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Related Documentation
- EX Series
- Monitoring the Virtual Chassis Status and Statistics on EX Series Virtual Chassis
- Verifying the Member ID, Role, and Neighbor Member Connections of an EX Series Virtual Chassis Member
- Verifying That Virtual Chassis Ports on an EX Series Switch Are Operational
- Verifying Virtual Chassis Ports in an EX8200 Virtual Chassis
- Troubleshooting an EX Series Virtual Chassis
traceoptions (Virtual Chassis)
Hierarchy Level
Release Information
Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 9.0 for EX Series switches.
Option detail added in Junos OS Release 9.2 for EX Series switches.
Define tracing operations for the Virtual Chassis configuration.
Tracing operations are disabled.
detail—(Optional) Generate detailed trace information for a flag.
disable—(Optional) Disable a flag.
file filename—Name of the file to receive the output of the tracing operation. Enclose the name within quotation marks. All files are placed in the directory /var/log.
files number—(Optional) Maximum number of trace files. When a trace file named trace-file reaches its maximum size, it is renamed trace-file.0, then trace-file.1, and so on, until the maximum number of trace files is reached. Then the oldest trace file is overwritten. If you specify a maximum number of files, you also must specify a maximum file size with the size option.
Range: 2 through 1000
Default: 3 files
flag flag—Tracing operation to perform. To specify more than one tracing operation, include multiple flag statements. You can include the following flags:
- all—All tracing operations.
Tip: The all flag displays a subset of logs that are useful in debugging most issues. For more detailed information, use all detail.
- auto-configuration—Trace Virtual Chassis ports (VCPs) that have been automatically configured.
- csn—Trace Virtual Chassis complete sequence number (CSN) packets.
- error—Trace Virtual Chassis errored packets.
- hello—Trace Virtual Chassis hello packets.
- krt—Trace Virtual Chassis KRT events.
- lsp—Trace Virtual Chassis link-state packets.
- lsp-generation—Trace Virtual Chassis link-state packet generation.
- me—Trace Virtual Chassis ME events.
- normal—Trace normal events.
- packets—Trace Virtual Chassis packets.
- parse—Trace reading of the configuration.
- psn—Trace partial sequence number (PSN) packets.
- route—Trace Virtual Chassis routing information.
- spf—Trace Virtual Chassis SPF events.
- state—Trace Virtual Chassis state transitions.
- task—Trace Virtual Chassis task operations.
no-stamp—(Optional) Do not place a timestamp on any trace file.
no-world-readable—(Optional) Restrict file access to the user who created the file.
receive—(Optional) Trace received packets.
replace—(Optional) Replace a trace file rather than appending information to it.
send—(Optional) Trace transmitted packets.
size size—(Optional) Maximum size of each trace file, in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB). When a trace file named trace-file reaches its maximum size, it is renamed trace-file.0, then trace-file.1, and so on, until the maximum number of trace files is reached. Then the oldest trace file is overwritten. If you specify a maximum number of files, you also must specify a maximum file size with the files option.
Syntax: xk to specify KB, xm to specify MB, or xg to specify GB
Range: 10 KB through 1 GB
Default: 128 KB
world-readable—(Optional) Enable unrestricted file access.
Required Privilege Level
system—To view this statement in the configuration.
system-control—To add this statement to the configuration.
Related Documentation
- EX Series
- Monitoring the Virtual Chassis Status and Statistics on EX Series Virtual Chassis
- Verifying the Member ID, Role, and Neighbor Member Connections of an EX Series Virtual Chassis Member
- Verifying That Virtual Chassis Ports on an EX Series Switch Are Operational
- Verifying Virtual Chassis Ports in an EX8200 Virtual Chassis
- Troubleshooting an EX Series Virtual Chassis
Published: 2012-12-07
Download This Guide
Related Documentation
- EX Series
- Monitoring the Virtual Chassis Status and Statistics on EX Series Virtual Chassis
- Verifying the Member ID, Role, and Neighbor Member Connections of an EX Series Virtual Chassis Member
- Verifying That Virtual Chassis Ports on an EX Series Switch Are Operational
- Verifying Virtual Chassis Ports in an EX8200 Virtual Chassis
- Troubleshooting an EX Series Virtual Chassis