- play_arrow Introduction
- play_arrow Main Window
- play_arrow File Manager
- play_arrow File Menu
- play_arrow Import Network Wizard
- play_arrow Network Menu
- Network Menu Overview
- Network Menu: Summary
- Network Menu: Nodes
- Network Menu: Links
- Network Menu: Interfaces
- Network Menu: Demands
- Network Menu: Tunnels
- Network Menu: Sites
- Network Menu: SRLG
- Network Menu: Owners
- Network Menu: Templates
- Network Menu: OSPF Areas/Domains
- Network Menu: QoS Manager
- Network Menu: Service Type
- Network Menu: Admin Weight
- Network Menu: Path and Capacity
- Network Menu: Show Site Demands
- Network Menu: Aggregate Demands/Tunnels
- play_arrow Design Menu
- play_arrow Simulation Menu
- play_arrow Traffic Menu
- play_arrow Inventory Menu
- play_arrow Report Manager
- play_arrow Admin Menu
- play_arrow Tools Menu
- play_arrow Appendix A: Input Files Format
- play_arrow Appendix B: Search Preferences
Center Pane Map
The topology map is a graphical representation of the baseline network. NorthStar Planner can display the topology in several views depending on the network: BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), LSP tunnels, Layer 3. These views can be selected from the Network menu in the Main Window.
When the cursor is positioned over a network element in topology window, a description of the network element is displayed in the description bar at the bottom of the topology window. That description can be customized from the popup menu. Right-click on the map and select Labels > Bottom Bar menu.
Double-click to get full detailed information about the element.
Right-click on an element to view more options for that element.
Hold the left mouse button to drag the map around.
Use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out on the map.
Selecting Multiple Nodes and Links
There are several ways to select nodes and links in the topology map.
Use the Selection Tool and drag a rectangle around the nodes and links you want to select.
<Ctrl>-click or <Shift>-click on nodes and links.
Right-click on a node and use Select options.
Right-click on a link and use Select options.
Moving Nodes
When moving nodes in the map area, you are changing the graphical coordinates rather than the geographical coordinates. Graphical coordinates are the positions of the nodes in the topology window. Geographical coordinates are positions of the nodes according to actual physical locations (for example, latitude and longitude). To set the current positions as geographical positions, right-click over the map area and select Layout > Set Lat/Lon from Map.
Saving Map Settings
Topology information that gets saved to each client include the following:
Map Preferences Settings See Right Pane Toolbar.
Topology information that gets saved to each network includes the following:
group file: Groupings of network devices are saved in the group file.
graphcoord file: Graphical coordinates of network devices are saved in the graphcoord file.
graphcoordaux file: Auxiliary map settings below.
The graphcoordaux file stores the following map settings data:
Legends: Node and link color settings, link utilization color bar settings, line styles, most checkboxes in Subviews > Protocols, checkboxes in Filters > Type
Labels: Which node/link labels were turned on, labeling preferences for the bottom bar.
Background Image: See Map Popup Menus.
Country Maps: See Map Popup Menus.
Groups: Which groups were collapsed and which groups were expanded.
Multiple map views can be saved for the same network using the Map Views feature. Each view is saved on the server in a userSettings directory consisting of group (grouping), graphcoord (graphical coordinates), and graphcoordaux files. For more information, see Map Popup Menus