- play_arrow Introduction
- play_arrow Main Window
- play_arrow Topology Window
- play_arrow File Menu
- play_arrow Import Network Wizard
- play_arrow Network Menu
- Network Menu Overview
- Network Menu: Summary
- Network Menu: Nodes
- Network Menu: Links
- Network Menu: Interfaces
- Network Menu: Demands
- Network Menu: Tunnels
- Network Menu: Sites
- Network Menu: SRLG
- Network Menu: Owners
- Network Menu: Templates
- Network Menu: OSPF Areas/Domains
- Network Menu: QoS Manager
- Network Menu: Service Type
- Network Menu: Admin Weight
- Network Menu: Path and Capacity
- Network Menu: Show Site Demands
- Network Menu: Aggregate Demands/Tunnels
- play_arrow Design Menu
- play_arrow Simulation Menu
- play_arrow Traffic Menu
- play_arrow Inventory Menu
- play_arrow Report Manager
- play_arrow Admin Menu
- play_arrow Tools Menu
- play_arrow Appendix A: Input Files Format
- play_arrow Appendix B: Search Preferences
Text Editor
The text editor allows you to edit any text file found on the system via a graphical interface. When a file such as a log file or NorthStar Planner network file is double-clicked, the text editor is launched. When a text file is opened in the text editor, the file name is displayed across the top.

Function | Description |
Save | Save the file. |
Save As | Save the file under a different name and/or directory. |
Print the current file to a printer. | |
Cut | Cuts the selected text being edited. |
Copy | Copies the selected text being edited. |
Paste | Pastes any cut or copied text. |
Find/Replace | Search for or replace a specified string. |
Select All | Select and highlight all the text. |
Go To | Jump to a certain line in the file. |
Show/Hide Line# | Toggles displaying the line numbers. |
Filter Line | Displays only the lines with a text match. Supports regular expression. The filter is case sensitive. |
Restore to Original Text | Removes any filters and displays the original text. |
Font Size | Change the text font size. |

Function | Description |
Find Text | Specify the text to be searched. |
Replace With | Specify the replacement text. |
Find Next | Click this button to search for the next occurrence of the text. |
Replace | Click this button to replace the highlighted text. |
Replace All | Click this button to replace all occurrences of the text. |
Match Case | Toggles the text search to be case sensitive or insensitive. |
Find Backward | Sets the Find/Replace function to search for the text in reverse order toward the beginning of the file. |
If you open a file that is larger than 4 MB in size, then NorthStar Planner will launch the text editor in read-only mode. This is to prevent memory over-usage for the system.