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Connecting the XRE200 to Management Devices

date_range 10-Nov-20

Connect a Device to a Network for Out-of-Band Management

You can monitor and manage these devices by using a dedicated management channel. Each device has a management port to which you can connect an Ethernet cable with an RJ-45 connector. Use the management port to connect the device to the management device.

Ensure that you have an Ethernet cable that has an RJ-45 connector at either end. Figure 1 shows the RJ-45 connector of the Ethernet cable supplied with the device.

Figure 1: RJ-45 Connector on an Ethernet Cable
RJ-45 Connector on
an Ethernet Cable

To connect a device to a network for out-of-band management (see Figure 2):

  1. Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the management port on the device.
  2. Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the management device.
Figure 2: Connect a Device to a Network for Out-of-Band Management
Connect a Device to a Network
for Out-of-Band Management

Connecting an EX8200 Switch to an XRE200 External Routing Engine

To create an EX8200 Virtual Chassis, you connect multiple EX8200 member switches to an XRE200 External Routing Engine.


If you wish to connect an EX8200 switch over a distance greater then 328 feet (100 meters), see Configuring a Long-Distance Virtual Chassis Port Connection for an EX8200 Virtual Chassis.

Ensure that you have the following parts and tools available to connect the switch to the external Routing Engine:

To connect an EX8200 switches to an XRE200 External Routing Engine:

  1. Connect one end of the cable to the management port (MGMT) of the active Routing Engine in the EX8200 switch. The management port is on the Switch Fabric and Routing Engine (SRE) module in an EX8208 switch and on the Routing Engine (RE) module in the EX8216 switch.
  2. Connect the other end of the cable to one of the Virtual Chassis ports (VCPs) on the primary external Routing Engine. The VCPs on an XRE200 External Routing Engine include built-in port 0 and ports 0 through 3 on the Virtual Chassis Control Interface (VCCI) module.
  3. Connect another VCP on the primary external Routing Engine to the management port on the active Routing Engine of another EX8200 member switch.

    Step 4 is recommended, but you can skip it if you are not using a full mesh topology. See Understanding EX8200 Virtual Chassis Topologies.

  4. Connect a VCP on the backup external Routing Engine to the management ports on the backup Routing Engines of both EX8200 member switches.

To connect another member switch into the Virtual Chassis, repeat Steps 1 through 4 for each EX8200 member switch.

Figure 3 shows a cabling example of a full mesh EX8200 Virtual Chassis with two member switches.

Figure 3: Full Mesh Cabling Example
Full Mesh Cabling Example

Connect a Device to a Management Console Using an RJ-45 Connector

You can configure and manage devices using a dedicated management channel. Each device has a console port which you can connect to using an Ethernet cable with an RJ-45 connector. Use the console port to connect the device to the console server or management console. The console port accepts a cable that has an RJ-45 connector.

Ensure that you have an Ethernet cable that has an RJ-45 connector at either end. One such cable and an RJ-45 to DB-9 serial port adapter are supplied with the device.

Figure 4 shows the RJ-45 connector of the Ethernet cable.

Figure 4: RJ-45 Connector on an Ethernet Cable
RJ-45 Connector on an Ethernet Cable

If your laptop or PC does not have a DB-9 plug connector pin and you want to connect your laptop or PC directly to the device, use a combination of the RJ-45 to DB-9 socket adapter supplied with the device and a USB to DB-9 plug adapter. You must provide the USB to DB-9 plug adapter.

To connect the device to a management console (see Figure 5 and Figure 6):

  1. Connect one end of the Ethernet cable to the console port (labeled CON, CONSOLE, or CON1) on the device.
  2. Connect the other end of the Ethernet cable to the console server (see Figure 5) or management console (see Figure 6).
Figure 5: Connect a Device to a Management Console Through a Console Server
Connect a Device to a Management
Console Through a Console Server
Figure 6: Connect a Device Directly to a Management Console
Connect a Device Directly to
a Management Console