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Managing User Passwords (CTPView)


You can limit how frequently a user can reuse a password, exclude passwords, reinstate excluded passwords, and specify the rules for forming passwords.

Limiting Password Reuse (CTPView)

To limit how frequently a password can be reused:

  1. From the Admin Center, select Passwords > Re-Use Password Limit.
  2. Select the number of new passwords a user must create before a given password can be re-used.
  3. Click Set Password Re-Use Limit.

Excluding Passwords from Use (CTPView)

To exclude certain passwords from use:

  1. From the Admin Center, select Passwords > Excluded Passwords.
  2. Type a password to add to the list of excluded passwords.
  3. Click Add Password to List.

Reinstating Excluded Passwords (CTPView)

To reinstate a previously excluded password for use:

  1. From the Admin Center, select Passwords > Excluded Passwords.
  2. Select the password from the list of excluded passwords.
  3. Click Reinstate Selected Passwords.

Changing Requirements for New Passwords (CTPView)

To change the requirements for new passwords (current passwords are not affected):

  1. From the Admin Center, select Passwords > Modify Password Requirements.
  2. (Optional) Select the minimum password length, in the range 15 through 56.
  3. (Optional) Select the maximum password length, in the range 15 through 56.

    The default is 56 characters.

  4. (Optional) Select the minimum number of lowercase letters, in the range 1 through 56.
  5. (Optional) Select the minimum number of uppercase letters, in the range 1 through 56.
  6. (Optional) Select the minimum number of numerals, in the range 1 through 56.
  7. (Optional) Select the minimum number of nonalphanumeric characters, in the range 1 through 56.
  8. Click Update Password Properties.