- Copyright and Trademark Information
- Table of Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Installation
- play_arrow Installation Tasks Overview
- Installing or Upgrading the CTPView Server OS
- Saving the CTPView Configuration Settings and Data (CTPView Server Menu)
- Creating More Disk Space on the CTPView Server (CTPView)
- Creating More Disk Space on the CTPView Server (CTPView Server Menu)
- Installing the CTPView Server OS (CTPView Server CLI)
- Restoring CTPView Software Configuration Settings and Data (CTPView)
- Restoring CTPView Software Configuration Settings and Data with the Restore Utility (CTPView Server Menu)
- Restoring CTPView Software Data by Manually Synchronizing the CTPView Server (CTPView)
- Reviewing the Installation Log for Errors (CTPView Server CLI)
- Verifying the CTPView Server OS Installation (CTPView)
- Validating the CTPView Server Configuration (CTPView)
- play_arrow Upgrade Tasks for Only the CTPView Software
- Configuring the CTPView Administrative Settings
- Preparing a New Server
- Changing the BIOS Menu Password (CTPView Server CLI)
- Changing the Server's Default User Account Password (CTPView Server CLI)
- Changing the Server's Root Account Password (CTPView Server CLI)
- Changing the GRUB Boot Loader Password (CTPView Server Menu)
- Changing the PostgreSQL Apache Account Password (CTPView Server Menu)
- Changing the PostgreSQL Administrator Account Password (CTPView Server Menu)
- Configuring IP ACLs for Restricting Access to Resources (CTPView Server Menu)
- Configuring the Network Access (CTPView Server Menu)
- Creating a Self-Signed Web Certificate (CTPView Server Menu)
- Enabling OpenSSL Authentication of Users by Creating a Self-Signed Web Certificate (CTPView Server Menu)
- Importing Certificates Issued by a Third-Party CA (CTPView Server Menu)
- Updating the CTPView Software
- Logging In with a Browser (CTPView)
- Changing the CTPView GUI Default User Account Password (CTPView)
- Creating a New Global_Admin Account (CTPView)
- Configuring Subdomains in Hostnames (CTPView Server Menu)
- play_arrow Upgrade Tasks for CTPOS
- play_arrow Default Accounts and Passwords
- play_arrow Understanding CTPView Upgrade Files
- play_arrow Administration
- play_arrow Managing and Displaying Users (CTPView)
- Managing CTPView Users with the CTPView Admin Center
- Accessing the CTPView Admin Center (CTPView)
- Monitoring CTPView Users (CTPView)
- Adding New CTPView Users (CTPView)
- Modifying CTPView User Properties (CTPView)
- Monitoring CTPView Groups (CTPView)
- Modifying CTPView User Group Affiliation (CTPView)
- Adding a New CTPView User Group (CTPView)
- Modifying CTPView User Group Default Properties (CTPView)
- play_arrow Deleting Users and Groups (CTPView)
- play_arrow Managing User Passwords (CTPView)
- play_arrow Configuring User Login Properties (CTPView)
- Logging Out a CTPView User (CTPView)
- Configuring Automatic Logout for a CTPView User (CTPView)
- Configuring the Number of Login Attempts Allowed Before Lockout (CTPView)
- Configuring a Lockout Period for CTPView Users (CTPView)
- Clearing CTPView User Counters (CTPView)
- Reinstating Locked-Out IP Addresses (CTPView)
- Creating an Access Filter to Allow or Deny IP Addresses (CTPView)
- Removing an IP Access Filter (CTPView)
- Understanding CTPView GUI User Levels
- CTPOS and CTPView Software Password Requirements
- play_arrow Managing the CTPView Server (CTPView)
- Adding and Removing CTP Platforms Managed by CTPView Software (CTPView)
- Adding and Removing Host Groups (CTPView)
- Adding and Removing SNMP Communities (CTPView)
- Managing CTP Platforms in the Network (CTPView)
- Configuring Email Notifications (CTPView)
- Setting the CTPView Server Start-Up Banner (CTPView)
- Setting the CTP Platforms Login Banner (CTPView)
- Configuring an SSH Connection to a CTP Platform that Persists Through the Session (CTPView)
- Setting the CTPView Server Clock (CTPView)
- Setting the CTPOS Clock (CTP Menu)
- Accessing the NTP Server Settings Window (CTPView)
- Stopping the NTP Daemon (CTPView)
- Adding an NTP Peer (CTPView)
- Removing an NTP Peer (CTPView)
- Synchronizing the CTPView Server to an NTP Peer (CTPView)
- Adding NTP Network Clients (CTPView)
- Removing an NTP Network Client (CTPView)
- Modifying the Netmask of an NTP Network Client (CTPView)
- play_arrow NTP Authentication Overview on CTP Devices
- Configuring NTP Authentication Using the System Query Page (CTPView)
- Configuring NTP Authentication Using the System Configuration Page (CTPView)
- Configuring NetRef Settings (CTPView)
- Setting a Limit on File Transfer Bandwidth Between the CTPView Server and CTP Platforms (CTPView)
- Restoring CTPView Software Configuration Settings and Data (CTPView)
- Restoring CTPView Software Data by Manually Synchronizing the CTPView Server (CTPView)
- play_arrow Monitoring CTP Platforms (CTPView)
- Monitoring the Network with the CTPView Software (CTPView)
- Changing the Display Settings for CTPView Network Monitoring (CTPView)
- Displaying Runtime Query Results for a CTP Platform (CTPView)
- Overriding CTP Platform Network Status and Adding Comments (CTPView)
- Saving CTP Platform Configurations (CTPView)
- Setting an Audible Alert for CTP Platform Status (CTPView)
- Displaying CTPView Network Reports (CTPView)
- Field Descriptions in CTPView Network Reports (CTPView)
- Displaying Network Statistics (CTPView)
- Displaying the Management and Circuit Interface Settings (CTP Menu)
- play_arrow Changing CTPView GUI Settings
- Accessing the CTPView Server Configuration Menu (CTPView Server Menu)
- play_arrow Managing CTPView Users (CTPView Server Menu)
- Unlocking a User Account (CTP Menu)
- play_arrow Adding a VLAN Interface to a Node (CTP Menu)
- Configuring Separate Interfaces for Management and Circuit Traffic (CTP Menu)
- Accessing the Security Profile Configuration Menu (CTP Menu)
- Classification of CTPView Shell Account Users
- Setting the CTPView Server Start-Up Banner (CTPView Server Menu)
- Establishing an SSH Connection (CTP Menu)
- Saving the CTPView Configuration Settings and Data (CTPView Server Menu)
- Creating More Disk Space on the CTPView Server (CTPView Server Menu)
- Restoring CTPView Software Configuration Settings and Data with the Restore Utility (CTPView Server Menu)
- Restarting the PostgreSQL Server (CTPView Server Menu)
- Setting the Logging Level (CTPView Server Menu)
- Resetting the Default System Administrator Account (CTPView Server Menu)
- Resetting the Data File Permissions (CTPView Server Menu)
- Resetting the CTPView System Files to the Default Values (CTPView Server Menu)
- Burning an Image of CTPOS to a CompactFlash Card (CTPView Server Menu)
- Resetting the Default Firewall Settings (CTPView Server Menu)
- Changing Passwords to Improve Access Security
- Changing the BIOS Menu Password (CTPView Server CLI)
- Changing the Server's Root Account Password (CTPView Server CLI)
- Changing the GRUB Boot Loader Password (CTPView Server Menu)
- Changing the PostgreSQL Apache Account Password (CTPView Server Menu)
- Changing the PostgreSQL Administrator Account Password (CTPView Server Menu)
- play_arrow Troubleshooting
- play_arrow Restoring CLI Access to the CTPView Server
- Restoring Access to a CTPView Server
- Accessing a Shell on the CTPView Server (CTPView Server CLI)
- Setting a New Password for a Nonroot User Account (CTPView Server CLI)
- Setting a New Password for a Root User Account (CTPView Server CLI)
- Creating a Nonroot User Account and Password (CTPView Server CLI)
- play_arrow Restoring Browser Access to a CTPView Server
- play_arrow Changing a CTPOS User Password
Resetting the Default System Administrator Account (CTPView Server Menu)
You can remove the configured values for the CTPView System Administrator account and restore the default values.
Before you begin, log in to the CTPView server and access the CTPView Configuration Menu. See Accessing the CTPView Server Configuration Menu (CTPView Server Menu).
To reset the System Administrator account and password to the new values:
- From the CTPView Configuration Menu, select 4) Advanced Functions.
- Select 6) Reset account for default System Administrator.