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Configuring Serial Port Parameters for CESoPSN Bundles (CTP Menu)


This topic describes how to configure port parameters for serial interfaces on CTP150 device.

Before you begin:

  • Disable the bundle before you modify the bundle options.

To configure serial port parameters for CESoPSN bundles using the CTP Menu:

  1. From the CTP Main Menu, select 1) Bundle Operations.
  2. Select 3) CESoPSN.
  3. Select a bundle from the list.

    If you select an active bundle, you are prompted to disable the bundle before configuring it.

  4. Select 3) Port Config.
  5. Configure the options as described in Table 6.

Table 6: CESoPSN Bundle Serial Port Parameter Settings in the CTP Menu

FieldFunctionYour Action

Port descriptor text

Specifies a description for the port.

Enter a description of up to 64 alphanumeric characters. Do not use the following characters:

( ; ' " ) ]


Displays the menu used to configure the interface type, mode, and encoding.

Select 2) Interface and configure interface type, mode and encoding.


Specifies the electrical standard used on the serial interface.

Select one:

  • OFF—Do not set the interface type to OFF.

  • EIA-530

  • EIA-530A

  • RS-232

  • V.35

  • Optional Interface: MultiSvc—Not supported.


Specifies that the interface is connected to a data communication equipment (DCE) device or to a data terminal equipment (DTE) device.

Select one:

  • DCE—The interface is connected to a DCE device.

  • DTE—The interface is connected to a DTE device.


Specifies the serial encoding method used on this bundle.

CESoPSN bundles on Serial interfaces support only NRZ encoding. The system displays an error message if you select a different encoding.

Select NRZ (nonreturn to zero line encoding).

Clock Config

Specifies the type of clocking for the port and the port speed.

Select 3) Clock Config. Select 1) Port Clock Config to specify the port clock and 2) Port Speed (kHz) to specify the port speed.

You can specify the following clocking methods for NRZ with DCE mode specified:

  • Cfg Rate - Int Clk—Configured rate without external TX clock (TT). The CTP device synthesizes the rate that is used on the ST and RT outputs to the attached device. The ST is used to sample Send Data from the attached DTE. The clock is created by the CTP DDS circuitry and logic. This option is commonly used on circuits that are less than 1 Mbps.

  • Cfg Rate - Ext Clk—Configured rate with external TX clock (TT). The CTP device synthesizes the rate that is used on the ST and RT outputs to the attached device. The clock is created by the DDS circuitry and logic. This option is used to sample Send Data from the attached device. It assumes that the attached device is using ST or clock reference that is traceable to CTP reference. It is typically used for higher data rates (>1 Mbps) and long cables.

  • All Clock - Ext Clk—All clocked with external TX clock (TT). The CTP clock uses the external TT timing from the DTE for all clocking. Ext TT is used to sample Send Data from the attached device, to generate the RT clock, and to clock data into the IP network.

  • Adap Rate - Ext Clk—Adaptive clocking with the external TX clock (TT).

  • Adap Rate - Int Clk—Adaptive clocking with the internal clock.

Port Clock Config

Specifies the clocking for the port.

Specify the clocking method.

Port Speed

Specifies the port speed. The port speed must be entered in multiples of 64 Kbps

In networks without bandwidth constraints, we recommend a multiple of 64.

Enter a number from 64.00 through 2048.00 KHz.

Only High TT Checking

Specifies that the CTP device disqualifies transmit timing (TT) only when it is higher than the port speed.

When enabled, this setting keeps the port from going to the TtFail state when the incoming user clock fluctuates between 0 and the configured port rate. If the TT rate goes above the configured port rate, the CTP device sends the port to the TtFail state to protect the system from an overspeed TT, which would cause problems for the port, CTP device, or network.

Specify y or n.