Configuring Separate Interfaces for Management and Circuit Traffic (CTP Menu)
In certain network topologies, a segregation is required between the circuit or Ethernet traffic and management traffic. Therefore, separate interfaces need to be used for the management and circuit networks so that traffic segregation can be achieved at the physical interface level. Starting with CTPOS Release 7.2, support for configuring two default gateways, one for management traffic and the other for circuit device, is available, which enables circuit and management traffic to be segregated.
This feature is not supported with IPv6-only or independent IPv6 (and not a combination of IPv4 and IPv6) configuration. This limitation denotes that with IPv6 configuration settings specified on a CTP device, the option to separate management and circuit traffic is not available for configuration. If this feature is enabled on CTP150 devices, Ethernet failover cannot be activated because CTP150 devices contain only two Ethernet devices and the PCI mezzanine card (PMC) is not supported on such devices.
To configure separate interfaces for management traffic and circuit traffic on a CTP device using the CTP Menu:
- From the Main Menu, select 5) Node Operations.
- Select 3) Configure network settings to specify the network configuration parameters.
- Select 2) IPv4 Configuration to define the IPv4 attributes.
- A message is displayed stating that you are about to modify
a system parameter that requires a network restart when the configuration
settings are modified. If you proceed with the configuration settings,
the network automatically restarts after you complete specifying the
parameters, the existing menu session is terminated, and active circuits
undergo traffic drops. You must reopen a new CTP Menu session to perform
additional configuration changes.
The message alerts you that if the parameters are incorrectly defined, the system might be unreachable over the network after the system restarts. Therefore, you must exercise caution while entering the attributes. Enter y to proceed with defining the interfaces for management and circuit traffic.
Please select a number from the following list: ------------------------------------- 0) Exit to Shell 1) Bundle Operations 2) Node Synchronization 3) Node Summary 4) Node Diagnostics 5) Node Operations 6) Save Running Database to Flash ------------ Your choice [3]: 5 ======================================================================== = (ctp_90 06/29/16 23:04:38 UTC) | Node Operations Menu ======================================================================== Please select a number from the following list: ------------------------------------- 0) Back to Previous Menu 1) Change Node Date/Time/TimeZone 2) Display network settings 3) Configure network settings 4) Initialize Database 5) Ping IP address 6) Traceroute IP address 8) System descriptor field: 9) Reboot Node 10) Powerdown Node 11) Display ethernet media 12) Config ethernet media 13) Set your password 14) Config security profile ------------ Your choice [0]: 3 ======================================================================== = (ctp_90 06/29/16 23:04:38 UTC) | Network Configuration Menu ======================================================================== Please select a number from the following list: ------------------------------------- 0) Back to Previous Menu 1) Supported Protocols: IPv4 only 2) IPv4 Configuration 3) IPv6 Configuration 4) Virtual IP addresses 5) OAM port (IPv4): 16 6) CTP Bndl Data pkt protocol: 47 7) CTP Bndl OAM port (IPv6): 32 8) VLAN Configuration 9) Current Configuration (active on reboot) 10) Port operations (PBS/bridge) 11) Config port operational mode (CE/PBS/bridge) 12) Config access ip filtering 13) SNMP Configuration ------------ Your choice [0]: 2 *** *** You are about to modify a system parameter that will require *** a network restart when complete. *** *** If you decide to continue, the network will automatically *** restart upon leaving the menu, existing menu session will be *** terminated and active circuits will take traffic hits. For *** further configuration re-initiate the menu session. *** *** Note: If these parameters are changed incorrectly, *** system may not be reachable via the network *** after the network restarts. *** Are you sure? y[n]: y There are 4 ethernet devices available for use. The default device is the device through which the default gateway can be accessed. Ctp circuits can run over any ethernet device, default or not. A default device must be configured, other devices may be configured and enabled, or disabled. Here is a list ot the available devices and their descriptions: eth0: 10/100/1000 Copper (right back) eth1: 10/100/1000 Copper (left back) eth2: 1000 Fiber (left) eth3: 1000 Fiber (right) Do you want to segregate circuit and management traffic (y/n)? [n] y Which device would you like to make the IPV4 default circuit device? (rtn for eth1): OK, eth1 (10/100/1000 Copper (left back)) will be configured as IPV4 default circuit device. Which device would you like to make the IPV4 default management device? (rtn for eth0): eth1 **** Management and Circuit Device cannot be same **** You will be asked to enter management and circuit devices again Which device would you like to make the IPV4 default circuit device? (rtn for eth1): OK, eth1 (10/100/1000 Copper (left back)) will be configured as IPV4 default circuit device. Which device would you like to make the IPV4 default management device? (rtn for eth0): OK, eth0 (10/100/1000 Copper (right back)) will be configured as IPV4 default management device. Please input the hostname (return for ctp_90): ===== Configuration for eth0 (default management device): Please input the ip (return for Please input the netmask (return for Please input the gateway (return for Please input the mtu in bytes (return for 1500): Add route to interface eth0 [n] ===== Configuration for eth1 (default circuit device): Please input the ip (return for Please input the netmask (return for Please input the gateway (return for Please input the mtu in bytes (return for 1500): Add route to interface eth1 [n] ===== Configuration for eth2: Activate IPV4 interface eth2 on boot [n] ===== Configuration for eth3: Activate IPV4 interface eth3 on boot [n]
Follow the onscreen instructions and configure the options as described inTable 24.
Table 24: Configuring Separate Interfaces for Management and Circuit Traffic
Field Function Your Action Do you want to segregate circuit and management traffic (y/n)?
Specifies whether you want to enable the capability to configure separate interfaces for management and circuit traffic.
Lists the previously configured Ethernet devices that are available for use in the system. The default device is the device through which the default gateway can be accessed. CTP circuits can run over any Ethernet device, such as the default or non-default devices. A default device must be configured, while other devices might be configured and enabled or disabled.
Specify y or n.
Which device would you like to make the IPV4 default circuit device?
Specifies the device or interface that you want to configure as the default circuit device for IPv4.
Specify an interface from the list of available interfaces that were previously displayed in the CTP Menu as the default circuit interface.
Specify rtn to set the interface that is prompted by the system to be specified as the default IPv4 circuit device. For example, if the prompt displays (rtn for eth1), and if you specify rtn, eth1 is set as the default circuit device.
Which device would you like to make the IPV4 default management device?
Specifies the device or interface that you want to configure as the default management device for IPv4.
Specify an interface from the list of available interfaces that were previously displayed in the CTP Menu as the default management interface.
Specify rtn to set the interface that is prompted by the system to be specified as the default IPv4 management device. For example, if the system prompt displays (rtn for eth0), and if you specify rtn, eth0 is set as the default management device.
Note: You must not specify the same device for both management and circuit traffic. Otherwise, the system prompts you to enter the default circuit device and default management device again. For example, if you specify eth1 as the default interface for both circuit and management traffic, the system prompts you to enter the settings again.
Please input the hostname
Specifies the hostname of the CTP device.
Enter the hostname of the CTP device. Press Enter to specify the default hostname.
Please input the ip
Specifies the IP address of the Ethernet interface.
Enter an IP address.
Please input the netmask
For IPv4 interfaces, specifies the network mask.
Enter the network mask.
Please input the gateway
Specifies the IP address of the next-hop gateway (the router).
Enter an IP address.
Please input the mtu in bytes
Specifies the maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the Ethernet interface.
For IPv4 networks, enter a number from 64 through 1500.
Add route to interface eth
Specifies whether or not to add static routes to the Ethernet configuration.
Specify yes.
Activate IPV4 interface eth on boot
Specifies whether you want to activate the particular IPv4 interface during the boot operation.
Enter y or n.