statistics topic in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
The Jobs workspace displays the following widgets:
Job Types—Percentage of all jobs of a particular type that are run
State of Jobs Run—Percentages of jobs that succeeded, are canceled, are in progress, or failed
Average Execution Time per Completed Job— Each bar in the Average Execution Time per Completed Job bar chart represents a job type and the average execution time in seconds.
For more information about these widgets, refer to the Viewing Statistics for Jobs topic in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
Role Based Access Control
The Role Based Access Control workspace displays the following widget:
Number of Users Assigned by Role—Percentage and the number of users that are assigned to a role
For more information about these widgets, refer to Viewing User Statistics.
Audit Logs
The Audit Logs workspace displays the following widgets:
Audit Log Statistical Graph—Tasks that are performed and logged in all Junos Space applications over a specific period of time
Top 10 Active Users in 24 hours—Top ten users who performed the most number of tasks over 24 hours
For more information about these widgets, refer to the Viewing Audit Log Statistics topic in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
The Administration workspace displays the following widgets:
System Health—Junos Space system condition, load on the fabric, and active users.
System Alert Messages in the last 30 days—SMTP server alert messages categorized by application, and when the error last occurred.
System Health Report—Health and performance of the Junos Space nodes in your Junos Space setup and the processes on these nodes. Staring in Release 15.2R1, the Administration workspace displays the System Health Report widget.
For more information about these widgets, refer to the Viewing the Administration Statistics topic in the Junos Space Network Management Platform Workspaces Feature Guide.
Change History Table
Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.