- play_arrow Introduction
- play_arrow Main Window
- play_arrow File Manager
- play_arrow File Menu
- play_arrow Import Network Wizard
- play_arrow Network Menu
- Network Menu Overview
- Network Menu: Summary
- Network Menu: Nodes
- Network Menu: Links
- Network Menu: Interfaces
- Network Menu: Demands
- Network Menu: Tunnels
- Network Menu: Sites
- Network Menu: SRLG
- Network Menu: Owners
- Network Menu: Templates
- Network Menu: OSPF Areas/Domains
- Network Menu: QoS Manager
- Network Menu: Service Type
- Network Menu: Admin Weight
- Network Menu: Path and Capacity
- Network Menu: Show Site Demands
- Network Menu: Aggregate Demands/Tunnels
- play_arrow Design Menu
- play_arrow Simulation Menu
- play_arrow Traffic Menu
- play_arrow Inventory Menu
- play_arrow Report Manager
- play_arrow Admin Menu
- play_arrow Tools Menu
- play_arrow Appendix A: Input Files Format
- play_arrow Appendix B: Search Preferences
Left Pane Legend
For these items, see Map Filters for more information.
Item | Description |
Protocols | Allows you to view your network by different categories such as by protocol. |
Types | Allows you to show or label certain categories of nodes (for example, by hardware type) and links (for example, by trunk type) |
Routing Instances | Displays routing instances/OSPF process IDs associated with each link/interface by the color in the legend, which can be customized using Set Color... in the right-click popup menu. Refer to the NorthStar Planner Feature Guide chapter titled Routing Instances for more details. |
Advanced | Includes options to hide certain elements such as nodes (AS’s) or links (low utilization links) |
Network Elements
For these items, see Map Elements for more information.
Item | Description |
Nodes | Includes a list of the nodes in your network. Clicking on a node will highlight it on the map. |
Links | Includes a list of links for the selected subview. Clicking on a link will highlight it on the map. |
Facilities | Includes a list of facilities in the network. A facility is a set of nodes and links likely to fail together. |
Utilization Legends
For these items, see Utilization Legends for more information.
Item | Description |
Utilization | Displays the planned link utilization using colors of the color bar. Planned utilization is the percentage of the link used by the demands you input into the network. |
Peak Util | The Peak Util display feature is used after running a failure simulation script to view the highest (or worst case) link utilization loading experienced by each link, depending on the rerouting of demand/flow traffic after any single failure. |
Planned Node Load | Displays the planned traffic on a node by a color bar. For further information. |
Measured Node Load | Displays the measured interface traffic on a node by a color bar. |
Measured Link Util | Displays the measured interface traffic load by CoS, as an alternative to Traffic > Traffic Load, Interface. |
Demand CoS Util | Displays the normal and peak utilization calculated based on demand routing, as an alternative to Traffic > Traffic Load. |
Item | Description |
AS | Displays Autonomous Systems (AS’s) by color. Each respective AS and their colors are shown in the left pane as a legend. The color can be customized using Set Color... in the right-click popup menu. |
Access/Domain | Displays the domain or area (for example, OSPF area) by color. Each respective area and its colors are shown in the left pane legend. The color can be customized using Set Color... in the right-click popup menu. |
Attributes/AdminGroup | (MPLS-TE module). View links by logical combinations of RSVP resource colors (Cisco attribute or Juniper Networks admin group). The logical combinations available include all, any, and not. See the NorthStar Planner Feature Guide for more information. |
Link Status | (Router module). Displays operational statuses of links and virtual trunks using colors or line styles. Operational Statuses for links include Down, Passive, and Other. Operational statuses for virtual trunks include VT (for an operational virtual trunk) and VT Down for a non-operational virtual trunk. . |
Media | Displays link media types using colors or line styles. Valid link media attributes include: TERRES (terrestrial), SAT (satellite), MCWAVE (microwave), FIBER, and ENCRYPT (encrypted). These media descriptors are used in route biasing of demands using criteria such as preferred, preferred not, and required. The color and style of these links can be customized by right-clicking on the icon in the left pane and selecting Set Color or Set Line Style. |
Multicast Tree | Includes multicast groups in the network. Selecting one will highlight the distribution tree on the map. |
OSPF Area | The OSPF Areas list assigns a color, for purposes of representation on the topology map, for each OSPF area configured in the network. NONE shows the color assigned to routers with no OSPF area configured. |
P2MP | Displays a list of configured P2MP groups. Clicking on a group in the list shows the relevant tunnels in the topology map. |
Protocols | Allows you to view your network by different categories such as by protocol. See Map Filters. |
Routing Instances | Displays routing instances/OSPF process IDs associated with each link/interface by the color in the legend, which can be customized using Set Color... in the right-click popup menu. This is the same view you see when you select Filters > Routing Instances. See Map Filters. Refer to the NorthStar Feature Guide for additional details. |
Types | Displays types of nodes (for example, by hardware vendor) and links (for example, by trunk type). See Subviews > Types for display customization options. |
Vendors | Displays link vendors using colors or line styles. Possible values for vendors include those that are specific to a certain country or region, and are listed in the tariff database. If a vendor is not specified, the vendor is set to the default DEF. To represent in-house fiber links with zero cost, the vendor should be set to NET. The color and style of these links can be customized by right-clicking on the icon in the left pane and selecting Set Color or Set Line Style. |