- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Site Planning, Preparation, and Specifications
- play_arrow Initial Installation and Configuration
- play_arrow Troubleshooting
- play_arrow Contacting Customer Support and Returning the Chassis or Components
- play_arrow Safety and Compliance Information
- General Safety Guidelines and Warnings
- Definitions of Safety Warning Levels
- Qualified Personnel Warning
- Warning Statement for Norway and Sweden
- Fire Safety Requirements
- Installation Instructions Warning
- Chassis and Component Lifting Guidelines
- Restricted Access Warning
- Ramp Warning
- Rack-Mounting and Cabinet-Mounting Warnings
- Grounded Equipment Warning
- Laser and LED Safety Guidelines and Warnings
- Radiation from Open Port Apertures Warning
- Maintenance and Operational Safety Guidelines and Warnings
- General Electrical Safety Guidelines and Warnings
- Action to Take After an Electrical Accident
- Prevention of Electrostatic Discharge Damage
- AC Power Electrical Safety Guidelines
- AC Power Disconnection Warning
- DC Power Electrical Safety Guidelines
- DC Power Copper Conductors Warning
- DC Power Disconnection Warning
- DC Power Grounding Requirements and Warning
- DC Power Wiring Sequence Warning
- DC Power Wiring Terminations Warning
- Multiple Power Supplies Disconnection Warning
- TN Power Warning
- Agency Approvals and Compliance Statements for the QFX10002
Removing a QFX10002 from a Rack
Before removing a QFX10002 from a rack:
Ensure that you have the following parts and tools available:
A Phillips (+) screwdriver, number 2 or number 3, depending on the size of your rack mounting screws, for mounting the QFX10002 on the rack.
If you need to relocate an installed QFX10002 device, use the procedure described in this topic.
When you remove multiple devices from a rack, remove the device in the top of the rack first and proceed to remove the rest of the devices from top to bottom to avoid toppling the rack.
Ensure that the rack is stable and secured to the building.
Ensure that there is enough space to place the removed QFX10002 in its new location and along the path to the new location.
Powered off the device, see Powering Off a QFX10002.
Disconnect the power cords.
Ensure that you have disconnected any cables or wires attached to the QFX10002 switch ports.
To remove a QFX10002 from a rack or cabinet:
- Position a mechanical lift under the device. If a mechanical lift is not available, have two people support the weight of the switch while another person uses the screwdriver to remove the front mounting screws that attach the chassis mounting brackets to the rack or cabinet.
- Remove the QFX10002 from the rack.
- Use the screwdriver to remove the mounting screws that attach the mounting blades attached to the rear of the rack or cabinet.
- Place the removed screws and mounting blades in a labeled bag. You will need them when you reinstall the chassis.
- Transport the QFX10002 to your desired new location.