- play_arrow Security Zones
- play_arrow Address Books and Address Sets
- play_arrow Security Policy Applications and Application Sets
- play_arrow Security Policies
- Configuring Security Policies
- Unified Security Policies
- Global Security Policies
- User Role Firewall Security Policies
- Reordering Security Policies
- Scheduling Security Policies
- Threat Profiling Support in Security Policy
- Configuring Security Policies for a VRF Routing Instance
- Configuring Security Policies Using VRF Group
- Explicit Web Proxy
- Example: Configure Explicit Web Proxy
- Security Policies for VXLAN
- Geneve Packet Flow Tunnel Inspection
- Monitoring and Troubleshooting Security Policies
Security Basics Overview
This guide provides information about the security basics used to configure features for security devices.
A security zone is a collection of one or more network segments requiring the regulation of inbound and outbound traffic through policies. Security zones are logical entities to which one or more interfaces are bound. With many types of Juniper Networks devices, you can define multiple security zones, the exact number of which you determine based on your network needs.
An address book is a collection of addresses and address sets. Junos OS allows you to configure multiple address books. Address books are like components, or building blocks, that are referenced in other configurations such as security policies or NAT. You can add addresses to address books or use the predefined addresses available to each address book by default.
An application set is a group of applications. Junos OS simplifies the process by allowing you to manage a small number of application sets, rather than a large number of individual application entries. The application (or application set) is referred to by security policies as match criteria for packets initiating sessions.
A security policy is a stateful firewall policy that provides a set of tools to network administrators, enabling them to implement network security for their organizations. Security policies enforce rules for transit traffic, in terms of what traffic can pass through the firewall, and the actions that need to take place on traffic as it passes through the firewall.