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Viewing the Administration Statistics

The Administration statistics page displays the following information: graphical details about system health; a system health report on the Junos Space fabric, and JBossdatabase processes; and a list of system alert messages that were received in the last 30 days.

To access the Administration statistics page:

  1. On the Junos Space Network Management Platform UI, select Administration.

    The Administration statistics page appears, displaying three boxes titled System Health, System Health Report, and System Alert Messages in Last 30 Days.

This topic contains the following sections:

Viewing System Health Information

The System Health section displays three charts related to system health. For more information about these charts, see Viewing the Junos Space Platform Dashboard.

Viewing the System Health Report

Starting with Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 15.2R1, you can view records about the health and performance of the Junos Space nodes in your Junos Space setup and the processes on these nodes in a system health report. The health and performance data collected from the nodes is displayed in a table. The health and performance data is categorized by parameters related to the Junos Space fabric and the JBoss processes.

The Process column in the table displays the process and the Parameter column displays the parameter of the process that is evaluated. The Status column displays the status of the parameter. No is displayed in green if the parameter is within the configured threshold. Yes is displayed in red to indicate that the process has exceeded the threshold and must be corrected by the administrator. The Status column displays Yes in red until the issue is fixed. A user assigned with appropriate privileges can click the Click link corresponding to the process in the More Details column to view more details.

Table 1 lists the processes, parameters, descriptions, and data displayed when you click the links in the More Details column, and the type of nodes from which the parameter collects the system health details.

You can configure appropriate threshold values and time intervals to collect health and performance data and update the System Health Report. These thresholds are applicable to all relevant nodes in the Junos Space fabric. For more information about configuring thresholds and time intervals, see the Health Monitoring section in the Modifying Junos Space Network Management Platform Settings topic.


You must be assigned the privileges of a Super Administrator, System Administrator, or any role with appropriate privileges to view more details by clicking the link related to the process and parameter.

To alert selected users and fix issues when the parameter exceeds the threshold, you can add users to the Email Listeners list to receive notifications. Users receive e-mail alerts when the health and performance of the Junos Space nodes are below the threshold and the Status column displays Yes in red. For more information about adding users, see Adding Users to the Email Listeners List.


The Multi-Primary Detected in out of sync state parameters display N/A in a single-node Junos Space setup.


The Fabric node in the DOWN state detected parameter and the JGroups membership issue detected parameter are displayed only in a Junos Space setup with multiple JBoss nodes.

Table 1: System Health Report: Processes and Parameters

Process Name

Parameter Name


Data Displayed on Clicking the Links

Applicable Node Types


CPU counters are inactive

This parameter detects whether the time interval (specified in the Interval for monitoring CPU counters update in minutes field on the Modify Application Settings page) has elapsed (with system time as the reference) from the time that the overall load on a Junos Space node and CPU resources shared by the processes on the node is calculated.

The default is two minutes.

You are directed to the Administration > Fabric page with a filtered view of the nodes that match the parameter criteria. See Table 2 for the details displayed on the page.

View the Last Update Time column on this page.

JBoss, database, and Log collector


Disk utilization is abnormal

This parameter collects information about hard-drive utilization (displayed as a percentage) in the / directory on a Junos Space node in the fabric.

The default is 50%.

You are directed to the Administration > Fabric page with a filtered view of the nodes that match the parameter criteria.

View the %Disk column on this page.

JBoss, database, and Log collector


High CPU detected in last 3 days

This parameter detects whether the CPU usage on a Junos Space node has exceeded the configured threshold (default: 50%) for a duration called Extended Period (default: 30 minutes). The threshold can be specified in the High CPU Threshold Value in percentage setting and the duration can be specified in the Extended Period for High CPU in minutes field on the Modify Application Settings page.

The default is 50%.

You are directed to the Administration > Fabric > Extended Periods of High CPU page. See Table 2 for the details displayed on the page.

Click Close to return to the Administration statistics page.

JBoss, database, and Log collector


Processes are running incorrectly

This parameter detects processes such as JBoss that is in the DOWN status on a Junos Space node.

You are directed to the Administration > Fabric page with a filtered view of the nodes that match the parameter criteria.

Right-click a node and select View Fabric Node Details, or double-click inside a row corresponding to a node and click the Process Detail tab, to view the processes that are running incorrectly.

JBoss, database, and Log collector


Management sessions are mismatched with UI data

This parameter detects a difference between the number of device management SSH sessions calculated on each Junos Space node by the netstat -anp | grep ":22" | grep -c java command and the number of device management SSH sessions as per the Junos Space database.

This parameter displays Yes in red only if the difference exceeds the tolerance specified in the Device Management Sessions Monitoring Threshold setting on the Modify Application Settings page.


If you configured a different port number for the SSH device connection, the parameter uses the modified SSH port in the netstat command.

The default is 10.

You are directed to the Administration > Fabric > Device Management Sessions page with a list of nodes that match the parameter criteria. See Table 3 for the details displayed on the page.

Click Close to return to the Administration statistics page.



VIP Bind issue detected in JBoss node(s)

This parameter detects the assignment of the VIP address to multiple JBoss nodes or to no JBoss node in the Junos Space fabric. The status of the node is displayed in the Load Balancer column as UP, DOWN, Standby, Unknown, or N/A.


On detection and on resolution of an issue, a trap is raised and an e-mail is sent to the Email Listeners list.

You are directed to the Administration > Fabric page with a filtered view of the load-balancer nodes.

View the Load Balancer column on this page.



VIP Bind issue detected in DB nodes(s)

This parameter detects the assignment of the VIP address to multiple database nodes or to no database node in the Junos Space fabric. The status of the node is displayed in the Database column as UP, DOWN, Standby, Unknown, or N/A.


On detection and on resolution of an issue, a trap is raised and an e-mail is sent to the Email Listeners list.

You are directed to the Administration > Fabric page with a filtered view of the database nodes.

View the Database column on this page.



Fabric node in the DOWN state detected

This parameter detects one or more nodes in the Junos Space fabric in the DOWN state.


On detection and on resolution of an issue, a trap is raised and an e-mail is sent to the Email Listeners list.

You are directed to Administration > Fabric page with a filtered view of the fabric nodes in the DOWN state.

JBoss, database, and Log collector


JGroups membership issue detected

This parameter detects the removal of a JBoss node in the cluster.


On detection and on resolution of an issue, a trap is raised and an e-mail is sent to the Email Listeners list.

You are directed to Administration > Fabric page with a filtered view of JBoss nodes in the JGroups membership set.



File Integrity Check Failed

This parameter detects any breach in

You are directed to Administration > Fabric page with a filtered view of the node on which the file integrity check failed.

JBoss and database.


JBoss restart observed in last 3 days

This parameter logs the time when JBoss was restarted on a node during the last three days.

You are directed to the Administration > Fabric > Last JBoss Restarted Time page. See Table 5 for the details displayed on the page.

Click Close to return to the Administration statistics page.



Multi-Primary detected (App Logic)

This parameter detects and reports the presence of multiple fabric nodes running as the JBoss primary node.

You are directed to the Administration > Fabric page with a filtered view of multiple primary nodes in the Junos Space fabric.

View the App Logic column on this page.



Audit Logs forwarding failed

This parameter detects and reports the system’s failure to forward audit logs to the configured system log server.


On detection and on resolution of an issue, a trap is raised and an e-mail is sent to the Email Listeners list.

You are directed to the Audit Logs > Audit Log page with a filtered view of audit logs forwarded to the system log server.



HPROF availability

This parameter detects and logs the Heap and CPU Profiling Agent (HPROF) files on a Junos Space node. The HPROF files are logged in the /var/cache/jboss folder on every node.

You are directed to the Administration > Fabric > List of HPROF Files page with a list of HPROF files. See Table 4 for the details displayed on the page.

Click Close to return to the Administration statistics page.

  • To download HPROF files, select the check boxes corresponding to the HPROF files on the List of HPROF Files page and click the Download icon (top-left corner of the page).

    The HPROF files are downloaded to the local computer.

  • To delete selected HPROF files from the List of HPROF Files page, select the check boxes corresponding to the HPROF files and click the Delete icon (top-left corner of the page).

    The HPROF files are deleted from the List of HPROF Files page.

  • To delete all HPROF files from the List of HPROF Files page and start monitoring the HPROF file status, select the check boxes corresponding to all the HPROF files and click the Delete icon (top-left corner of the page).

    The Status column displays a green No.



CLI password expiry warning

The parameter detects when the CLI password is about to expire and sends a warning to the customer prior to seven days of expiry.

You are directed to the Administration > Fabric > CLI Password Status page with the list of nodes and details of their password expiry. See Table 7 for more details on the page.


A warning sign gets displayed on the top of the User Interface when the password for any of the nodes in the CLI is about to expire.

Click Close to return to the Administration statistics page.



The VIP Bind issue detected in DB nodes(s), Fabric node in the DOWN state detected, JGroups membership issue detected, and Audit Logs forwarding failed parameters are available from Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 16.1R1 onward.

Table 2: Extended Periods of High CPU Page



Node Name

Logical name assigned to the node

Management IP (IPv4)

IPv4 address for the node

Management IP (IPv6)

IPv6 address for the node

From Time

Time from when the node reported high CPU usage

To Time

Time until when the node reported high CPU usage

Duration (Mins)

Total duration of high CPU usage on the node in minutes

Average CPU (%)

Average load on the CPU of the node

Table 3: Device Management Sessions Page




Name of the host machine and the Junos Space node where the Junos Space Virtual Appliance is deployed

Management IP (IPv4)

IPv4 address for the node

Management IP (IPv6)

IPv6 address for the node


Time when the count of device management SSH sessions with devices was last calculated


Connection status of the node

Console Count

Number of device management SSH sessions as per the Junos Space database

Number of Devices

Number of devices managed by the Junos Space node

Table 4: List of HPROF Files Page



Node Name

Logical name assigned to the node

Management IP (IPv4)

IPv4 address for the node

Management IP (IPv6)

IPv6 address for the node

File Created Time

Time when the HPROF file was created on the node

File Location

Location of the HPROF file on the node

Table 5: Last JBoss Restarted Time Page



Node Name

Logical name assigned to the node

Management IP (IPv4)

IPv4 address for the node

Management IP (IPv6)

IPv6 address for the node

Last Restart Time

Time when JBoss was last restarted on the node

Table 6: Large Database Tables Page




Type of database

Table Name

Name of the table in the database


Time when the size of the database was last updated

Size (GB)

Size of the database in GB

Table 7: CLI Password Status details



Node Name

Displays the name of the nodes.

Management IP (IPv4)

IPv4 address for the node

Management IP (IPv6)

IPv6 address for the node


Shows the password expiry status for a particular node. It provides the date on which the password will expire and also the days left for expiry.


Shows the site for the node, it may be either Active site or Standby site.

Viewing System Alert Messages in the Last 30 Days

When Junos Space Platform or a Junos Space application tries to contact an active SMTP server (configured on Junos Space) and the connection to the server fails, the System Alert Messages in Last 30 Days box displays the details of SMTP server connection failures. The failures are recorded only for the last 30 days. Table 8 summarizes the information displayed for each failed connection.

Table 8: Details of System Alert Messages




Name of the Junos Space application that tried to contact the SMTP server

If Junos Space Platform tried to contact the SMTP server and failed, then Platform is displayed.


Displays SMTP for all error messages


Specifies the type of error that occurred

Last Occurrence

Date and time of the last occurrence of the error