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Monitoring and Troubleshooting Security Policies

date_range 28-Mar-25

Monitoring provides a real-time presentation of meaningful data representing the state of access activities on a network. This insight allows you to easily interpret and effect operational conditions. Troubleshooting provides contextual guidance for resolving the access issues on networks. You can then address user concerns and provide resolution in a timely manner.

Understanding Security Alarms

Alarms are triggered when packets are dropped because of a policy violation. A policy violation occurs when a packet matches a reject or deny policy. A policy violation alarm is generated when the system monitors any of the following audited events:

  • Number of policy violations by a source network identifier within a specified period

  • Number of policy violations to a destination network identifier within a specified period

  • Number of policy violations to an application within a specified period

  • Policy rule or group of rule violations within a specified period

There are four types of alarms corresponding to these four events. The alarms are based on source IP, destination IP, application, and policy.

When a packet encounters a reject or deny policy, the policy violation counters for all enabled types of alarm are increased. When any counter reaches the specified threshold within a specified period, an alarm is generated. After a specified period, the policy violation counter is reset and reused to start another counting cycle.

To view the alarm information, run the show security alarms command. The violation count and the alarm do not persist across system reboots. After a reboot, the violation count resets to zero and the alarm is cleared from the alarm queue.

After taking appropriate actions, you can clear the alarm. The alarm remains in the queue until you clear it (or until you reboot the device). To clear the alarm, run the clear security alarms command. After you clear the alarm, a subsequent series of flow policy violations can cause a new alarm to be raised.

Example: Generating a Security Alarm in Response to Policy Violations

This example shows how to configure the device to generate a system alarm when a policy violation occurs. By default, no alarm is raised when a policy violation occurs.


No special configuration beyond device initialization is required before configuring this feature.


In this example, you configure an alarm to be raised when:

  • The application size is 10240 units.

  • The source IP violation exceeds 1000 within 20 seconds.

  • The destination IP violations exceeds 1000 within 10 seconds.

  • The policy match violation exceeds 100, with a size of 100 units.



CLI Quick Configuration

To quickly configure this example, copy the following commands, paste them into a text file, remove any line breaks, change any details necessary to match your network configuration, copy and paste the commands into the CLI at the [edit] hierarchy level , and then enter commit from configuration mode.

content_copy zoom_out_map
set security alarms potential-violation policy application size 10240
set security alarms potential-violation policy source-ip threshold 1000 duration 20 
set security alarms potential-violation policy destination-ip threshold 1000 duration 10 
set security alarms potential-violation policy policy-match threshold 100 size 100
Step-by-Step Procedure

The following example requires you to navigate various levels in the configuration hierarchy. For instructions on how to do that, see Using the CLI Editor in Configuration Mode in the CLI User Guide.

To configure policy violation alarms:

  1. Enable security alarms.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# edit security alarms
  2. Specify that an alarm should be raised when an application violation occurs.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit security alarms potential-violation policy]
    user@host# set application size 10240
  3. Specify that an alarm should be raised when a source IP violation occurs.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit security alarms potential-violation policy]
    user@host# set source-ip threshold 1000 duration 20
  4. Specify that an alarm should be raised when a destination IP violation occurs.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit security alarms potential-violation policy]
    user@host# set destination-ip threshold 1000 duration 10
  5. Specify that an alarm should be raised when a policy match violation occurs.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    [edit security alarms potential-violation policy]
    user@host# set policy-match threshold 100 size 100

From configuration mode, confirm your configuration by entering the show security alarms command. If the output does not display the intended configuration, repeat the configuration instructions in this example to correct it.

content_copy zoom_out_map
policy {
    source-ip {
        threshold 1000;
        duration 20;
    destination-ip {
        threshold 1000;
        duration 10;
    application {
        size 10240;
    policy-match {
        threshold 100;
        size 100;

If you are done configuring the device, enter commit from configuration mode.


To confirm that the configuration is working properly, from operational mode, enter the show security alarms command.

Matching Security Policies

The show security match-policies command allows you to troubleshoot traffic problems using the match criteria: source port, destination port, source IP address, destination IP address, and protocol. For example, if your traffic is not passing because either an appropriate policy is not configured or the match criteria is incorrect, the show security match-policies command allows you to work offline and identify where the problem actually exists. It uses the search engine to identify the problem and thus enables you to use the appropriate match policy for the traffic.

The result-count option specifies how many policies to display. The first enabled policy in the list is the policy that is applied to all matching traffic. Other policies below it are “shadowed” by the first and are never encountered by matching traffic.


The show security match-policies command is applicable only to security policies; IDP policies are not supported.

Example 1: show security match-policies

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show security match-policies from-zone z1 to-zone z2  source-ip destination-ip source-port 1 destination-port 21 protocol tcp
Policy: p1, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 4
  Sequence number: 1
  From zone: z1, To zone: z2
  Source addresses:
  Destination addresses:
  Application: junos-ftp
    IP protocol: tcp, ALG: ftp, Inactivity timeout: 1800
    Source port range: [0-0] 
    Destination port range: [21-21]

Example 2: Using the result-count Option

By default, the output list contains the policy that will be applied to traffic with the specified characteristics. To list more than one policy that match the criteria, use the result-count option. The first policy listed is always the policy that will be applied to matching traffic. If the result-count value is from 2 to 16, the output includes all policies that match the criteria up to the specified result-count. All policies listed after the first are “shadowed” by the first policy and are never applied to matching traffic.

Use this option to test the positioning of a new policy or to troubleshoot a policy that is not applied as expected for particular traffic.

In the following example, the traffic criteria matches two policies. The first policy listed, p1, contains the action applied to the traffic. Policy p15 is shadowed by the first policy, and its action, therefore, will not be applied to matching traffic.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show security match-policies from-zone zone-A to-zone zone-B source-ip destination-ip source-port 1004 destination-port 80 protocol tcp result-count 5
Policy: p1, action-type: permit, State: enabled, Index: 4
  Sequence number: 1
  From zone: zone-A, To zone: zone-B
  Source addresses:
  Destination addresses:
  Application: any
    IP protocol: 1, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
    Source port range: [1000-1030]
    Destination port range: [80-80]

Policy: p15, action-type: deny, State: enabled, Index: 18
  Sequence number: 15
  From zone: zone-A, To zone: zone-B
  Source addresses:
  Destination addresses:
  Application: any
    IP protocol: 1, ALG: 0, Inactivity timeout: 0
    Source port range: [1000-1030]
    Destination port range: [80-80]

Tracking Policy Hit Counts

Use the show security policies hit-count command to display the utility rate of security policies according to the number of hits they receive. You can use this feature to determine which policies are being used on the device, and how frequently they are used. Depending on the command options that you choose, the number of hits can be listed without an order or sorted in either ascending or descending order, and they can be restricted to the number of hits that fall above or below a specific count or within a range. Data is shown for all zones associated with the policies or named zones.

Checking Memory Usage on SRX Series Devices

You can isolate memory issues by comparing memory values before and after policy configurations.

Certain practices can help monitor the current memory usage on the device and optimize parameters to better size system configuration, especially during policy implementation.

To check memory usage:

  • Use the show chassis routing-engine command to check overall Routing Engine (RE) memory usage. The following output from this command shows memory utilization at 39 percent:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# show chassis routing-engine 
    Routing Engine status:
      Slot 0:
        Current state                  Master
        Election priority              Master (default)
        DRAM                      1024 MB
        Memory utilization          39 percent
        CPU utilization:
          User                       0 percent
          Background                 0 percent
          Kernel                     2 percent
          Interrupt                  0 percent
          Idle                      97 percent
        Model                          RE-PPC-1200-A
        Start time                     2011-07-09 19:19:49 PDT
        Uptime                         37 days, 15 hours, 44 minutes, 13 seconds
        Last reboot reason             0x3:power cycle/failure watchdog 
        Load averages:                 1 minute   5 minute  15 minute
                                           0.22       0.16       0.07
  • Use the show system processes extensive command to acquire information on the processes running on the Routing Engine.

    Use the find nsd option in the show system processes extensive command to see direct usage on the Network Security Daemon (NSD) with its total memory in use as 10 megabytes and CPU utilization of 0 percent.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# show system processes extensive | find nsd 
     1182 root         1  96    0 10976K  5676K select   2:08  0.00% nsd
     1191 root         4   4    0  8724K  3764K select   1:57  0.00% slbd
     1169 root         1  96    0  8096K  3520K select   1:51  0.00% jsrpd
     1200 root         1   4    0     0K    16K peer_s   1:10  0.00% peer proxy
     1144 root         1  96    0  9616K  3528K select   1:08  0.00% lacpd
     1138 root         1  96    0  6488K  2932K select   1:02  0.00% ppmd
     1130 root         1  96    0  7204K  2208K select   1:02  0.00% craftd
     1163 root         1  96    0 16928K  5188K select   0:58  0.00% cosd
     1196 root         1   4    0     0K    16K peer_s   0:54  0.00% peer proxy
       47 root         1 -16    0     0K    16K sdflus   0:54  0.00% softdepflush
     1151 root         1  96    0 15516K  9580K select   0:53  0.00% appidd
      900 root         1  96    0  5984K  2876K select   0:41  0.00% eventd
  • Check the configuration file size. Save your configuration file with a unique name before exiting the CLI. Then, enter the ls -1 filename command from the shell prompt in the UNIX-level shell to check the file size as shown in the following sample output:

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host> start shell 
    % ls -l config
    -rw-r--r--  1 remote  staff  12681 Feb 15 00:43 config

Monitor Security Policy Statistics


Monitor and record traffic that Junos OS permits or denies based on previously configured policies.


To monitor traffic, enable the count and log options.

Count—Configurable in an individual policy. If count is enabled, statistics are collected for sessions that enter the device for a given policy, and for the number of packets and bytes that pass through the device in both directions for a given policy. For counts (only for packets and bytes), you can specify that alarms be generated whenever the traffic exceeds specified thresholds. See count (Security Policies).

Log—Logging capability can be enabled with security policies during session initialization (session-init) or session close (session-close) stage. See log (Security Policies).

  • To view logs from denied connections, enable log on session-init.

  • To log sessions after their conclusion/tear-down, enable log on session-close.


Session log is enabled at real time in the flow code which impacts the user performance. If both session-close and session-init are enabled, performance is further degraded as compared to enabling session-init only.

For details about information collected for session logs, see Information Provided in Session Log Entries for SRX Series Services Gateways.

Verifying Shadow Policies

Verifying All Shadow Policies


Verify all the policies that shadows one or more policies.


From the operational mode, enter the following commands:

  • For logical systems, enter the show security shadow-policies logical-system lsys-name from-zone from-zone-name to-zone to-zone-name command.

  • For global policies, enter the show security shadow-policies logical-system lsys-name global command.

content_copy zoom_out_map
root@host> show security shadow-policies from-zone zone-a to-zone zone-b
    Policies              Shadowed policies
    P1                    P3
    P1                    P4
    P2                    P5


The output displays the list of all policies that shadows other policies. In this example, P1 policy shadows P3 and P4 policies and P2 policy shadows P5 policy.

Verifying a Policy Shadows One or More Policies


Verify if a given policy shadows one or more policies positioned after it.


From the operational mode, enter the following commands:

  • For logical systems, enter the show security shadow-policies logical-system lsys-name from-zone from-zone-name to-zone to-zone-name policy policy-name command.

  • For global policies, enter the show security shadow-policies logical-system lsys-name global policy policy-name command.

content_copy zoom_out_map
root@host> show security shadow-policies from-zone zone-a to-zone zone-b policy P1
   Policies              Shadowed policies
    P1                    P3
    P1                    P4


The output displays all the policies that are shadowed by the given policy. In this example, P1 policy shadows P3 and P4 policies.

Verifying a Policy Is Shadowed by One or More Policies


Verify if a given policy is shadowed by one or more positioned before it.


From the operational mode, enter the following commands:

  • For logical systems, enter the show security shadow-policies logical-system lsys-name from-zone from-zone-name to-zone to-zone-name policy policy-name reverse command.

  • For global policies, enter the show security shadow-policies logical-system lsys-name global policy policy-name reverse command.

content_copy zoom_out_map
root@host> show security shadow-policies from-zone zone-a to-zone zone-b policy P4 reverse
   Policies              Shadowed policies
    P1                    P4


The output displays the given policy shadowed by one or more policies. In this example, P4 policy is shadowed by P1 policy.

Troubleshooting Security Policies

Synchronizing Policies Between Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine



Security policies are stored in the routing engine and the packet forwarding engine. Security policies are pushed from the Routing Engine to the Packet Forwarding Engine when you commit configurations. If the security policies on the Routing Engine are out of sync with the Packet Forwarding Engine, the commit of a configuration fails. Core dump files may be generated if the commit is tried repeatedly. The out of sync can be due to:

  • A policy message from Routing Engine to the Packet Forwarding Engine is lost in transit.

  • An error with the routing engine, such as a reused policy UID.


The policies in the Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine must be in sync for the configuration to be committed. However, under certain circumstances, policies in the Routing Engine and the Packet Forwarding Engine might be out of sync, which causes the commit to fail.


When the policy configurations are modified and the policies are out of sync, the following error message displays - error: Warning: policy might be out of sync between RE and PFE <SPU-name(s)> Please request security policies check/resync.


Use the show security policies checksum command to display the security policy checksum value and use the request security policies resync command to synchronize the configuration of security policies in the Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine, if the security policies are out of sync.

Checking a Security Policy Commit Failure



Most policy configuration failures occur during a commit or runtime.

Commit failures are reported directly on the CLI when you execute the CLI command commit-check in configuration mode. These errors are configuration errors, and you cannot commit the configuration without fixing these errors.


To fix these errors, do the following:

  1. Review your configuration data.

  2. Open the file /var/log/nsd_chk_only. This file is overwritten each time you perform a commit check and contains detailed failure information.

Verifying a Security Policy Commit



Upon performing a policy configuration commit, if you notice that the system behavior is incorrect, use the following steps to troubleshoot this problem:


  1. Operational show Commands—Execute the operational commands for security policies and verify that the information shown in the output is consistent with what you expected. If not, the configuration needs to be changed appropriately.

  2. Traceoptions—Set the traceoptions command in your policy configuration. The flags under this hierarchy can be selected as per user analysis of the show command output. If you cannot determine what flag to use, the flag option all can be used to capture all trace logs.

    content_copy zoom_out_map
    user@host# set security policies traceoptions <flag all>

You can also configure an optional filename to capture the logs.

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host# set security policies traceoptions <filename>

If you specified a filename in the trace options, you can look in the /var/log/<filename> for the log file to ascertain if any errors were reported in the file. (If you did not specify a filename, the default filename is eventd.) The error messages indicate the place of failure and the appropriate reason.

After configuring the trace options, you must recommit the configuration change that caused the incorrect system behavior.

Debugging Policy Lookup



When you have the correct configuration, but some traffic was incorrectly dropped or permitted, you can enable the lookup flag in the security policies traceoptions. The lookup flag logs the lookup related traces in the trace file.


content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host# set security policies traceoptions <flag lookup>

High Availability (HA) Synchronization of Address Name Resolving Cache

The Network security process (NSD) restarts when system reboots, HA failover happens, or if the process crashes. During this time, if there are large number of domain name addresses configured in the security polices, SRX Series Firewalls attempt to send requests to DNS server to get all resolved IP addresses. A high amount of system resources are consumed when a large number of DNS queries and responses are exchanged. So, SRX Series Firewalls are unable to obtain a response from the DNS server and the address of a hostname in an address book entry might fail to resolve correctly. This can cause traffic to drop as no security policy or session match is found. The new enhancement on SRX Series Firewalls addresses this problem by caching the DNS query results into a local DNS cache file and periodically synchronizing the DNS cache file from HA primary node to HA backup node. The DNS cache files stores IP addresses, domain name, and TTL values. After the HA failover, the previous backup node becomes primary node. Since all DNS cache results are available on new primary node, security policy processing continues and pass-through traffic is allowed as per the policy rules.

Starting in Junos OS Release 19.3R1, the policy DNS cache memory is synchronized into one local DNS cache file on the HA active node and is copied to the HA backup node to suppress DNS queries or responses during NSD restart.

The following steps are performed for the synchronization to take place:

  1. The policy DNS cache memory is synchronized into one local policy DNS cache file located at the /var/db/policy_dns_cache path every 30 seconds if the policy DNS cache memory content has changed during this period.

  2. The local DNS cache file is synchronized from the HA primary node to HA backup node immediately after the local DNS cache file has been updated in Step 1.

The synchronization includes the following content:

  • Domain name

  • IPv4 address list and its TTL (time to live)

  • IPv6 address list and its TTL

When NSD restarts, it reads and parses the local DNS cache file and imports all cache entries into memory. The synchronization ensures that DNS queries are suppressed during an NSD restart. NSD restarts on new primary node during HA failover as the resolved IP addresses for domain names already exist in DNS cache memory when reading policies configurations. Therefore, new pass-through traffic is allowed as per the security policy after HA failover because all resolved IP addresses for domain names exist inside policies on new primary node’s Routing Engine and Packet Forwarding Engine.

Platform-Specific Memory Usage Behavior

Use Feature Explorer to confirm platform and release support for specific features.

Use the following table to review platform-specific behavior for your platform:



SRX Series

On SRX1500, SRX3400, SRX3600, SRX4100, SRX4200, SRX4600, SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices, that support High Availability (HA) synchronization of address names, the memory for flow entities such as policies, zones, or addresses is dynamically allocated (depending on the Junos OS release in your installation).
