- play_arrow Introduction
- play_arrow Router Data Extraction
- play_arrow Routing Protocols
- play_arrow Equal Cost Multiple Paths
- play_arrow Static Routes
- play_arrow Policy-Based Routes
- play_arrow Border Gateway Protocol
- NorthStar Planner Border Gateway Protocol Overview
- Border Gateway Protocol Recommended Instructions
- BGP Data Extraction
- BGP Reports
- BGP Options
- BGP Map
- BGP Live Status Check
- BGP Routing Table
- BGP Routes Analysis
- BGP Information at a Node
- BGP Neighbor
- Apply, Modify, or Add BGP Polices
- BGP Subnets
- Getipconf Usage Notes
- BGP Report
- play_arrow Virtual Private Networks
- NorthStar Planner Virtual Private Networks Overview
- Importing VPN Information from Router Configuration Files
- Viewing the Integrity Checks Reports
- Accessing VPN Summary Information
- Accessing Detailed Information for a Particular VPN
- VPN Topology View
- Route-Target Export/Import Relationships
- Additional Methods to Access VPN Information
- VPN Path Tracing
- VPN Design and Modeling Using the VPN Wizard
- L3 (Layer 3) VPN
- L3 Hub-and-Spoke VPN
- L2M (Layer2-Martini) VPN
- L2K (Layer2-Kompella) VPN
- VPLS-BGP VPN (for Juniper)
- L2CCC (Circuit Cross-Connect) VPN
- Inter-AS VPN
- Forming VPN Customer Groups
- Deleting or Renaming VPNs
- VPN Configlet Generation
- Adding Traffic Demands in a VPN
- VPN Traffic Generation
- VPN-Related Reports
- VPN Monitoring and Diagnostics
- play_arrow GRE Tunnels
- play_arrow Multicast
- NorthStar Planner Multicast Overview
- NorthStar Planner Recommended Multicast Instructions
- Creating Multicast Groups
- Creating Multicast Demands
- Viewing Multicast Demands in the Network
- Comparing Multicast with Unicast
- Multicast SPT Threshold
- Multicast Reports
- Multicast Simulation
- Collecting Multicast Path Data from Live Network
- Importing Multicast Path Data
- Multicast Data Processing
- Viewing Multicast Trees
- play_arrow Class of Service
- NorthStar Planner Class of Service Overview
- NorthStar Planner Recommended CoS Instructions
- The QoS Manager
- Define Class Maps
- Create Policies for Classes
- Attach Policies to Interfaces
- Adding Traffic Inputs
- Using the Text Editor
- Reporting Module
- IP Flow Information
- Link information
- Traffic Load Analysis
- Traffic Load by Policy Class
- CoS Alias File
- Bblink File
- Policymap File
- Demand File
- Traffic Load File
- play_arrow Routing Instances
- play_arrow Traffic Matrix Solver
- play_arrow LSP Tunnels
- NorthStar Planner LSP Tunnels Overview
- Viewing Tunnel Info
- Viewing Primary and Backup Paths
- Viewing Tunnel Utilization Information from the Topology Map
- Viewing Tunnels Through a Link
- Viewing Demands Through a Tunnel
- Viewing Link Attributes/Admin-Group
- Viewing Tunnel-Related Reports
- Adding Primary Tunnels
- Adding Multiple Tunnels
- Mark MPLS-Enabled on Links Along Path
- Modifying Tunnels
- Path Configuration
- Specifying a Dynamic Path
- Specifying Alternate Routes, Secondary and Backup Tunnels
- Adding and Assigning Tunnel ID Groups
- Making Specifications for Fast Reroute
- Specifying Tunnel Constraints (Affinity/Mask or Include/Exclude)
- Adding One-Hop Tunnels
- Tunnel Layer and Layer 3 Routing Interaction
- play_arrow Optimizing Tunnel Paths
- play_arrow Tunnel Sizing and Demand Sizing
- play_arrow Tunnel Path Design
- Tunnel Path Design Overview
- Tunnel Path Design Instructions
- Designing Tunnel Paths Overview
- Backup Path Configuration Options
- Default Diversity Level
- Evaluate/Tune Options
- Advanced Options
- Viewing Design Results
- Tunnel Modifications
- Exporting and Importing Diverse Group Definitions
- Advanced Path Modification
- play_arrow Inter-Area MPLS-TE
- play_arrow Point-to-Multipoint (P2MP) Traffic Engineering
- NorthStar Planner P2MP Traffic Engineering Overview
- Point-to-Multipoint Traffic Engineering Instructions
- Import a Network That Already has Configured P2MP LSP Tunnels
- Examine the P2MP LSP Tunnels
- Create P2MP LSP Tunnels and Generate Corresponding LSP Configlets
- Examine P2MP LSP Tunnel Link Utilization
- Perform Failure Simulation and Assess the Impact
- play_arrow Diverse Multicast Tree Design
- Diverse Multicast Tree Design Overview
- Diverse Multicast Tree Instructions
- Open a Network That Already Has a Multicast Tree
- Set the Two P2MP Trees of Interest to be in the Same Diversity Group
- Using the Multicast Tree Design Feature to Design Diverse Multicast Trees
- Using the Multicast Tree Design Feature
- play_arrow DiffServ Traffic Engineering Tunnels
- DiffServ Traffic Engineering Tunnels Overview
- Using DS-TE LSP
- Hardware Support for DS-TE LSP
- NorthStar Planner Support for DS-TE LSP
- Configuring the Bandwidth Model and Default Bandwidth Partitions
- Forwarding Class to Class Type Mapping
- Link Bandwidth Reservation
- Creating a New Multi-Class or Single-Class LSP
- Configuring a DiffServ-Aware LSP
- Tunnel Routing
- Link Utilization Analysis
- play_arrow Fast Reroute
- NorthStar Planner Fast Reroute Overview
- Fast Reroute Supported Vendors
- Import Config and Tunnel Path
- Viewing the FRR Configuration
- Viewing FRR Backup Tunnels
- Viewing Primary Tunnels Protected by a Bypass Tunnel
- Modifying Tunnels to Request FRR Protection
- Modifying Links to Configure Multiple Bypasses (Juniper only)
- Modifying Links to Trigger FRR Backup Tunnel Creation (Cisco)
- FRR Design
- FRR Auto Design
- FRR Tuning
- Viewing Created Backup Tunnels
- Generating LSP Configlets for FRR Backup Tunnels
- Failure Simulation—Testing the FRR Backup Tunnels
- Exhaustive Failure
- Link, Site and Facility Diverse Paths
- play_arrow Cisco Auto-Tunnels
- play_arrow Integrity Check Report
- play_arrow Virtual Local Area Networks
- play_arrow Overhead Calculation
Tunnel Window Fields
This topic describes router-specific fields in the node, link, interface, demand, and tunnel tables as well as the Application Options windows.
Field | Description |
Pathname | This is the user-specified name of the route for this tunnel. If “Dynamic” is specified, the route will be chosen dynamically and the user should not configure a path in that entry. Otherwise, the user can specify a different |
Opt | This field indicates the priority of this path/route in the “Opt” field. In the “Opt” field, NorthStar Planner will select the smallest number to be the primary route. For example, you may specify an Opt 2 for route “Backup1” and Opt 5 for “Backup2”. NorthStar Planner will sort these two routes and select “Backup1” to be the primary route since its Opt is smaller. |
Configured | This field displays the user-configured route/path for this tunnel. The route consists of a sequence of node IDs or names separated by “--”. Different delimiters are used to mark the distance relationship between nodes. A listed configured route for a tunnel would be something like “ATL--WDC--HOU--NYC”. This means the path of the tunnel begins at node Atlanta, goes to Washington DC, Houston, and terminates at node New York City. |
BW(J) | This is the bandwidth required by the tunnel. |
Type(J) | Indicates the type of the tunnel as specified in the Tunnel Attributes window. The user may edit this field by right-clicking on the table and selecting “Edit Type”. |
Affinity/Mask (C)IncludeAll/ Exclude/ IncludeAny (J) | Allows you to set the affinity/mask of the tunnel for Cisco, or the include all, exclude, and include-any settings for Juniper admin groups to prohibit particular tunnels from routing on trunks with particular attributes (admin-groups). Trunk attributes effectively color the trunk, whereas a tunnel’s affinity/mask or include-all, exclude, and include-any settings determine which color trunks the tunnel is permitted to be placed upon. The user may edit this field by right-clicking on the table and selecting “Edit Affinity/Mask” for Cisco or “Edit Include-All/Exclude/Include-Any” for Juniper. |
Pri,Pre(J) | The priority field of the circuit specification consists of two numbers separated by a comma (,), or a back-slash (/). The first number defines the setup priority of the circuit, and the second number the holding priority of the circuit. The holding priority should be at the same or lower priority as the setup priority of the tunnel. It is assumed that this tunnel can only be bumped by a tunnel with a setup priority higher than its holding priority. |
Comment(J) | Displays any comments the user may be inclined to enter. |
For more detail on the fields in the Table 2, see NorthStar Planner LSP Tunnels Overview.
Path Table : This button will open the Path Table window for the selected source node. The Path Table window lists the primary path from the source node to every other node in the network.
Show Route : This button will highlight the current path of the tunnel on the topology map with a yellow line. If you see a path displayed in gray then either the tunnel path is dynamically routed or is a loose route. This representation is the start and finish of a loose or dynamic path. This path will be established by the hardware under the parameters of the path and links.
Show All Paths : This button will highlight all paths from the path options table on the topology map with a yellow line. If you a path displayed in gray then either the tunnel path is dynamically routed or is a loose route. This representation is the start and finish of a loose or dynamic path. This path will be established by the hardware under the parameters of the path and links.
Field | Description | File Format |
Tunnel Metric | A tunnel metric (absolute, relative or don’t care) used by IGP if Autoroute Announce is checked. Absolute : Use tunnel metric as is Relative : Set tunnel metric relative to IGP Metric (e.g., 10 would mean tunnel metric = IGP metric + 10) Don’t Care : Tunnel metric defaults to IGP metric. | ABS= absolute_metric REL= relative_metric |
Tunnel Option | Specifies whether the tunnel is primary, secondary, or standby. This option can be configured for a tunnel originating at a Juniper router by selecting Edit Type from the right-click menu of the bottom half of the Add Tunnel or Modify Tunnel window. | |
MTU | Indicates the tunnel’s Maximum Transmission Unit (default unit is in Bytes). | MTU=<mtu> |
Max Delay | The maximum delay allowed for this tunnel. The max delay will be calculated either from the delay inputted on the links, or else the value set in the Delay Parameters section of the Design Options window (by default, 1ms per 100 miles). | MAXDELAY=<delay> |
Max Hop | The maximum number of hops allowed for this tunnel. | H<hopcount> |
Max Cost | The maximum total admin cost (sometimes referred to as “distance” or “admin weight”) allowed for this tunnel. That is, the total admin cost of all the links that the tunnel traverses should not exceed this value. | MAXCOST=<value> |
Multicast Name | The tunnel belongs to this multicast group. Tunnels with the same multicast name are members of the same P2MP tree. | MCmulticast_name |
Routing Instance | OSPF routing instance/process ID | ROUTEINST=<inst> |
Autoroute Announce | Announces the presence of the tunnel by the routing protocol. When Autoroute announce is enabled, the IGP will include the tunnel in its shortest path calculation when the tunnel is up | NOAA (No Autoroute Announce) corresponds to not selecting this checkbox |
GRE | Generic Router Encapsulation | GRE |
Zero Backup Bandwidth | Cisco feature. During reroute, the tunnel bandwidth is 0. If this is a backup tunnel, then selecting this option would mean that bandwidth will not be reserved from the link(s) for this tunnel. | 0BW |
Policy Class | If there was a policy class established and applied to this tunnel, it would appear here. The user can click on the down arrow and review all policies that apply to the tunnel. | |
Guaranteed Bandwidth-TE | GB Tunnels can only be routed on trunks with available bandwidth in the SubPool. | GB |
CCC | Circuit cross-connect. This means that this tunnel is cross-connecting between two interfaces using CCC | |
No BD | No Border Flag. This is an artificial parameter used for design. When set, routing will not follow OSPF constraints. That is, the whole network will be treated like a flat network. | NOBD |
No CSPF | Indicates that administrative groups/link attributes will be ignored by this tunnel. | NOCSPF |
IGP | If checked, the tunnel will be routed using the current Interior Gateway Protocol’s metric rather than the tunnel metric. The current routing method can be found in the Design Options, Path Placement options pane. | IGP |
Auto-Reoptimization | Indicates that the LSP can be automatically reoptimized if the existing path becomes suboptimal. | REOPT |
Template | Specifies a configlet template in the $WANDL_HOME/data/templates or /u/wandl/data/templates directory. This option allows you to select a manually-generated template to be used for the configlet generation process. Select the directory in which this template file is saved. | TMLT= templatename |
LDP | For LDP tunneling. VPN traffic can only route over LDP enabled tunnels/links. For example, this will translate to the ldp-tunneling; statement for Juniper configurations. | LDP |
Enable AutoBW: Specifies an auto-bandwidth tunnel, which will adjust according to the bandwidth over the tunnel
Minimum Rate/ Maximum Rate: Specifies the minimum and maximum bounds for the LSP’s bandwidth
Threshold: (percentage) The LSP’s bandwidth will be adjusted to the current flow bandwidth (MaxAvgBW) if the percentage difference between the current flow bandwidth and the LSP’s bandwidth is greater than or equal to this percentage.
Sample interval: The adjust interval (in seconds)
Format: AUTOBW=MinRate:MaxRate:Threshold:SampleInterval,
Example: AUTOBW=10.000K:1.800G:40:300
The Virtual Trunk tab is used to indicate traffic engineering tunnels advertised as links in an IGP network (OSPF or ISIS) and to indicate the corresponding metric assigned. Select the Virtual Trunk checkbox in order to configure the relevant protocol, area, and/or metric for which the virtual trunk will apply.
For Cisco, the corresponding statement would be “show mpls traffic-eng forwarding-adjacency”.
For Juniper, the corresponding statement would be the “label-switched-path name metric metric” statement under the hierarchcy level [edit protocols ospf area area-id] or “label-swiched-path name” under the hierarchy level [edit protocols isis
Virtual Trunk | If a tunnel is marked as a virtual trunk, it is known to other routers and its metric and available bandwidth information will be broadcast to other routers as if it were a link. Just as a link has interfaces defined on both ends, two tunnels (one in each direction) must be defined as virtual trunks for this setting to take effect. Otherwise, the virtual trunk will be perceived as being “down”. | VT or VT_areanumber |
Area | The OSPF area assigned to the Virtual Trunk. This option applies only if Virtual Trunk is selected and the network uses OSPF routing (as opposed to, say, ISIS routing). A tunnel that is marked as a virtual trunk will be advertised as a link to other routers. If those routers perform OSPF area routing, they need to know what area this virtual trunk belongs to. Select the area from the pull-down box. |
Diversity | If SITEDIV is selected, the program will pair tunnels with the same originating and terminating sites. Paired tunnels are routed diversely. This field can also be used to specify the name of a group of tunnels this tunnel belongs to. When performing diverse path design, the program will try to design the paths of the tunnels in this group to be diverse. | DSITEDIV Ddivgroupname where divgroupname is the name of a group of tunnels for which diverse paths is desired |
Diverse Level | Allows users to specify path diversity requirements for tunnels with standby or secondary paths. Select the desired level of diversity NODEDIV for node disjoint paths LINKDIV for link disjoint path FACDIV for facility/SRLG disjoint paths | NODEDIV LINKDIV FACDIV |
Tertiary Diverse | Indicates that if there is a third path for this tunnel (e.g., in the case of one primary plus two secondary paths), that all three paths should be designed to be diverse. Users should add an entry for the second and third path and then design the path using the “Design > Tunnels > Path Design” option for NorthStar Planner to design this path. | 3DIV |