- play_arrow EVPN-VXLAN
- play_arrow 概要
- VXLAN データ プレーン カプセル化が可能な EVPN について
- EVPN-over-VXLAN でサポートされている機能
- VXLAN について
- EX シリーズ、QFX シリーズ、PTX シリーズのデバイスでの VXLAN 制約
- QFX シリーズおよび EX4600 スイッチ向け EVPN Over VXLAN カプセル化設定の概要
- データセンターにEVPN-VXLANを実装する
- VXLAN に対する PIM NSR および統合 ISSU サポートの概要
- IPv4アンダーレイを使用したEVPN-VXLANネットワークを介したIPv6データトラフィックのルーティング
- 相互運用するように VXLAN およびレイヤー 3 論理インターフェイスを構成する方法の理解
- GBP プロファイルの理解
- play_arrow EVPN-VXLAN インターフェイスの設定
- EVPN-VXLANによる柔軟なイーサネットサービスサポートについて
- EVPN-VXLANライトウェイトリーフからサーバーへのループ検知
- EVPN-VXLANネットワークでのVLAN変換を使用した重複VLANサポート
- 複数の転送インスタンスを使用した重複VLANのサポートまたはVLAN正規化
- EVPN-VXLANブリッジオーバーレイネットワークにおけるVXLANトンネルを介したレイヤー2プロトコルトンネリング
- EVPN-VXLAN環境でのMACフィルタリング、ストーム制御、ポートミラーリングのサポート
- 例:VXLAN でのグループ ベース ポリシーを使用したマイクロおよびマクロのセグメンテーション
- play_arrow VLAN 対応バンドル サービス、VLAN ベース サービス、仮想スイッチ サポートの設定
- play_arrow EVPN-VXLANマルチホーミングによるロードバランシング
- play_arrow レイヤー 3 VXLAN ゲートウェイの設定
- play_arrow EVPN-VXLAN の一元的にルーティングされたブリッジド オーバーレイの設定
- play_arrow EVPN-VXLANエッジルーテッドブリッジングオーバーレイの設定
- play_arrow VXLAN オーバーレイ用 IPv6 アンダーレイ
- play_arrow EVPN-VXLAN によるマルチキャスト機能
- play_arrow Q-in-Q トラフィックのトンネリングの設定
- play_arrow SRXシリーズデバイスでのトンネルトラフィック検査
- play_arrow EVPN-VXLANファブリックの障害検出と分離
- play_arrow EVPN-MPLS
- play_arrow 概要
- play_arrow EVPN MPLSネットワークでのコンバージェンス
- play_arrow EVPNでの疑似ワイヤ終端
- play_arrow ルートの分配の設定
- play_arrow VLAN サービスと仮想スイッチのサポートの設定
- play_arrow 統合型ブリッジングおよびルーティングの設定
- play_arrow EVPN-MPLSによるIGMPまたはMLDスヌーピングの設定
- play_arrow EVPN E-LANサービス
- play_arrow EVPN-VPWS
- play_arrow EVPN-ETREE
- play_arrow 概要
- play_arrow EVPN-ETREEの設定
- play_arrow 相互接続にEVPNを使用する
- play_arrow VXLANデータセンターとEVPNの相互接続
- play_arrow EVPN-MPLS WANを介したEVPN-VXLANデータセンターの相互接続
- play_arrow EVPN-MPLSを使用したJunos Fusion Enterpriseの拡張
- play_arrow PBB-EVPN
- play_arrow PBB-EVPN統合の設定
- play_arrow PBB-EVPNのMACピンニングの設定
- play_arrow EVPN標準
- play_arrow サポートされるEVPN標準
- play_arrow VXLANのみの機能
- play_arrow 柔軟な VXLAN トンネル
- play_arrow 静的 VXLAN
- play_arrow 設定ステートメントと操作コマンド
例:EVPN アクティブ-アクティブ マルチホーミングの設定
この例では、マルチホーム カスタマー エッジ デバイスに対して EVPN(イーサネット VPN)をアクティブ/アクティブ冗長モードで設定することにより、CE デバイス上および CE デバイス方面のすべてのマルチホーム リンクでレイヤー 2 ユニキャスト トラフィックのロード バランシングを行う方法を示します。
3 つのデバイスは、共通のマルチホーム カスタマー サイトに接続された PE(プロバイダ エッジ)ルーターとして設定されます。
1 台のデバイスは、シングルホームのカスタマー サイトに接続されたリモート PE ルーターとして設定されます。
6 台のカスタマー エッジ(CE)デバイス(1 台のマルチホーム CE デバイス、残りの CE デバイスは各 PE ルーターにシングルホーム接続)。
すべての PE ルーターで実行されている Junos OS リリース 16.1 以降。
手記:EVPNマルチホーミングのアクティブ-アクティブ動作モードは、Junos OSリリース16.1以降のリリースでサポートされています。
Junos OSリリース16.1R4以降、EVPNマルチホーミングのアクティブ/アクティブモードがすべてのEX9200スイッチでサポートされます。EX9200スイッチに固有の設定については、 EX9200スイッチの設定を参照してください。
ルーター インターフェイスを設定します。
IS-IS またはその他の IGP プロトコルを設定します。
BGP を設定します。
LDP を設定します。
MPLS を設定します。
RSVP、MPLS、LSP、または GRE トンネルを設定します。
Junos OS リリース 15.1 以降、MPC インターフェイスを備えた MX シリーズ ルーターの EVPN ソリューションが拡張され、アクティブ-アクティブ冗長モードの動作でマルチホーミング機能を提供します。この機能により、カスタマーエッジデバイス上および顧客エッジデバイスに向けたすべてのマルチホームリンク間で、レイヤー2ユニキャストトラフィックのロードバランシングが可能になります。
EVPN のアクティブ-アクティブ マルチホーミング機能は、リソースを効果的に利用するとともに、リンクレベルおよびノードレベルの冗長性を提供します。
EVPN アクティブ-アクティブ マルチホーミングを有効にするには、[edit interfaces esi]
階層レベルで all-active
図 1 では、コアは 4 台の PE(プロバイダ エッジ)ルーターと、ルート リフレクタ(RR)として設定された 1 台のプロバイダ ルーター(P)で構成されています。ルーターCE10は、ルーターPE1、PE2、およびPE3に対してマルチホームされています。また、各 PE ルーターはシングルホームのカスタマー サイトに接続されています。
トポロジーでは、VS-1、VS-2、mhevpnの3つのルーティングインスタンスとデフォルトのルーティングインスタンスが実行されています。ルーティングインスタンスは、それぞれ3つのESIを持つ9つのVLANを共有します。VS-1 および VS-2 ルーティング インスタンスは仮想スイッチ タイプのルーティング インスタンスとして構成され、mhevpn ルーティング インスタンスは EVPN ルーティング インスタンスです。
3 つの集約バンドル(ae0、ae1、ae2)を使用して、マルチホーム CE デバイスCE10 をルーター PE1、PE2、および PE3 に接続します。これらの集約バンドルは、それぞれ 3 つの ESI 用に設定されています。集約されたバンドルae12とae13は、ルーターPE1とPE2、およびPE1とPE3をそれぞれ相互接続するために使用されます。
アクティブ-アクティブ冗長性の場合、DCI相互接続を有効にするために、「相互接続」スタンザに追加の構成が必要です。 default switch (switch-options)
設定の場合は、必ず global protocols evpn
:[edit global protocols evpn]の下にDCIを設定してください。
evpn-vxlan-dc1 vtep-source-interface lo0.0; instance-type mac-vrf; route-distinguisher 101:1; vrf-target target:1:1; protocols { evpn { encapsulation vxlan; extended-vni-list all; interconnect { vrf-target target:2:2; vrf-import route-distinguisher 101:2; interconnected-vni-list all; esi { 00:00:01:02:03:04:05:06:07:08; all-active; } } } } vlans { bd1 { vlan-id 51; l3-interface irb.0; vxlan { vni 51; translation-vni } } } } global protocols { evpn { interconnect-multihoming-peer-gateways } }
このステートメント interconnect-multihoming-peer-gateways
に、同じ DC 上のすべての DCI ピアのリストを含めるように設定します。
このリストには、最大 64 個のピア ゲートウェイ エントリーを含めることができます。必ず global protocol evpn
スタンザ[edit global protocols evpn]で設定し、mac-vrf設定[edit protocols evpn-vxlan-dc1 instance-type mac-vrf]では設定しないでください。
この例を迅速に設定するには、以下のコマンドをコピーして、テキスト ファイルに貼り付け、改行を削除し、ネットワーク設定に一致させる必要がある詳細情報を変更し、コマンドを [edit]
階層レベルで CLI にコピー アンド ペーストして、設定モードから commit
set chassis aggregated-devices ethernet device-count 20 set chassis network-services enhanced-ip set interfaces ge-0/0/1 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0 set interfaces ge-1/0/2 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0 set interfaces ge-1/0/4 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0 set interfaces ge-1/1/7 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0 set interfaces ge-1/1/8 gigether-options 802.3ad ae2 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 gigether-options 802.3ad ae1 set interfaces ge-1/2/1 gigether-options 802.3ad ae2 set interfaces ge-1/2/2 gigether-options 802.3ad ae1 set interfaces ge-1/2/3 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0 set interfaces ge-1/2/4 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0 set interfaces ge-1/3/0 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ge-1/3/0 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 0 vlan-id 10 set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 1 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 1 vlan-id 20 set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 2 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 2 vlan-id 30 set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 110 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 110 vlan-id 110 set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 120 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 120 vlan-id 120 set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 130 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 130 vlan-id 130 set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 210 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 210 vlan-id 210 set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 220 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 220 vlan-id 220 set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 230 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 230 vlan-id 230 set interfaces ae0 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ae0 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ae0 aggregated-ether-options minimum-links 1 set interfaces ae0 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae0 unit 0 vlan-id 10 set interfaces ae0 unit 110 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae0 unit 110 vlan-id 110 set interfaces ae0 unit 210 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae0 unit 210 vlan-id 210 set interfaces ae1 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ae1 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ae1 aggregated-ether-options minimum-links 1 set interfaces ae1 unit 1 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae1 unit 1 vlan-id 20 set interfaces ae1 unit 120 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae1 unit 120 vlan-id 120 set interfaces ae1 unit 220 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae1 unit 220 vlan-id 220 set interfaces ae2 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ae2 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ae2 aggregated-ether-options minimum-links 1 set interfaces ae2 unit 2 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae2 unit 2 vlan-id 30 set interfaces ae2 unit 130 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae2 unit 130 vlan-id 130 set interfaces ae2 unit 230 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae2 unit 230 vlan-id 230 set routing-options forwarding-table export load-balancing-policy set protocols l2-learning global-mac-table-aging-time 18000 set policy-options policy-statement load-balancing-policy then load-balance per-packet set bridge-domains bd10 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd10 vlan-id 10 set bridge-domains bd10 interface ae0.0 set bridge-domains bd10 interface ge-1/3/0.0 set bridge-domains bd110 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd110 vlan-id 110 set bridge-domains bd110 interface ae0.110 set bridge-domains bd110 interface ge-1/3/0.110 set bridge-domains bd120 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd120 vlan-id 120 set bridge-domains bd120 interface ge-1/3/0.120 set bridge-domains bd120 interface ae1.120 set bridge-domains bd130 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd130 vlan-id 130 set bridge-domains bd130 interface ge-1/3/0.130 set bridge-domains bd130 interface ae2.130 set bridge-domains bd20 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd20 vlan-id 20 set bridge-domains bd20 interface ge-1/3/0.1 set bridge-domains bd20 interface ae1.1 set bridge-domains bd210 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd210 vlan-id 210 set bridge-domains bd210 interface ae0.210 set bridge-domains bd210 interface ge-1/3/0.210 set bridge-domains bd220 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd220 vlan-id 220 set bridge-domains bd220 interface ge-1/3/0.220 set bridge-domains bd220 interface ae1.220 set bridge-domains bd230 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd230 vlan-id 230 set bridge-domains bd230 interface ge-1/3/0.230 set bridge-domains bd230 interface ae2.230 set bridge-domains bd30 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd30 vlan-id 30 set bridge-domains bd30 interface ge-1/3/0.2 set bridge-domains bd30 interface ae2.2
set chassis aggregated-devices ethernet device-count 20 set chassis network-services enhanced-ip set interfaces ge-1/1/5 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ge-1/1/9 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 0 vlan-id 10 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 1 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 1 vlan-id 20 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 2 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 2 vlan-id 30 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 110 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 110 vlan-id 110 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 120 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 120 vlan-id 120 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 130 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 130 vlan-id 130 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 210 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 210 vlan-id 210 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 220 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 220 vlan-id 220 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 230 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 230 vlan-id 230 set interfaces ae0 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ae0 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ae0 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae0 unit 0 vlan-id 10 set interfaces ae0 unit 1 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae0 unit 1 vlan-id 20 set interfaces ae0 unit 2 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae0 unit 2 vlan-id 30 set interfaces ae0 unit 110 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae0 unit 110 vlan-id 110 set interfaces ae0 unit 120 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae0 unit 120 vlan-id 120 set interfaces ae0 unit 130 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae0 unit 130 vlan-id 130 set interfaces ae0 unit 210 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae0 unit 210 vlan-id 210 set interfaces ae0 unit 220 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae0 unit 220 vlan-id 220 set interfaces ae0 unit 230 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae0 unit 230 vlan-id 230 set interfaces lo0 unit 6 family inet address set interfaces lo0 unit 6 family iso address 47.0005.80ff.f800.0000.0108.0000.6006.0070.0600 set routing-options forwarding-table export load-balancing-policy set protocols l2-learning global-mac-table-aging-time 18000 set policy-options policy-statement load-balancing-policy then load-balance per-packet set bridge-domains bd10 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd10 vlan-id 10 set bridge-domains bd10 interface ae0.0 set bridge-domains bd10 interface ge-1/1/9.0 set bridge-domains bd110 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd110 vlan-id 110 set bridge-domains bd110 interface ae0.110 set bridge-domains bd110 interface ge-1/1/9.110 set bridge-domains bd120 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd120 vlan-id 120 set bridge-domains bd120 interface ge-1/1/9.120 set bridge-domains bd120 interface ae0.120 set bridge-domains bd130 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd130 vlan-id 130 set bridge-domains bd130 interface ge-1/1/9.130 set bridge-domains bd130 interface ae0.130 set bridge-domains bd20 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd20 vlan-id 20 set bridge-domains bd20 interface ae0.1 set bridge-domains bd20 interface ge-1/1/9.1 set bridge-domains bd210 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd210 vlan-id 210 set bridge-domains bd210 interface ae0.210 set bridge-domains bd210 interface ge-1/1/9.210 set bridge-domains bd220 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd220 vlan-id 220 set bridge-domains bd220 interface ge-1/1/9.220 set bridge-domains bd220 interface ae0.220 set bridge-domains bd230 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd230 vlan-id 230 set bridge-domains bd230 interface ge-1/1/9.230 set bridge-domains bd230 interface ae0.230 set bridge-domains bd30 domain-type bridge set bridge-domains bd30 vlan-id 30 set bridge-domains bd30 interface ge-1/1/9.2 set bridge-domains bd30 interface ae0.2
set chassis aggregated-devices ethernet device-count 20 set chassis network-services enhanced-ip set interfaces ge-1/0/3 gigether-options 802.3ad ae13 set interfaces ge-1/0/4 gigether-options 802.3ad ae13 set interfaces ge-1/0/5 gigether-options 802.3ad ae12 set interfaces ge-1/1/4 unit 0 family inet address set interfaces ge-1/1/4 unit 0 family iso set interfaces ge-1/1/4 unit 0 family mpls set interfaces ge-1/1/6 gigether-options 802.3ad ae12 set interfaces ge-1/2/1 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ge-1/2/1 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ge-1/2/1 esi 00:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33 set interfaces ge-1/2/1 esi all-active set interfaces ge-1/2/1 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/2/1 unit 0 vlan-id 30 set interfaces ge-1/2/1 unit 130 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-1/2/1 unit 130 family bridge vlan-id-list 130 set interfaces ge-1/2/1 unit 230 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-1/2/1 unit 230 family bridge vlan-id-list 230 set interfaces ge-1/2/2 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ge-1/2/2 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ge-1/2/2 esi 00:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 set interfaces ge-1/2/2 esi all-active set interfaces ge-1/2/2 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/2/2 unit 0 vlan-id 20 set interfaces ge-1/2/2 unit 120 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-1/2/2 unit 120 family bridge vlan-id-list 120 set interfaces ge-1/2/2 unit 220 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-1/2/2 unit 220 family bridge vlan-id-list 220 set interfaces ge-1/2/3 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0 set interfaces ge-1/2/4 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0 set interfaces ge-1/3/0 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ge-1/3/0 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 0 vlan-id 10 set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 100 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 110 set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 120 set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 130 set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 200 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 210 set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 220 set interfaces ge-1/3/0 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 230 set interfaces ae0 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ae0 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ae0 esi 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 set interfaces ae0 esi all-active set interfaces ae0 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae0 unit 0 vlan-id 10 set interfaces ae0 unit 110 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ae0 unit 110 family bridge vlan-id-list 110 set interfaces ae0 unit 210 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ae0 unit 210 family bridge vlan-id-list 210 set interfaces ae12 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ae12 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ae12 aggregated-ether-options minimum-links 1 set interfaces ae12 unit 0 vlan-id 1200 set interfaces ae12 unit 0 family inet address set interfaces ae12 unit 0 family iso set interfaces ae12 unit 0 family mpls set interfaces ae13 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ae13 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ae13 aggregated-ether-options minimum-links 1 set interfaces ae13 unit 0 vlan-tags outer 1300 set interfaces ae13 unit 0 vlan-tags inner 13 set interfaces ae13 unit 0 family inet address set interfaces ae13 unit 0 family iso set interfaces ae13 unit 0 family mpls set interfaces irb unit 0 family inet address set interfaces irb unit 0 mac 00:99:99:99:01:99 set interfaces irb unit 1 family inet address set interfaces irb unit 1 mac 00:99:99:99:02:99 set interfaces irb unit 2 family inet address set interfaces irb unit 2 mac 00:99:99:99:03:99 set interfaces irb unit 10 family inet address set interfaces irb unit 10 mac 00:99:99:99:01:90 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet address primary set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family iso set routing-options router-id set routing-options autonomous-system 65221 set routing-options forwarding-table export load-balancing-policy set protocols rsvp interface all set protocols rsvp interface fxp0.0 disable set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe1tope2 from set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe1tope2 to set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe1tope2 primary direct_to_pe2 set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe1tope3 from set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe1tope3 to set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe1tope3 primary direct_to_pe3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe1tope4 from set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe1tope4 to set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe1tope4 primary direct_to_pe4 set protocols mpls path pe4_to_pe3 strict set protocols mpls path pe4_to_pe3 strict set protocols mpls path direct_to_pe2 strict set protocols mpls path direct_to_pe3 strict set protocols mpls path direct_to_pe4 strict set protocols mpls path pe2_to_pe3 strict set protocols mpls path pe2_to_pe3 strict set protocols mpls interface all set protocols mpls interface fxp0.0 disable set protocols bgp group RR type internal set protocols bgp group RR local-address set protocols bgp group RR family evpn signaling set protocols bgp group RR neighbor set protocols isis level 1 disable set protocols isis interface all level 2 metric 10 set protocols isis interface fxp0.0 disable set protocols isis interface lo0.0 level 2 metric 0 set protocols ldp deaggregate set protocols ldp interface all set protocols ldp interface fxp0.0 disable set protocols evpn set protocols l2-learning global-mac-table-aging-time 18000 set policy-options policy-statement load-balancing-policy then load-balance per-packet set routing-instances VS-1 instance-type virtual-switch set routing-instances VS-1 interface ge-1/2/1.130 set routing-instances VS-1 interface ge-1/2/2.120 set routing-instances VS-1 interface ge-1/3/0.100 set routing-instances VS-1 interface ae0.110 set routing-instances VS-1 route-distinguisher set routing-instances VS-1 vrf-target target:100:101 set routing-instances VS-1 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 110 set routing-instances VS-1 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 120 set routing-instances VS-1 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 130 set routing-instances VS-1 protocols evpn default-gateway do-not-advertise set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-110 vlan-id 110 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-110 routing-interface irb.0 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-120 vlan-id 120 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-120 routing-interface irb.1 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-130 vlan-id 130 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-130 routing-interface irb.2 set routing-instances VS-2 instance-type virtual-switch set routing-instances VS-2 interface ge-1/2/1.230 set routing-instances VS-2 interface ge-1/2/2.220 set routing-instances VS-2 interface ge-1/3/0.200 set routing-instances VS-2 interface ae0.210 set routing-instances VS-2 route-distinguisher set routing-instances VS-2 vrf-target target:100:201 set routing-instances VS-2 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 210 set routing-instances VS-2 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 220 set routing-instances VS-2 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 230 set routing-instances VS-2 bridge-domains bd-a vlan-id-list 210 set routing-instances VS-2 bridge-domains bd-a vlan-id-list 220 set routing-instances VS-2 bridge-domains bd-a vlan-id-list 230 set routing-instances mhevpn instance-type evpn set routing-instances mhevpn vlan-id 10 set routing-instances mhevpn interface ge-1/2/1.0 set routing-instances mhevpn interface ge-1/2/2.0 set routing-instances mhevpn interface ge-1/3/0.0 set routing-instances mhevpn interface ae0.0 set routing-instances mhevpn routing-interface irb.10 set routing-instances mhevpn route-distinguisher set routing-instances mhevpn vrf-target target:100:1 set routing-instances mhevpn protocols evpn default-gateway do-not-advertise set routing-instances vrf instance-type vrf set routing-instances vrf interface irb.0 set routing-instances vrf interface irb.1 set routing-instances vrf interface irb.2 set routing-instances vrf interface irb.10 set routing-instances vrf route-distinguisher set routing-instances vrf vrf-target target:100:11 set routing-instances vrf vrf-table-label
set chassis aggregated-devices ethernet device-count 20 set chassis network-services enhanced-ip set interfaces ge-0/0/5 gigether-options 802.3ad ae12 set interfaces ge-0/1/0 gigether-options 802.3ad ae12 set interfaces ge-0/1/1 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ge-0/1/1 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ge-0/1/1 esi 00:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33 set interfaces ge-0/1/1 esi all-active set interfaces ge-0/1/1 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-0/1/1 unit 0 vlan-id 30 set interfaces ge-0/1/1 unit 130 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-0/1/1 unit 130 family bridge vlan-id-list 130 set interfaces ge-0/1/1 unit 230 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-0/1/1 unit 230 family bridge vlan-id-list 230 set interfaces ge-0/1/2 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ge-0/1/2 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ge-0/1/2 esi 00:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 set interfaces ge-0/1/2 esi all-active set interfaces ge-0/1/2 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-0/1/2 unit 0 vlan-id 20 set interfaces ge-0/1/2 unit 120 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-0/1/2 unit 120 family bridge vlan-id-list 120 set interfaces ge-0/1/2 unit 220 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-0/1/2 unit 220 family bridge vlan-id-list 220 set interfaces ge-0/1/3 unit 0 family inet address set interfaces ge-0/1/3 unit 0 family iso set interfaces ge-0/1/3 unit 0 family mpls set interfaces ge-0/1/4 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0 set interfaces ge-0/1/6 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ge-0/1/6 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ge-0/1/6 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-0/1/6 unit 0 vlan-id 10 set interfaces ge-0/1/6 unit 100 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-0/1/6 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 110 set interfaces ge-0/1/6 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 120 set interfaces ge-0/1/6 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 130 set interfaces ge-0/1/6 unit 200 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-0/1/6 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 210 set interfaces ge-0/1/6 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 220 set interfaces ge-0/1/6 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 230 set interfaces ge-0/1/9 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0 set interfaces ae0 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ae0 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ae0 esi 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 set interfaces ae0 esi all-active set interfaces ae0 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae0 unit 0 vlan-id 10 set interfaces ae0 unit 110 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ae0 unit 110 family bridge vlan-id-list 110 set interfaces ae0 unit 210 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ae0 unit 210 family bridge vlan-id-list 210 set interfaces ae12 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ae12 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ae12 aggregated-ether-options minimum-links 1 set interfaces ae12 unit 0 vlan-id 1200 set interfaces ae12 unit 0 family inet address set interfaces ae12 unit 0 family iso set interfaces ae12 unit 0 family mpls set interfaces irb unit 0 family inet address set interfaces irb unit 0 mac 00:99:99:99:01:99 set interfaces irb unit 1 family inet address set interfaces irb unit 1 mac 00:99:99:99:02:99 set interfaces irb unit 2 family inet address set interfaces irb unit 2 mac 00:99:99:99:03:99 set interfaces irb unit 10 family inet address set interfaces irb unit 10 mac 00:99:99:99:01:90 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet address primary set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family iso set routing-options router-id set routing-options autonomous-system 65221 set routing-options forwarding-table export load-balancing-policy set protocols rsvp interface all set protocols rsvp interface fxp0.0 disable set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe2tope1 from set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe2tope1 to set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe2tope1 primary direct_to_pe1 set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe2tope3 from set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe2tope3 to set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe2tope3 primary direct_to_pe3 set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe2tope4 from set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe2tope4 to set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe2tope4 primary direct_to_pe4 set protocols mpls path direct_to_pe1 strict set protocols mpls path direct_to_pe3 strict set protocols mpls path direct_to_pe4 strict set protocols mpls interface all set protocols mpls interface fxp0.0 disable set protocols bgp group RR type internal set protocols bgp group RR local-address set protocols bgp group RR family evpn signaling set protocols bgp group RR neighbor set protocols isis level 1 disable set protocols isis interface all level 2 metric 10 set protocols isis interface fxp0.0 disable set protocols isis interface lo0.0 level 2 metric 0 set protocols ldp deaggregate set protocols ldp interface all set protocols ldp interface fxp0.0 disable set protocols l2-learning global-mac-table-aging-time 18000 set policy-options policy-statement load-balancing-policy then load-balance per-packet set routing-instances VS-1 instance-type virtual-switch set routing-instances VS-1 interface ge-0/1/1.130 set routing-instances VS-1 interface ge-0/1/2.120 set routing-instances VS-1 interface ge-0/1/6.100 set routing-instances VS-1 interface ae0.110 set routing-instances VS-1 route-distinguisher set routing-instances VS-1 vrf-target target:100:101 set routing-instances VS-1 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 110 set routing-instances VS-1 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 120 set routing-instances VS-1 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 130 set routing-instances VS-1 protocols evpn default-gateway do-not-advertise set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-110 vlan-id 110 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-110 routing-interface irb.0 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-120 vlan-id 120 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-120 routing-interface irb.1 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-130 vlan-id 130 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-130 routing-interface irb.2 set routing-instances VS-2 instance-type virtual-switch set routing-instances VS-2 interface ge-0/1/1.230 set routing-instances VS-2 interface ge-0/1/2.220 set routing-instances VS-2 interface ge-0/1/6.200 set routing-instances VS-2 interface ae0.210 set routing-instances VS-2 route-distinguisher set routing-instances VS-2 vrf-target target:100:201 set routing-instances VS-2 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 210 set routing-instances VS-2 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 220 set routing-instances VS-2 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 230 set routing-instances VS-2 bridge-domains bd-a vlan-id-list 210 set routing-instances VS-2 bridge-domains bd-a vlan-id-list 220 set routing-instances VS-2 bridge-domains bd-a vlan-id-list 230 set routing-instances mhevpn instance-type evpn set routing-instances mhevpn vlan-id 10 set routing-instances mhevpn interface ge-0/1/1.0 set routing-instances mhevpn interface ge-0/1/2.0 set routing-instances mhevpn interface ge-0/1/6.0 set routing-instances mhevpn interface ae0.0 set routing-instances mhevpn routing-interface irb.10 set routing-instances mhevpn route-distinguisher set routing-instances mhevpn vrf-target target:100:1 set routing-instances mhevpn protocols evpn default-gateway do-not-advertise set routing-instances vrf instance-type vrf set routing-instances vrf interface irb.0 set routing-instances vrf interface irb.1 set routing-instances vrf interface irb.2 set routing-instances vrf interface irb.10 set routing-instances vrf route-distinguisher set routing-instances vrf vrf-target target:100:11 set routing-instances vrf vrf-table-label
set chassis aggregated-devices ethernet device-count 20 set chassis network-services enhanced-ip set interfaces ge-2/0/1 gigether-options 802.3ad ae13 set interfaces ge-2/0/2 gigether-options 802.3ad ae13 set interfaces ge-2/0/4 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0 set interfaces ge-2/0/9 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ge-2/0/9 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ge-2/0/9 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-2/0/9 unit 0 vlan-id 10 set interfaces ge-2/0/9 unit 100 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-2/0/9 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 110 set interfaces ge-2/0/9 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 120 set interfaces ge-2/0/9 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 130 set interfaces ge-2/0/9 unit 200 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-2/0/9 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 210 set interfaces ge-2/0/9 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 220 set interfaces ge-2/0/9 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 230 set interfaces ge-2/1/0 unit 0 family inet address set interfaces ge-2/1/0 unit 0 family iso set interfaces ge-2/1/0 unit 0 family mpls set interfaces ge-2/1/6 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0 set interfaces ae0 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ae0 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ae0 esi 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 set interfaces ae0 esi all-active set interfaces ae0 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ae0 unit 0 vlan-id 10 set interfaces ae0 unit 110 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ae0 unit 110 family bridge vlan-id-list 110 set interfaces ae0 unit 210 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ae0 unit 210 family bridge vlan-id-list 210 set interfaces ae13 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ae13 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ae13 aggregated-ether-options minimum-links 1 set interfaces ae13 unit 0 vlan-tags outer 1300 set interfaces ae13 unit 0 vlan-tags inner 13 set interfaces ae13 unit 0 family inet address set interfaces ae13 unit 0 family iso set interfaces ae13 unit 0 family mpls set interfaces irb unit 0 family inet address set interfaces irb unit 0 mac 00:99:99:99:01:99 set interfaces irb unit 1 family inet address set interfaces irb unit 1 mac 00:99:99:99:02:99 set interfaces irb unit 2 family inet address set interfaces irb unit 2 mac 00:99:99:99:03:99 set interfaces irb unit 10 family inet address set interfaces irb unit 10 mac 00:99:99:99:01:90 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet address primary set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family iso set routing-options router-id set routing-options autonomous-system 65221 set routing-options forwarding-table export load-balancing-policy set protocols rsvp interface all set protocols rsvp interface fxp0.0 disable set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe3tope1 from set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe3tope1 to set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe3tope1 primary direct_to_pe1 set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe3tope2 from set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe3tope2 to set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe3tope2 primary direct_to_pe2 set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe3tope4 from set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe3tope4 to set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe3tope4 primary direct_to_pe4 set protocols mpls path direct_to_pe1 strict set protocols mpls path direct_to_pe2 strict set protocols mpls path direct_to_pe4 strict set protocols mpls interface all set protocols mpls interface fxp0.0 disable set protocols bgp group RR type internal set protocols bgp group RR local-address set protocols bgp group RR family evpn signaling set protocols bgp group RR neighbor set protocols isis level 1 disable set protocols isis interface all level 2 metric 10 set protocols isis interface fxp0.0 disable set protocols isis interface lo0.0 level 2 metric 0 set protocols ldp deaggregate set protocols ldp interface all set protocols ldp interface fxp0.0 disable set protocols l2-learning global-mac-table-aging-time 18000 set policy-options policy-statement load-balancing-policy then load-balance per-packet set routing-instances VS-1 instance-type virtual-switch set routing-instances VS-1 interface ge-2/0/9.100 set routing-instances VS-1 interface ae0.110 set routing-instances VS-1 route-distinguisher set routing-instances VS-1 vrf-target target:100:101 set routing-instances VS-1 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 110 set routing-instances VS-1 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 120 set routing-instances VS-1 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 130 set routing-instances VS-1 protocols evpn default-gateway do-not-advertise set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-110 vlan-id 110 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-110 routing-interface irb.0 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-120 vlan-id 120 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-120 routing-interface irb.1 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-130 vlan-id 130 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-130 routing-interface irb.2 set routing-instances VS-2 instance-type virtual-switch set routing-instances VS-2 interface ge-2/0/9.200 set routing-instances VS-2 interface ae0.210 set routing-instances VS-2 route-distinguisher set routing-instances VS-2 vrf-target target:100:201 set routing-instances VS-2 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 210 set routing-instances VS-2 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 220 set routing-instances VS-2 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 230 set routing-instances VS-2 bridge-domains bd-a vlan-id-list 210 set routing-instances VS-2 bridge-domains bd-a vlan-id-list 220 set routing-instances VS-2 bridge-domains bd-a vlan-id-list 230 set routing-instances mhevpn instance-type evpn set routing-instances mhevpn vlan-id 10 set routing-instances mhevpn interface ge-2/0/9.0 set routing-instances mhevpn interface ae0.0 set routing-instances mhevpn routing-interface irb.10 set routing-instances mhevpn route-distinguisher set routing-instances mhevpn vrf-target target:100:1 set routing-instances mhevpn protocols evpn default-gateway do-not-advertise set routing-instances vrf instance-type vrf set routing-instances vrf interface irb.0 set routing-instances vrf interface irb.1 set routing-instances vrf interface irb.2 set routing-instances vrf interface irb.10 set routing-instances vrf route-distinguisher set routing-instances vrf vrf-target target:100:11 set routing-instances vrf vrf-table-label
set chassis aggregated-devices ethernet device-count 20 set chassis network-services enhanced-ip set interfaces ge-1/0/3 unit 0 family inet address set interfaces ge-1/0/3 unit 0 family iso set interfaces ge-1/0/3 unit 0 family mpls set interfaces ge-1/1/1 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ge-1/1/1 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ge-1/1/1 esi 00:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44 set interfaces ge-1/1/1 esi all-active set interfaces ge-1/1/1 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/1/1 unit 0 vlan-id 10 set interfaces ge-1/1/1 unit 100 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-1/1/1 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 110 set interfaces ge-1/1/1 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 120 set interfaces ge-1/1/1 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 130 set interfaces ge-1/1/1 unit 200 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-1/1/1 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 210 set interfaces ge-1/1/1 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 220 set interfaces ge-1/1/1 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 230 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 flexible-vlan-tagging set interfaces ge-1/1/9 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 0 vlan-id 10 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 100 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 110 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 120 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 130 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 200 family bridge interface-mode trunk set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 210 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 220 set interfaces ge-1/1/9 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 230 set interfaces irb unit 0 family inet address set interfaces irb unit 0 mac 00:99:99:99:01:99 set interfaces irb unit 1 family inet address set interfaces irb unit 1 mac 00:99:99:99:02:99 set interfaces irb unit 2 family inet address set interfaces irb unit 2 mac 00:99:99:99:03:99 set interfaces irb unit 10 family inet address set interfaces irb unit 10 mac 00:99:99:99:01:90 set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet address primary set routing-options router-id set routing-options autonomous-system 65221 set routing-options forwarding-table export load-balancing-policy set protocols rsvp interface all set protocols rsvp interface fxp0.0 disable set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe4tope1 from set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe4tope1 to set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe4tope1 primary direct_to_pe1 set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe4tope2 from set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe4tope2 to set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe4tope2 primary direct_to_pe2 set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe4tope3 from set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe4tope3 to set protocols mpls label-switched-path pe4tope3 primary direct_to_pe3 set protocols mpls path pe2_to_pe3 strict set protocols mpls path pe2_to_pe3 strict set protocols mpls path direct_to_pe1 strict set protocols mpls path direct_to_pe2 strict set protocols mpls path direct_to_pe3 strict set protocols mpls interface all set protocols mpls interface fxp0.0 disable set protocols bgp group RR type internal set protocols bgp group RR local-address set protocols bgp group RR family evpn signaling set protocols bgp group RR neighbor set protocols isis level 1 disable set protocols isis interface all level 2 metric 10 set protocols isis interface fxp0.0 disable set protocols isis interface lo0.0 level 2 metric 0 set protocols ldp deaggregate set protocols ldp interface all set protocols ldp interface fxp0.0 disable set protocols l2-learning global-mac-table-aging-time 18000 set policy-options policy-statement load-balancing-policy then load-balance per-packet set routing-instances VS-1 instance-type virtual-switch set routing-instances VS-1 interface ge-1/1/1.100 set routing-instances VS-1 interface ge-1/1/9.100 set routing-instances VS-1 route-distinguisher set routing-instances VS-1 vrf-target target:100:101 set routing-instances VS-1 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 110 set routing-instances VS-1 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 120 set routing-instances VS-1 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 130 set routing-instances VS-1 protocols evpn default-gateway do-not-advertise set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-110 vlan-id 110 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-110 routing-interface irb.0 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-120 vlan-id 120 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-120 routing-interface irb.1 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-130 vlan-id 130 set routing-instances VS-1 bridge-domains bd-130 routing-interface irb.2 set routing-instances VS-2 instance-type virtual-switch set routing-instances VS-2 interface ge-1/1/1.200 set routing-instances VS-2 interface ge-1/1/9.200 set routing-instances VS-2 route-distinguisher set routing-instances VS-2 vrf-target target:100:201 set routing-instances VS-2 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 210 set routing-instances VS-2 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 220 set routing-instances VS-2 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 230 set routing-instances VS-2 bridge-domains bd-a vlan-id-list 210 set routing-instances VS-2 bridge-domains bd-a vlan-id-list 220 set routing-instances VS-2 bridge-domains bd-a vlan-id-list 230 set routing-instances mhevpn instance-type evpn set routing-instances mhevpn vlan-id 10 set routing-instances mhevpn interface ge-1/1/1.0 set routing-instances mhevpn interface ge-1/1/9.0 set routing-instances mhevpn routing-interface irb.10 set routing-instances mhevpn route-distinguisher set routing-instances mhevpn vrf-target target:100:1 set routing-instances mhevpn protocols evpn default-gateway do-not-advertise set routing-instances vrf instance-type vrf set routing-instances vrf interface irb.0 set routing-instances vrf interface irb.1 set routing-instances vrf interface irb.2 set routing-instances vrf interface irb.10 set routing-instances vrf route-distinguisher set routing-instances vrf vrf-target target:100:11 set routing-instances vrf vrf-table-label
set interfaces ge-1/0/5 unit 0 family inet address set interfaces ge-1/1/2 unit 0 family inet address set interfaces ge-1/1/3 unit 0 family inet address set interfaces ge-1/1/4 unit 0 family inet address set interfaces lo0 unit 0 family inet address set protocols bgp group RR type internal set protocols bgp group RR local-address set protocols bgp group RR family evpn signaling set protocols bgp group RR cluster set protocols bgp group RR neighbor set protocols bgp group RR neighbor set protocols bgp group RR neighbor set protocols bgp group RR neighbor set protocols isis interface all level 1 disable set protocols ldp interface all set routing-options router-id set routing-options autonomous-system 65221
次の例では、設定階層のいくつかのレベルに移動する必要があります。CLIのナビゲーションについては、「 1 コンフィグレーション・モードでのCLIエディタの使用」を参照してください。
適切なインターフェイス名、アドレス、およびその他のパラメーターを変更した後、他のすべてのマルチホーム PE ルーターに対してこの手順を繰り返します。
EVPN アクティブ/アクティブ機能は MPC および MIC インターフェイスを搭載したルーターでのみサポートされているため、MX シリーズ ルーターを拡張 IP モードで動作するように設定します。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit chassis] user@PE1# set network-services enhanced-ip
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit chassis] user@PE1# set aggregated-devices ethernet device-count 20
ae0 集約バンドル内でインターフェイス ge-1/2/3 と ge-1/2/4 を割り当てます。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ge-1/2/3 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0 user@PE1# set ge-1/2/4 gigether-options 802.3ad ae0
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ae0 flexible-vlan-tagging user@PE1# set ae0 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ae0 esi 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 user@PE1# set ae0 esi all-active
ae0 集約バンドル用のブリッジネットワーク上のトランクインターフェイスを設定します。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ae0 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge user@PE1# set ae0 unit 0 vlan-id 10 user@PE1# set ae0 unit 110 family bridge interface-mode trunk user@PE1# set ae0 unit 110 family bridge vlan-id-list 110 user@PE1# set ae0 unit 210 family bridge interface-mode trunk user@PE1# set ae0 unit 210 family bridge vlan-id-list 210
ge-1/2/2 PE1インターフェイスのVLANタギングおよびカプセル化パラメーターを設定します。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ge-1/2/2 flexible-vlan-tagging user@PE1# set ge-1/2/2 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services
2 番目のイーサネット セグメントに ESI 値を割り当て、ge-1/2/2 PE1 インターフェイスの EVPN アクティブ-アクティブ マルチホーミングを有効にします。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ge-1/2/2 esi 00:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 user@PE1# set ge-1/2/2 esi all-active
ge-1/2/2 PE1インターフェイスのブリッジネットワーク上のトランクインターフェイスを設定します。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ge-1/2/2 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge user@PE1# set ge-1/2/2 unit 0 vlan-id 20 user@PE1# set ge-1/2/2 unit 120 family bridge interface-mode trunk user@PE1# set ge-1/2/2 unit 120 family bridge vlan-id-list 120 user@PE1# set ge-1/2/2 unit 220 family bridge interface-mode trunk user@PE1# set ge-1/2/2 unit 220 family bridge vlan-id-list 220
ge-1/2/1 PE1インターフェイスのVLANタギングおよびカプセル化パラメータを設定します。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ge-1/2/1 flexible-vlan-tagging user@PE1# set ge-1/2/1 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services
3 番目のイーサネット セグメントに ESI 値を割り当て、ge-1/2/1 PE1 インターフェイスの EVPN アクティブ/アクティブ マルチホーミングを有効にします。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ge-1/2/1 esi 00:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33 user@PE1# set ge-1/2/1 esi all-active
ge-1/2/1 PE1インターフェイスのブリッジネットワーク上のトランクインターフェイスを設定します。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ge-1/2/1 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge user@PE1# set ge-1/2/1 unit 0 vlan-id 30 user@PE1# set ge-1/2/1 unit 130 family bridge interface-mode trunk user@PE1# set ge-1/2/1 unit 130 family bridge vlan-id-list 130 user@PE1# set ge-1/2/1 unit 230 family bridge interface-mode trunk user@PE1# set ge-1/2/1 unit 230 family bridge vlan-id-list 230
ae12 集約バンドル内のインターフェイス ge-1/0/5 と ge-1/1/6 を割り当てます。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ge-1/0/5 gigether-options 802.3ad ae12 user@PE1# set ge-1/1/6 gigether-options 802.3ad ae12
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ae12 aggregated-ether-options minimum-links 1
ae12 集約バンドルに IP アドレスを割り当て、バンドルで MPLS および IS-IS プロトコルファミリーを有効にします。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ae12 unit 0 family inet address user@PE1# set ae12 unit 0 family iso user@PE1# set ae12 unit 0 family mpls
ae12集約バンドルのVLANタグ付けおよびカプセル化パラメーターを設定し、バンドルにVLAN ID 1200を割り当てます。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ae12 flexible-vlan-tagging user@PE1# set ae12 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services user@PE1# set ae12 unit 0 vlan-id 1200
ae13 集約バンドル内のインターフェイス ge-1/0/3 と ge-1/0/4 を割り当てます。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ge-1/0/3 gigether-options 802.3ad ae13 user@PE1# set ge-1/0/4 gigether-options 802.3ad ae13
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ae13 aggregated-ether-options minimum-links 1
ae13 集約バンドルに IP アドレスを割り当て、バンドルで MPLS および IS-IS プロトコルファミリーを有効にします。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ae13 unit 0 family inet address user@PE1# set ae13 unit 0 family iso user@PE1# set ae13 unit 0 family mpls
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ae13 flexible-vlan-tagging user@PE1# set ae13 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services user@PE1# set ae13 unit 0 vlan-tags outer 1300 user@PE1# set ae13 unit 0 vlan-tags inner 13
ge-1/3/0 PE1インターフェイスのVLANタギングおよびカプセル化パラメータを設定します。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ge-1/3/0 flexible-vlan-tagging user@PE1# set ge-1/3/0 encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services
ge-1/3/0 PE1インターフェイスのブリッジネットワーク上のトランクインターフェイスを設定します。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ge-1/3/0 unit 0 encapsulation vlan-bridge user@PE1# set ge-1/3/0 unit 0 vlan-id 10 user@PE1# set ge-1/3/0 unit 100 family bridge interface-mode trunk user@PE1# set ge-1/3/0 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 110 user@PE1# set ge-1/3/0 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 120 user@PE1# set ge-1/3/0 unit 100 family bridge vlan-id-list 130 user@PE1# set ge-1/3/0 unit 200 family bridge interface-mode trunk user@PE1# set ge-1/3/0 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 210 user@PE1# set ge-1/3/0 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 220 user@PE1# set ge-1/3/0 unit 200 family bridge vlan-id-list 230
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set ge-1/1/4 unit 0 family inet address user@PE1# set ge-1/1/4 unit 0 family iso user@PE1# set ge-1/1/4 unit 0 family mpls
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set irb unit 0 family inet address user@PE1# set irb unit 0 mac 00:99:99:99:01:99 user@PE1# set irb unit 1 family inet address user@PE1# set irb unit 1 mac 00:99:99:99:02:99 user@PE1# set irb unit 2 family inet address user@PE1# set irb unit 2 mac 00:99:99:99:03:99 user@PE1# set irb unit 10 family inet address user@PE1# set irb unit 10 mac 00:99:99:99:01:90
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE1# set lo0 unit 0 family inet address primary user@PE1# set lo0 unit 0 family iso
ルーター PE1 のルーター ID と自律システム番号を割り当てます。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit routing-options] user@PE1# set router-id user@PE1# set autonomous-system 65221
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit routing-options] user@PE1# set forwarding-table export load-balancing-policy
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit protocols] user@PE1# set isis level 1 disable user@PE1# set isis interface all level 2 metric 10 user@PE1# set isis interface fxp0.0 disable user@PE1# set isis interface lo0.0 level 2 metric 0
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit protocols] user@PE1# set bgp group RR type internal user@PE1# set bgp group RR local-address user@PE1# set bgp group RR neighbor
ルーターPE1のRR BGPグループのEVPNシグナリングを有効にします。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit protocols] user@PE1# set bgp group RR family evpn signaling
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit protocols] user@PE1# set rsvp interface all user@PE1# set rsvp interface fxp0.0 disable user@PE1# set ldp deaggregate user@PE1# set ldp interface all user@PE1# set ldp interface fxp0.0 disable user@PE1# set mpls interface all user@PE1# set mpls interface fxp0.0 disable user@PE1# set evpn user@PE1# set l2-learning global-mac-table-aging-time 18000
PE ルーター間のラベルスイッチ パスを設定します。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit protocols] user@PE1# set mpls label-switched-path pe1tope2 from user@PE1# set mpls label-switched-path pe1tope2 to user@PE1# set mpls label-switched-path pe1tope2 primary direct_to_pe2 user@PE1# set mpls label-switched-path pe1tope3 from user@PE1# set mpls label-switched-path pe1tope3 to user@PE1# set mpls label-switched-path pe1tope3 primary direct_to_pe3 user@PE1# set mpls label-switched-path pe1tope4 from user@PE1# set mpls label-switched-path pe1tope4 to user@PE1# set mpls label-switched-path pe1tope4 primary direct_to_pe4
content_copy zoom_out_mapuser@PE1# set mpls path pe4_to_pe3 strict user@PE1# set mpls path pe4_to_pe3 strict user@PE1# set mpls path direct_to_pe2 strict user@PE1# set mpls path direct_to_pe3 strict user@PE1# set mpls path direct_to_pe4 strict user@PE1# set mpls path pe2_to_pe3 strict user@PE1# set mpls path pe2_to_pe3 strict
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit policy-options] user@PE1# set policy-statement load-balancing-policy then load-balance per-packet
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit routing-instances] user@PE1# set VS-1 instance-type virtual-switch user@PE1# set VS-1 interface ge-1/2/1.130 user@PE1# set VS-1 interface ge-1/2/2.120 user@PE1# set VS-1 interface ge-1/3/0.100 user@PE1# set VS-1 interface ae0.110
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit routing-instances] user@PE1# set VS-1 route-distinguisher user@PE1# set VS-1 vrf-target target:100:101
EVPN を設定し、VS-1 ルーティング インスタンスに VLAN を割り当てます。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit routing-instances] user@PE1# set VS-1 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 110 user@PE1# set VS-1 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 120 user@PE1# set VS-1 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 130 user@PE1# set VS-1 protocols evpn default-gateway do-not-advertise
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit routing-instances] user@PE1# set VS-1 bridge-domains bd-110 vlan-id 110 user@PE1# set VS-1 bridge-domains bd-110 routing-interface irb.0 user@PE1# set VS-1 bridge-domains bd-120 vlan-id 120 user@PE1# set VS-1 bridge-domains bd-120 routing-interface irb.1 user@PE1# set VS-1 bridge-domains bd-130 vlan-id 130 user@PE1# set VS-1 bridge-domains bd-130 routing-interface irb.2
2 番目の仮想スイッチ ルーティング インスタンスを構成します。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit routing-instances] user@PE1# set VS-2 instance-type virtual-switch user@PE1# set VS-2 interface ge-1/2/1.230 user@PE1# set VS-2 interface ge-1/2/2.220 user@PE1# set VS-2 interface ge-1/3/0.200 user@PE1# set VS-2 interface ae0.210
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit routing-instances] user@PE1# set VS-2 route-distinguisher user@PE1# set VS-2 vrf-target target:100:201
EVPN を設定し、VS-2 ルーティング インスタンスに VLAN を割り当てます。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit routing-instances] user@PE1# set VS-2 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 210 user@PE1# set VS-2 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 220 user@PE1# set VS-2 protocols evpn extended-vlan-list 230
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit routing-instances] user@PE1# set routing-instances VS-2 bridge-domains bd-a vlan-id-list 210 user@PE1# set routing-instances VS-2 bridge-domains bd-a vlan-id-list 220 user@PE1# set routing-instances VS-2 bridge-domains bd-a vlan-id-list 230
マルチホーム EVPN ルーティング インスタンスを設定します。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit routing-instances] user@PE1# set mhevpn instance-type evpn user@PE1# set mhevpn vlan-id 10 user@PE1# set mhevpn interface ge-1/2/1.0 user@PE1# set mhevpn interface ge-1/2/2.0 user@PE1# set mhevpn interface ge-1/3/0.0 user@PE1# set mhevpn interface ae0.0 user@PE1# set mhevpn routing-interface irb.10
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit routing-instances] user@PE1# set mhevpn route-distinguisher user@PE1# set mhevpn vrf-target target:100:1
EVPN を mhevpn ルーティングインスタンスに設定します。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit routing-instances] user@PE1# set routing-instances mhevpn protocols evpn default-gateway do-not-advertise
ルーティング インスタンス タイプを設定し、IRB インターフェイスをルーティング インスタンスに割り当てます。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit routing-instances] user@PE1# set vrf instance-type vrf user@PE1# set vrf interface irb.0 user@PE1# set vrf interface irb.1 user@PE1# set vrf interface irb.2 user@PE1# set vrf interface irb.10
vrf ルーティングインスタンスのルート識別子と VPN ルーティングおよび転送(VRF)ターゲットを設定します。
content_copy zoom_out_map[edit routing-instances] user@PE1# set vrf route-distinguisher user@PE1# set vrf vrf-target target:100:11 user@PE1# set vrf vrf-table-label
family bridge
ステートメントではなく、family ethernet-switching
ステートメントを含めます。content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE#1# set interfaces ge-1/2/1 unit 130 family ethernet-switching interface-mode trunk
レイヤー 2 イーサネット スイッチング ドメインを設定するには、すべてのオカレンスに
vlan-id-list vlan-id
ステートメントではなくvlan members (vlan-id | name)
ステートメントを含めます。content_copy zoom_out_map[edit interfaces] user@PE#1# set interfaces ge-1/2/1 unit 130 family ethernet-switching vlan members 130
ステートメントではなく、vlans name
ステートメントを含めます。content_copy zoom_out_map[edit] user@PE#1# set routing-instances VS-1 vlans bd-110 vlan-id 110
各ルーティング インスタンスで IRB インターフェイスを設定するには、すべてのオカレンスに
ステートメントではなくl3-interface irb-interface-name
ステートメントを含めます。content_copy zoom_out_map[edit] user@PE#1# set routing-instances VS-1 vlans bd-110 l3-interface irb.0
設定モードから、 show chassis
、 show interfaces
、 show routing-options
、 show protocols
、および show routing-instances
user@PE1 show chassis aggregated-devices { ethernet { device-count 20; } } network-services enhanced-ip;
user@PE1 show interfaces ge-1/0/3 { gigether-options { 802.3ad ae13; } } ge-1/0/4 { gigether-options { 802.3ad ae13; } } ge-1/0/5 { gigether-options { 802.3ad ae12; } } ge-1/1/4 { unit 0 { family inet { address; } family iso; family mpls; } } ge-1/1/6 { gigether-options { 802.3ad ae12; } } ge-1/2/1 { flexible-vlan-tagging; encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services; esi { 00:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33; all-active; } unit 0 { encapsulation vlan-bridge; vlan-id 30; } unit 130 { family bridge { interface-mode trunk; vlan-id-list 130; } } unit 230 { family bridge { interface-mode trunk; vlan-id-list 230; } } } ge-1/2/2 { flexible-vlan-tagging; encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services; esi { 00:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22; all-active; } unit 0 { encapsulation vlan-bridge; vlan-id 20; } unit 120 { family bridge { interface-mode trunk; vlan-id-list 120; } } unit 220 { family bridge { interface-mode trunk; vlan-id-list 220; } } } ge-1/2/3 { gigether-options { 802.3ad ae0; } } ge-1/2/4 { gigether-options { 802.3ad ae0; } } ge-1/3/0 { flexible-vlan-tagging; encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services; unit 0 { encapsulation vlan-bridge; vlan-id 10; } unit 100 { family bridge { interface-mode trunk; vlan-id-list [ 110 120 130 ]; } } unit 200 { family bridge { interface-mode trunk; vlan-id-list [ 210 220 230 ]; } } } ae0 { flexible-vlan-tagging; encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services; esi { 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11; all-active; } unit 0 { encapsulation vlan-bridge; vlan-id 10; } unit 110 { family bridge { interface-mode trunk; vlan-id-list 110; } } unit 210 { family bridge { interface-mode trunk; vlan-id-list 210; } } } ae12 { flexible-vlan-tagging; encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services; aggregated-ether-options { minimum-links 1; } unit 0 { vlan-id 1200; family inet { address; } family iso; family mpls; } } ae13 { flexible-vlan-tagging; encapsulation flexible-ethernet-services; aggregated-ether-options { minimum-links 1; } unit 0 { vlan-tags outer 1300 inner 13; family inet { address; } family iso; family mpls; } } irb { unit 0 { family inet { address; } mac 00:99:99:99:01:99; } unit 1 { family inet { address; } mac 00:99:99:99:02:99; } unit 2 { family inet { address; } mac 00:99:99:99:03:99; } unit 10 { family inet { address; } mac 00:99:99:99:01:90; } } lo0 { unit 0 { family inet { address { primary; } } family iso; } }
user@PE1# show routing-options router-id; autonomous-system 65221; forwarding-table { export load-balancing-policy; }
user@PE1# show protocols rsvp { interface all; interface fxp0.0 { disable; } } mpls { label-switched-path pe1tope2 { from; to; primary direct_to_pe2; } label-switched-path pe1tope3 { from; to; primary direct_to_pe3; } label-switched-path pe1tope4 { from; to; primary direct_to_pe4; } path pe4_to_pe3 { strict; strict; } path direct_to_pe2 { strict; } path direct_to_pe3 { strict; } path direct_to_pe4 { strict; } path pe2_to_pe3 { strict; strict; } interface all; interface fxp0.0 { disable; } } bgp { group RR { type internal; local-address; family evpn { signaling; } neighbor; } } isis { level 1 disable; interface all { level 2 metric 10; } interface fxp0.0 { disable; } interface lo0.0 { level 2 metric 0; } } ldp { deaggregate; interface all; interface fxp0.0 { disable; } } evpn { } l2-learning { global-mac-table-aging-time 18000; }
user@PE1# show policy-options policy-statement load-balancing-policy { then { load-balance per-packet; } }
user@PE1# show routing-instances VS-1 { instance-type virtual-switch; interface ge-1/2/1.130; interface ge-1/2/2.120; interface ge-1/3/0.100; interface ae0.110; route-distinguisher; vrf-target target:100:101; protocols { evpn { extended-vlan-list [ 110 120 130 ]; default-gateway do-not-advertise; } } bridge-domains { bd-110 { vlan-id 110; routing-interface irb.0; } bd-120 { vlan-id 120; routing-interface irb.1; } bd-130 { vlan-id 130; routing-interface irb.2; } } } VS-2 { instance-type virtual-switch; interface ge-1/2/1.230; interface ge-1/2/2.220; interface ge-1/3/0.200; interface ae0.210; route-distinguisher; vrf-target target:100:201; protocols { evpn { extended-vlan-list [ 210 220 230 ]; } } bridge-domains { bd-a { vlan-id-list [ 210 220 230 ]; } } } mhevpn { instance-type evpn; vlan-id 10; interface ge-1/2/1.0; interface ge-1/2/2.0; interface ge-1/3/0.0; interface ae0.0; routing-interface irb.10; route-distinguisher; vrf-target target:100:1; protocols { evpn { default-gateway do-not-advertise; } } } vrf { instance-type vrf; interface irb.0; interface irb.1; interface irb.2; interface irb.10; route-distinguisher; vrf-target target:100:11; vrf-table-label; }
- コアでの VPN サービスの検証
- EVPN インスタンスのステータスの確認
- イーサネット セグメントごとの自動検出ルートの検証
- イーサネットセグメントルートの検証
- DF ステータスの確認
- BDF ステータスの確認
- リモート IRB とホスト IP の検証
コアでの VPN サービスの検証
VPN コアのプロトコルが正しく機能していることを確認します。
動作モードから、 show isis adjacency
user@PE1> show isis adjacency Interface System L State Hold (secs) SNPA ge-1/2/4.0 CE10 2 Up 24 5c:5e:ab:e:6f:4
動作モードから、 show bgp summary
user@PE1> show bgp summary Groups: 1 Peers: 1 Down peers: 0 Table Tot Paths Act Paths Suppressed History Damp State Pending bgp.evpn.0 45 45 0 0 0 0 Peer AS InPkt OutPkt OutQ Flaps Last Up/Dwn State|#Active/Received/Accepted/Damped... 65221 90 26 0 0 3:18 Establ bgp.evpn.0: 45/45/45/0 VS-1.evpn.0: 19/19/19/0 VS-2.evpn.0: 19/19/19/0 mhevpn.evpn.0: 13/13/13/0 __default_evpn__.evpn.0: 4/4/4/0 user@P> show bgp summary Groups: 1 Peers: 4 Down peers: 0 Table Tot Paths Act Paths Suppressed History Damp State Pending bgp.evpn.0 68 68 0 0 0 0 Peer AS InPkt OutPkt OutQ Flaps Last Up/Dwn State|#Active/Received/Accepted/Damped... 65221 25 90 0 0 3:04 Establ bgp.evpn.0: 22/22/22/0 65221 32 80 0 0 6:12 Establ bgp.evpn.0: 22/22/22/0 65221 31 62 0 0 6:58 Establ bgp.evpn.0: 12/12/12/0 65221 28 88 0 0 6:04 Establ bgp.evpn.0: 12/12/12/0
動作モードから、 show mpls lsp
user@PE1> show mpls lsp Ingress LSP: 3 sessions To From State Rt P ActivePath LSPname Up 0 * direct_to_pe2 pe1tope2 Up 0 * direct_to_pe3 pe1tope3 Up 0 * direct_to_pe4 pe1tope4 Total 3 displayed, Up 3, Down 0 Egress LSP: 3 sessions To From State Rt Style Labelin Labelout LSPname Up 0 1 FF 3 - pe3tope1 Up 0 1 FF 3 - pe4tope1 Up 0 1 FF 3 - pe2tope1 Total 3 displayed, Up 3, Down 0 Transit LSP: 0 sessions Total 0 displayed, Up 0, Down 0
動作モードから、 show interface ae* terse
user@PE1> show interface ae* terse Interface Admin Link Proto Local Remote ae0 up up ae0.0 up up bridge ae0.110 up up bridge ae0.210 up up bridge ae0.32767 up up multiservice ae12 up up ae12.0 up up inet iso mpls multiservice ae12.32767 up up multiservice ae13 up up ae13.0 up up inet iso mpls multiservice ae13.32767 up up multiservice
EVPN インスタンスのステータスの確認
動作モードから、 show evpn instance extensive
user@PE1> show evpn instance extensive Instance: VS-1 Route Distinguisher: Per-instance MAC route label: 301664 MAC database status Local Remote Total MAC addresses: 0 0 Default gateway MAC addresses: 3 0 Number of local interfaces: 4 (3 up) Interface name ESI Mode Status ae0.110 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 all-active Up ge-1/2/1.130 00:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33 all-active Up ge-1/2/2.120 00:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 all-active Up ge-1/3/0.100 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 single-homed Up Number of IRB interfaces: 3 (3 up) Interface name VLAN ID Status L3 context irb.0 110 Up vrf irb.1 120 Up vrf irb.2 130 Up vrf Number of bridge domains: 3 VLAN ID Intfs / up Mode MAC sync IM route label 110 2 1 Extended Enabled 301984 120 2 1 Extended Enabled 302000 130 2 1 Extended Enabled 302016 Number of neighbors: 3 Received routes MAC address advertisement: 0 MAC+IP address advertisement: 0 Inclusive multicast: 3 Ethernet auto-discovery: 6 Received routes MAC address advertisement: 0 MAC+IP address advertisement: 0 Inclusive multicast: 1 Ethernet auto-discovery: 2 Received routes MAC address advertisement: 0 MAC+IP address advertisement: 0 Inclusive multicast: 3 Ethernet auto-discovery: 2 Number of ethernet segments: 4 ESI: 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 Status: Resolved by IFL ae0.110 Local interface: ae0.110, Status: Up/Forwarding Number of remote PEs connected: 2 Remote PE MAC label Aliasing label Mode 0 305584 all-active 0 306000 all-active Designated forwarder: Backup forwarder: Backup forwarder: Advertised MAC label: 301792 Advertised aliasing label: 301792 Advertised split horizon label: 301808 ESI: 00:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 Status: Resolved by IFL ge-1/2/2.120 Local interface: ge-1/2/2.120, Status: Up/Forwarding Number of remote PEs connected: 1 Remote PE MAC label Aliasing label Mode 0 306032 all-active Designated forwarder: Backup forwarder: Advertised MAC label: 301824 Advertised aliasing label: 301824 Advertised split horizon label: 301840 ESI: 00:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33 Status: Resolved by IFL ge-1/2/1.130 Local interface: ge-1/2/1.130, Status: Up/Forwarding Number of remote PEs connected: 1 Remote PE MAC label Aliasing label Mode 0 306064 all-active Designated forwarder: Backup forwarder: Advertised MAC label: 301856 Advertised aliasing label: 301856 Advertised split horizon label: 301872 ESI: 00:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44 Status: Resolved by NH 1048613 Number of remote PEs connected: 1 Remote PE MAC label Aliasing label Mode 0 305152 all-active Instance: VS-2 Route Distinguisher: Per-instance MAC route label: 301696 MAC database status Local Remote Total MAC addresses: 0 0 Default gateway MAC addresses: 0 0 Number of local interfaces: 4 (3 up) Interface name ESI Mode Status ae0.210 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 all-active Up ge-1/2/1.230 00:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33 all-active Up ge-1/2/2.220 00:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 all-active Up ge-1/3/0.200 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 single-homed Down Number of IRB interfaces: 0 (0 up) Number of bridge domains: 3 VLAN ID Intfs / up Mode MAC sync IM route label 210 2 1 Extended Enabled 302032 220 2 1 Extended Enabled 302048 230 2 1 Extended Enabled 302064 Number of neighbors: 3 Received routes MAC address advertisement: 0 MAC+IP address advertisement: 0 Inclusive multicast: 3 Ethernet auto-discovery: 6 Received routes MAC address advertisement: 0 MAC+IP address advertisement: 0 Inclusive multicast: 1 Ethernet auto-discovery: 2 Received routes MAC address advertisement: 0 MAC+IP address advertisement: 0 Inclusive multicast: 3 Ethernet auto-discovery: 2 Number of ethernet segments: 4 ESI: 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 Status: Resolved by IFL ae0.210 Local interface: ae0.210, Status: Up/Forwarding Number of remote PEs connected: 2 Remote PE MAC label Aliasing label Mode 0 305648 all-active 0 306096 all-active Designated forwarder: Backup forwarder: Backup forwarder: Advertised MAC label: 301888 Advertised aliasing label: 301888 Advertised split horizon label: 301808 ESI: 00:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 Status: Resolved by IFL ge-1/2/2.220 Local interface: ge-1/2/2.220, Status: Up/Forwarding Number of remote PEs connected: 1 Remote PE MAC label Aliasing label Mode 0 306112 all-active Designated forwarder: Backup forwarder: Advertised MAC label: 301904 Advertised aliasing label: 301904 Advertised split horizon label: 301840 ESI: 00:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33 Status: Resolved by IFL ge-1/2/1.230 Local interface: ge-1/2/1.230, Status: Up/Forwarding Number of remote PEs connected: 1 Remote PE MAC label Aliasing label Mode 0 306128 all-active Designated forwarder: Backup forwarder: Advertised MAC label: 301920 Advertised aliasing label: 301920 Advertised split horizon label: 301872 ESI: 00:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44 Status: Resolved by NH 1048616 Number of remote PEs connected: 1 Remote PE MAC label Aliasing label Mode 0 305184 all-active Instance: __default_evpn__ Route Distinguisher: VLAN ID: None Per-instance MAC route label: 301760 MAC database status Local Remote Total MAC addresses: 0 0 Default gateway MAC addresses: 0 0 Number of local interfaces: 0 (0 up) Number of IRB interfaces: 0 (0 up) Number of bridge domains: 0 Number of neighbors: 2 Received routes Ethernet auto-discovery: 0 Ethernet Segment: 3 Received routes Ethernet auto-discovery: 0 Ethernet Segment: 1 Number of ethernet segments: 0 Instance: mhevpn Route Distinguisher: VLAN ID: 10 Per-instance MAC route label: 301728 MAC database status Local Remote Total MAC addresses: 0 0 Default gateway MAC addresses: 1 0 Number of local interfaces: 4 (3 up) Interface name ESI Mode Status ae0.0 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 all-active Up ge-1/2/1.0 00:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33 all-active Up ge-1/2/2.0 00:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 all-active Up ge-1/3/0.0 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 single-homed Down Number of IRB interfaces: 1 (1 up) Interface name VLAN ID Status L3 context irb.10 10 Up vrf Number of bridge domains: 1 VLAN ID Intfs / up Mode MAC sync IM route label 10 4 3 Extended Enabled 302080 Number of neighbors: 3 Received routes MAC address advertisement: 0 MAC+IP address advertisement: 0 Inclusive multicast: 1 Ethernet auto-discovery: 6 Received routes MAC address advertisement: 0 MAC+IP address advertisement: 0 Inclusive multicast: 1 Ethernet auto-discovery: 2 Received routes MAC address advertisement: 0 MAC+IP address advertisement: 0 Inclusive multicast: 1 Ethernet auto-discovery: 2 Number of ethernet segments: 4 ESI: 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 Status: Resolved by IFL ae0.0 Local interface: ae0.0, Status: Up/Forwarding Number of remote PEs connected: 2 Remote PE MAC label Aliasing label Mode 0 305680 all-active 0 306144 all-active Designated forwarder: Backup forwarder: Backup forwarder: Advertised MAC label: 301936 Advertised aliasing label: 301936 Advertised split horizon label: 301808 ESI: 00:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 Status: Resolved by IFL ge-1/2/2.0 Local interface: ge-1/2/2.0, Status: Up/Forwarding Number of remote PEs connected: 1 Remote PE MAC label Aliasing label Mode 0 306160 all-active Designated forwarder: Backup forwarder: Advertised MAC label: 301952 Advertised aliasing label: 301952 Advertised split horizon label: 301840 ESI: 00:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33 Status: Resolved by IFL ge-1/2/1.0 Local interface: ge-1/2/1.0, Status: Up/Forwarding Number of remote PEs connected: 1 Remote PE MAC label Aliasing label Mode 0 306176 all-active Designated forwarder: Backup forwarder: Advertised MAC label: 301968 Advertised aliasing label: 301968 Advertised split horizon label: 301872 ESI: 00:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44 Status: Resolved by NH 1048612 Number of remote PEs connected: 1 Remote PE MAC label Aliasing label Mode 0 305200 all-active
EVPN および仮想スイッチルーティングインスタンスのリスト
各ルーティングインスタンスのVLAN IDとMACラベル
IRB インターフェイスの詳細
仮想スイッチ ルーティング インスタンス(VS-1 および VS-2)で受信したデフォルト ゲートウェイ MAC アドレスの数
イーサネット セグメントごとの自動検出ルートの検証
イーサネット セグメントごとの自動検出ルートを受信していることを確認します。
動作モードから、 show route table mhevpn.evpn.0
user@PE1> show route table mhevpn.evpn.0 mhevpn.evpn.0: 17 destinations, 17 routes (17 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both 1: *[EVPN/170] 00:11:37 Indirect 1: *[EVPN/170] 00:11:37 Indirect 1: *[EVPN/170] 00:11:37 Indirect 1: *[BGP/170] 00:11:33, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 00:11:33, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 00:11:33, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 00:11:33, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 00:11:33, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 00:11:33, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 00:11:37, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae13.0, label-switched-path pe1tope3 1: *[BGP/170] 00:11:37, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae13.0, label-switched-path pe1tope3 3: *[EVPN/170] 00:13:38 Indirect 3: *[BGP/170] 00:11:33, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 3: *[BGP/170] 00:11:37, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae13.0, label-switched-path pe1tope3
user@PE2> show route table mhevpn.evpn.0 mhevpn.evpn.0: 17 destinations, 17 routes (17 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both 1: *[BGP/170] 01:10:26, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 1: *[BGP/170] 01:10:26, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 1: *[BGP/170] 01:10:26, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 1: *[BGP/170] 01:10:26, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 1: *[BGP/170] 01:10:26, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 1: *[BGP/170] 01:10:26, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 1: *[EVPN/170] 01:10:26 Indirect 1: *[EVPN/170] 01:10:26 Indirect 1: *[EVPN/170] 01:10:26 Indirect 1: *[BGP/170] 01:10:26, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-0/0/4.0, label-switched-path pe2tope3 1: *[BGP/170] 01:10:26, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-0/0/4.0, label-switched-path pe2tope3 1: *[BGP/170] 01:10:17, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-0/1/8.0, label-switched-path pe2tope4 1: *[BGP/170] 01:10:17, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-0/1/8.0, label-switched-path pe2tope4 3: *[BGP/170] 01:10:26, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 3: *[EVPN/170] 01:12:14 Indirect 3: *[BGP/170] 01:10:26, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-0/0/4.0, label-switched-path pe2tope3 3: *[BGP/170] 01:10:17, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-0/1/8.0, label-switched-path pe2tope4
マルチホーム CE デバイスに接続されているもう一方の PE ルーターであるルーター PE2 に接続された ESI に対して、リモート タイプ 1 自動検出ルートが受信されます。
動作モードから、 show route table __default_evpn__.evpn.0
user@PE1> show route table __default_evpn__.evpn.0 __default_evpn__.evpn.0: 10 destinations, 10 routes (10 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both 1: *[EVPN/170] 00:25:18 Indirect 1: *[EVPN/170] 00:25:18 Indirect 1: *[EVPN/170] 00:25:18 Indirect 4: *[EVPN/170] 00:25:18 Indirect 4: *[EVPN/170] 00:25:18 Indirect 4: *[EVPN/170] 00:25:18 Indirect 4: *[BGP/170] 00:25:14, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 4: *[BGP/170] 00:25:14, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 4: *[BGP/170] 00:25:14, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 4: *[BGP/170] 00:25:18, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae13.0, label-switched-path pe1tope3
user@PE2> show route table __default_evpn__.evpn.0 __default_evpn__.evpn.0: 10 destinations, 10 routes (10 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both 1: *[EVPN/170] 01:17:59 Indirect 1: *[EVPN/170] 01:17:59 Indirect 1: *[EVPN/170] 01:17:59 Indirect 4: *[BGP/170] 01:17:59, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 4: *[BGP/170] 01:17:59, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 4: *[BGP/170] 01:17:59, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 4: *[EVPN/170] 01:17:59 Indirect 4: *[EVPN/170] 01:17:59 Indirect 4: *[EVPN/170] 01:17:59 Indirect 4: *[BGP/170] 01:17:59, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-0/0/4.0, label-switched-path pe2tope3
出力では、ローカルおよびリモートのタイプ 1(自動検出)およびタイプ 4(イーサネット セグメント)ルートが表示されます。
DF ステータスの確認
各ルーティング インスタンスの指定フォワーダ(DF)になっている PE ルーターを確認します。
動作モードから、 show evpn instance designated-forwarder
user@PE1> show evpn instance designated forwarder Instance: VS-1 Number of ethernet segments: 4 ESI: 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 Designated forwarder: ESI: 00:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 Designated forwarder: ESI: 00:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33 Designated forwarder: ESI: 00:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44 Designated forwarder: No local attachment to ethernet segment Instance: VS-2 Number of ethernet segments: 4 ESI: 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 Designated forwarder: ESI: 00:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 Designated forwarder: ESI: 00:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33 Designated forwarder: ESI: 00:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44 Designated forwarder: No local attachment to ethernet segment Instance: mhevpn Number of ethernet segments: 4 ESI: 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 Designated forwarder: ESI: 00:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 Designated forwarder: ESI: 00:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33 Designated forwarder: ESI: 00:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44 Designated forwarder: No local attachment to ethernet segment
指定されたフォワーダは、ルーティング インスタンスおよび ESI ごとに表示されます。
BDF ステータスの確認
各ルーティング インスタンスのバックアップ指定フォワーダ(BDF)になっている PE ルーターを確認します。
動作モードから、 show evpn instance backup-forwarder
user@PE1> show evpn instance backup-forwarder Instance: VS-1 Number of ethernet segments: 4 ESI: 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 Backup forwarder: Backup forwarder: ESI: 00:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 Backup forwarder: ESI: 00:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33 Backup forwarder: ESI: 00:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44 Backup forwarder: No local attachment to ethernet segment Instance: VS-2 Number of ethernet segments: 4 ESI: 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 Backup forwarder: Backup forwarder: ESI: 00:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 Backup forwarder: ESI: 00:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33 Backup forwarder: ESI: 00:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44 Backup forwarder: No local attachment to ethernet segment Instance: mhevpn Number of ethernet segments: 4 ESI: 00:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 Backup forwarder: Backup forwarder: ESI: 00:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 Backup forwarder: ESI: 00:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33:33 Backup forwarder: ESI: 00:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44:44 Backup forwarder: No local attachment to ethernet segment
バックアップ指定フォワーダは、ルーティング インスタンスおよび ESI ごとに表示されます。
リモート IRB とホスト IP の検証
リモート IRB IP とホスト IP を受信していることを確認します。
動作モードから、 show route table mhevpn
user@PE1> show route table mhevpn mhevpn.evpn.0: 17 destinations, 17 routes (17 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both 1: *[EVPN/170] 01:34:26 Indirect 1: *[EVPN/170] 01:34:26 Indirect 1: *[EVPN/170] 01:34:26 Indirect 1: *[BGP/170] 01:34:22, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 01:34:22, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 01:34:22, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 01:34:22, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 01:34:22, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 01:34:22, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 01:34:26, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae13.0, label-switched-path pe1tope3 1: *[BGP/170] 01:34:26, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae13.0, label-switched-path pe1tope3 3: *[EVPN/170] 01:36:27 Indirect 3: *[BGP/170] 01:34:22, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe1tope2 3: *[BGP/170] 01:34:26, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae13.0, label-switched-path pe1tope3
動作モードから、 show route table mhevpn
user@PE2> show route table mhevpn mhevpn.evpn.0: 17 destinations, 17 routes (17 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both 1: *[BGP/170] 01:35:11, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 1: *[BGP/170] 01:35:11, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 1: *[BGP/170] 01:35:11, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 1: *[BGP/170] 01:35:11, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 1: *[BGP/170] 01:35:11, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 1: *[BGP/170] 01:35:11, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 1: *[EVPN/170] 01:35:11 Indirect 1: *[EVPN/170] 01:35:11 Indirect 1: *[EVPN/170] 01:35:11 Indirect 1: *[BGP/170] 01:35:11, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-0/0/4.0, label-switched-path pe2tope3 1: *[BGP/170] 01:35:11, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-0/0/4.0, label-switched-path pe2tope3 1: *[BGP/170] 01:35:02, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-0/1/8.0, label-switched-path pe2tope4 1: *[BGP/170] 01:35:02, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-0/1/8.0, label-switched-path pe2tope4 3: *[BGP/170] 01:35:11, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae12.0, label-switched-path pe2tope1 3: *[EVPN/170] 01:36:59 Indirect 3: *[BGP/170] 01:35:11, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-0/0/4.0, label-switched-path pe2tope3 3: *[BGP/170] 01:35:02, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-0/1/8.0, label-switched-path pe2tope4
動作モードから、 show route table mhevpn
user@PE3> show route table mhevpn mhevpn.evpn.0: 19 destinations, 19 routes (19 active, 0 holddown, 0 hidden) + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both 1: *[BGP/170] 01:36:10, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae13.0, label-switched-path pe3tope1 1: *[BGP/170] 01:36:10, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae13.0, label-switched-path pe3tope1 1: *[BGP/170] 01:36:10, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae13.0, label-switched-path pe3tope1 1: *[BGP/170] 01:36:10, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae13.0, label-switched-path pe3tope1 1: *[BGP/170] 01:36:10, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae13.0, label-switched-path pe3tope1 1: *[BGP/170] 01:36:10, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae13.0, label-switched-path pe3tope1 1: *[BGP/170] 01:36:06, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-2/0/3.0, label-switched-path pe3tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 01:36:06, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-2/0/3.0, label-switched-path pe3tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 01:36:06, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-2/0/3.0, label-switched-path pe3tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 01:36:06, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-2/0/3.0, label-switched-path pe3tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 01:36:06, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-2/0/3.0, label-switched-path pe3tope2 1: *[BGP/170] 01:36:06, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-2/0/3.0, label-switched-path pe3tope2 1: *[EVPN/170] 01:36:25 Indirect 1: *[BGP/170] 01:35:58, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-2/1/3.0, label-switched-path pe3tope4 1: *[BGP/170] 01:35:58, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-2/1/3.0, label-switched-path pe3tope4 3: *[BGP/170] 01:36:10, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ae13.0, label-switched-path pe3tope1 3: *[BGP/170] 01:36:06, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-2/0/3.0, label-switched-path pe3tope2 3: *[EVPN/170] 01:37:33 Indirect 3: *[BGP/170] 01:35:58, localpref 100, from AS path: I, validation-state: unverified > to via ge-2/1/3.0, label-switched-path pe3tope4
出力は、ローカルおよびリモートの IRB インターフェイスを表示します。また、VRF テーブルにインストールされているローカルホストとリモートホストも表示されます。
機能のサポートは、使用しているプラットフォームとリリースによって決まります。 機能エクスプローラー を使用して、機能がプラットフォームでサポートされているかどうかを判断します。