- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Understanding Contrail
- play_arrow Configuring Contrail
- play_arrow Configuring Virtual Networks
- Creating Projects in OpenStack for Configuring Tenants in Contrail
- Creating a Virtual Network with Juniper Networks Contrail
- Creating a Virtual Network with OpenStack Contrail
- Creating an Image for a Project in OpenStack Contrail
- Creating a Floating IP Address Pool
- Using Security Groups with Virtual Machines (Instances)
- Support for IPv6 Networks in Contrail
- Configuring EVPN and VXLAN
- play_arrow Example of Deploying a Multi-Tier Web Application Using Contrail
- play_arrow Configuring Services
- play_arrow Configuring Service Chaining
- play_arrow Examples: Configuring Service Chaining
- play_arrow Monitoring and Troubleshooting the Network Using Contrail Analytics
- play_arrow Understanding Contrail Analytics
- play_arrow Configuring Contrail Analytics
- play_arrow Using Contrail Analytics to Monitor and Troubleshoot the Network
- Monitoring the System
- Debugging Processes Using the Contrail Introspect Feature
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Dashboard
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Control Nodes
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Virtual Routers
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Analytics Nodes
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Config Nodes
- Monitor > Networking
- Query > Flows
- Query > Logs
- Example: Debugging Connectivity Using Monitoring for Troubleshooting
Deploying Contrail with Red Hat OpenStack Platform Director 13
This document explains how to integrate a Contrail 5.0.1 installation with Red Hat OpenStack Platform Director 13.
Red Hat OpenStack Platform provides an installer named Director (RHOSPD). The Red Hat Director installer is based on the OpenStack project TripleO (OOO, OpenStack on OpenStack). TripleO is an open source project that uses features of OpenStack to deploy a fully functional, tenant-facing OpenStack environment.
TripleO can be used to deploy a RDO based OpenStack environment integrated with Tungsten Fabric.Red Hat OpenStack Platform Director (RHOSPd) can be used to deploy a RHOSP based OpenStack environment integrated with Contrail.
OSPd Features
OSPd uses the concepts of undercloud and overcloud. OSPd sets up an undercloud, an operator-facing deployment cloud that contains the OpenStack components needed to deploy and manage an overcloud, a tenant-facing cloud that hosts user workloads.
The overcloud is the deployed solution that can represent a cloud for any purpose, such as production, staging, test, and so on. The operator can select to deploy to their environment any of the available overcloud roles, such as controller, compute, and the like.
OSPd leverages existing core components of OpenStack including Nova, Ironic, Neutron, Heat, Glance, and Ceilometer to deploy OpenStack on bare metal hardware.
Nova and Ironic are used in the undercloud to manage the bare metal instances that comprise the infrastructure for the overcloud.
Neutron is used to provide a networking environment in which to deploy the overcloud.
Glance stores machine images.
Ceilometer collects metrics about the overcloud.
For more information about OSPd architecture, see OSPd documentation
Composable Roles
OSPd enables composable roles. Each role is a group of services that are defined in Heat templates. Composable roles gives the operator the flexibility to add and modify roles as needed.
The following are the Contrail roles used for integrating Contrail to the overcloud environment:
Contrail Controller
Contrail Analytics
Contrail Analytics Database
Figure 1 shows the relationship and components of an undercloud and overcloud architecture for Contrail.

Preparing the Environment for Deployment
The overcloud roles can be deployed to bare metal servers or to virtual machines (VMs). The compute nodes must be deployed to bare metal systems.
Ensure your environment is prepared for the Red Hat deployment. Refer to Red Hat documentation.
- Preparing for the Contrail Roles
- Preparing for the Underlay Network
- Preparing for the Provisioning Network
- Network Isolation
- Supported Combinations
Preparing for the Contrail Roles
Ensure the following requirements are met for the Contrail nodes per role.
Non-high availability: A minimum of 4 overcloud nodes are needed for control plane roles for a non-high availability deployment:
1x contrail-config (includes Contrail control)
1x contrail-analytics
1x contrail-analytics-database
1x OpenStack controller
High availability: A minimum of 12 overcloud nodes are needed for control plane roles for a high availability deployment:
3x contrail-config (includes Contrail control)
3x contrail-analytics
3x contrail-analytics-database
3x OpenStack controller
If the control plane roles will be deployed to VMs, use 3 separate physical servers and deploy one role of each kind to each physical server.
RHOSP Director expects the nodes to be provided by the administrator, for example, if you are deploying to VMs, the administrator must create the VMs before starting with deployment.
Preparing for the Underlay Network
Refer to Red Hat documentation for planning and implementing underlay networking, including the kinds of networks used and the purpose of each:
At a high level, every overcloud node must support IPMI.
Preparing for the Provisioning Network
Ensure the following requirements are met for the provisioning network.
One NIC from every machine must be in the same broadcast domain of the provisioning network, and it should be the same NIC on each of the overcloud machines. For example, if you use the second NIC on the first overcloud machine, you should use the second NIC on each additional overcloud machine.
During installation, these NICs will be referenced by a single name across all overcloud machines.
The provisioning network NIC should not be the same NIC that you are using for remote connectivity to the undercloud machine. During the undercloud installation, an Open vsSwitch bridge will be created for Neutron and the provisioning NIC will be bridged to the Open vSwitch bridge. Consequently, connectivity would be lost if the provisioning NIC was also used for remote connectivity to the undercloud machine.
The provisioning NIC on the overcloud nodes must be untagged.
You must have the MAC address of the NIC that will PXE boot the IPMI information for the machine on the provisioning network. The IPMI information will include such things as the IP address of the IPMI NIC and the IPMI username and password.
All of the networks must be available to all of the Contrail roles and computes.
Network Isolation
OSPd enables configuration of isolated overcloud networks. Using this approach, it is possible to host traffic in isolated networks for specific types of network traffic, such as tenants, storage, API, and the like. This enables assigning network traffic to specific network interfaces or bonds.
When isolated networks are configured, the OpenStack services are configured to use the isolated networks. If no isolated networks are configured, all services run on the provisioning network.
The following networks are typically used when using network isolation topology:
Provisioning- for the undercloud control plane
Internal API- for OpenStack internal APIs
Storage Management
Floating IP- Can either be merged with external or can be a separate network.
Supported Combinations
The following combinations of Operating System/OpenStack/Deployer/Contrail are supported:
Operating System | OpenStack | Deployer | Contrail |
RHEL 7.5 | OSP13 | OSPd13 | Contrail 5.0.1 |
CentOS 7.5 | RDO queens/stable | tripleo queens/stable | Tungsten Fabric latest |
Creating Infrastructure
There are many different ways on how to create the infrastructure providing the control plane elements. The following example illustrates all control plane functions as Virtual Machines hosted on KVM hosts.
KVM Host | Virtual Machines |
KVM1 | undercloud |
KVM2 | OpenStack Controller 1, Contrail Contoller 1 |
KVM3 | OpenStack Controller 2, Contrail Contoller 2 |
KVM4 | OpenStack Controller 2, Contrail Contoller 2 |
Sample Topology
Layer 1: Physical Layer

Layer 2: Logical Layer

undercloud Configuration
- Physical Switch
- undercloud and overcloud KVM Host Configuration
- undercloud Configuration
- undercloud Installation
Physical Switch
Use the following information to create ports and Trunked VLANs
Port | Trunked VLAN | Native VLAN |
ge0 | - | - |
ge1 | 700, 720 | - |
ge2 | 700, 710, 720, 730, 740, 750 | - |
ge3 | - | - |
ge4 | 710, 730 | 700 |
ge5 | - | - |
undercloud and overcloud KVM Host Configuration
undercloud and overcloud KVM hosts will need virtual switches and virtual machine definitions configured. You can deploy any KVM host operating system version which supports KVM and OVS. The following example shows a RHEL/CentOS based system. If you are using RHEL, the system much be subscribed.
Install Basic Packages
yum install -y libguestfs \ libguestfs-tools \ openvswitch \ virt-install \ kvm libvirt \ libvirt-python \ python-virtualbmc \ python-virtinst
Start libvirtd and ovs
systemctl start libvirtd systemctl start openvswitch
Configure vSwitch
Table 4: Configure vSwitch Bridge
Trunked VLAN
Native VLAN
710, 720, 730 740, 750
Create bridges
ovs-vsctl add-br br0 ovs-vsctl add-br br1 ovs-vsctl add-port br0 NIC1 ovs-vsctl add-port br1 NIC2 cat << EOF > br0.xml <network> <name>br0</name> <forward mode='bridge'/> <bridge name='br0'/> <virtualport type='openvswitch'/> <portgroup name='overcloud'/> <vlan trunk='yes'> <tag id='700' nativeMode='untagged'/> <tag id='710'/> <tag id='720'/> <tag id='730'/> <tag id='740'/> <tag id='750'/> </vlan> </potgroup> </network> EOF cat << EOF > br1.xml <network> <name>br1</name> <forward mode=’bridge’/> <bridge name='br1'/> <virtualport type='openvswitch'/> </network> EOF virsh net-define br0.xml virsh net-start br0 virsh net-autostart br0 virsh net-define br1.xml virsh net-start br1 virsh net-autostart br1
Create overcloud VM Definitions on the overcloud KVM Hosts (KVM2-KVM4)
Note:overcloud VM definition is required to create on each overcloud KVM host.
Note:Use the following formula to create the number of roles per overcloud KVM host:
The following example defines:
2x compute nodes 1x cotrail controller node 1x openstack controller node
num=0 ipmi_user=<user> ipmi_password=<password> libvirt_path=/var/lib/libvirt/images port_group=overcloud prov_switch=br0 /bin/rm ironic_list IFS=',' read -ra role_list <<< "${ROLES}" for role in ${role_list[@]}; do role_name=`echo $role|cut -d ":" -f 1` role_count=`echo $role|cut -d ":" -f 2` for count in `seq 1 ${role_count}`; do echo $role_name $count qemu-img create -f qcow2 ${libvirt_path}/${role_name}_${count}.qcow2 99G virsh define /dev/stdin <<EOF $(virt-install --name ${role_name}_${count} \ --disk ${libvirt_path}/${role_name}_${count}.qcow2 \ --vcpus=4 \ --ram=16348 \ --network network=br0,model=virtio,portgroup=${port_group} \ --network network=br1,model=virtio \ --virt-type kvm \ --cpu host \ --import \ --os-variant rhel7 \ --serial pty \ --console pty,target_type=virtio \ --graphics vnc \ --print-xml) EOF vbmc add ${role_name}_${count} --port 1623${num} --username ${ipmi_user} --password ${ipmi_password} / vbmc start ${role_name}_${count} prov_mac=`virsh domiflist ${role_name}_${count}|grep ${prov_switch}|awk '{print $5}'` vm_name=${role_name}-${count}-`hostname -s` kvm_ip=`ip route get 1 |grep src |awk '{print $7}'` echo ${prov_mac} ${vm_name} ${kvm_ip} ${role_name} 1623${num}>> ironic_list num=$(expr $num + 1) done done
CAUTION:One ironic_list file per KVM host will be created. You need to combine all the ironic_list files from each KVM host on the undercloud.
The following output shows combined list from all the three Overvcloud KVM hosts:
52:54:00:e7:ca:9a compute-1-5b3s31 compute 16230 52:54:00:30:6c:3f compute-2-5b3s31 compute 16231 52:54:00:9a:0c:d5 contrail-controller-1-5b3s31 contrail-controller 16232 52:54:00:cc:93:d4 control-1-5b3s31 control 16233 52:54:00:28:10:d4 compute-1-5b3s30 compute 16230 52:54:00:7f:36:e7 compute-2-5b3s30 compute 16231 52:54:00:32:e5:3e contrail-controller-1-5b3s30 contrail-controller 16232 52:54:00:d4:31:aa control-1-5b3s30 control 16233 52:54:00:d1:d2:ab compute-1-5b3s32 compute 16230 52:54:00:ad:a7:cc compute-2-5b3s32 compute 16231 52:54:00:55:56:50 contrail-controller-1-5b3s32 contrail-controller 16232 52:54:00:91:51:35 control-1-5b3s32 control 16233
Create undercloud VM Definitions on the undercloud KVM host (KVM1)
Note:undercloud VM definitions is required to create only on undercloud KVM.
Create images directory
mkdir ~/images cd images
Retrieve the image
Note:The image must be retrieved based on the operating system:
curl https://cloud.centos.org/centos/7/images/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1802.qcow2.xz \ -o CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1802.qcow2.xz zx -d images/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1802.qcow2.xz cloud_image=~/images/CentOS-7-x86_64-GenericCloud-1804_02.qcow2
Download rhel-server-7.5-update-1-x86_64-kvm.qcow2 from Red Hat portal to ~/images cloud_image=~/images/rhel-server-7.5-update-1-x86_64-kvm.qcow2
Customize the undercloud image
undercloud_name=queensa undercloud_suffix=local root_password=<password> stack_password=<password> export LIBGUESTFS_BACKEND=direct qemu-img create -f qcow2 /var/lib/libvirt/images/${undercloud_name}.qcow2 100G virt-resize --expand /dev/sda1 ${cloud_image} /var/lib/libvirt/images/${undercloud_name}.qcow2 virt-customize -a /var/lib/libvirt/images/${undercloud_name}.qcow2 \ --run-command 'xfs_growfs /' \ --root-password password:${root_password} \ --hostname ${undercloud_name}.${undercloud_suffix} \ --run-command 'useradd stack' \ --password stack:password:${stack_password} \ --run-command 'echo "stack ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL" | tee -a /etc/sudoers.d/stack' \ --chmod 0440:/etc/sudoers.d/stack \ --run-command 'sed -i "s/PasswordAuthentication no/PasswordAuthentication yes/g" /etc/ssh/sshd_config' \ --run-command 'systemctl enable sshd' \ --run-command 'yum remove -y cloud-init' \ --selinux-relabel
Define the undercloud virsh template
vcpus=8 vram=32000 virt-install --name ${undercloud_name} \ --disk /var/lib/libvirt/images/${undercloud_name}.qcow2 \ --vcpus=${vcpus} \ --ram=${vram} \ --network network=default,model=virtio \ --network network=br0,model=virtio,portgroup=overcloud \ --virt-type kvm \ --import \ --os-variant rhel7 \ --graphics vnc \ --serial pty \ --noautoconsole \ --console pty,target_type=virtio
Start the undercloud VM
virsh start ${undercloud_name}
Retrieve the undercloud IP
It might take several seconds before the IP is available.
undercloud_ip=`virsh domifaddr ${undercloud_name} |grep ipv4 |awk '{print $4}' |awk -F"/" '{print $1}'` ssh-copy-id ${undercloud_ip}
undercloud Configuration
Login to the undercloud VM from the undercloud KVM host
ssh ${undercloud_ip}
Configure Hostname
undercloud_name=`hostname -s` undercloud_suffix=`hostname -d` hostnamectl set-hostname ${undercloud_name}.${undercloud_suffix} hostnamectl set-hostname --transient ${undercloud_name}.${undercloud_suffix}
Note:Make sure to set undercloud IP in the host file located at etc\hosts.
The commands will be as follows assuming the mgmt NIC is eth0:
undercloud_ip=`ip addr sh dev eth0 |grep "inet " |awk '{print $2}' |awk -F"/" '{print $1}'` echo ${undercloud_ip} ${undercloud_name}.${undercloud_suffix} ${undercloud_name} >> /etc/hosts`
Setup Repositories
Note:The repository must be setup based on the operating system:
tripeo_repos=`python -c 'import requests;r = requests.get("https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-queens/current"); print r.text ' |grep python2-tripleo-repos|awk -F"href=\"" '{print $2}'|awk -F"\"" '{print $1}'` yum install -y https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos7-queens/current/${tripeo_repos} tripleo-repos -b queens current
#Register with Satellite (can be done with CDN as well) satellite_fqdn=device.example.net act_key=xxx org=example yum localinstall -y http://${satellite_fqdn}/pub/katello-ca-consumer-latest.noarch.rpm subscription-manager register --activationkey=${act_key} --org=${org}
Install Tripleo Client
yum install -y python-tripleoclient tmux
Copy undercloud.conf
su - stack cp /usr/share/instack-undercloud/undercloud.conf.sample ~/undercloud.conf
undercloud Installation
Run the following command to install the undercloud:
openstack undercloud install
source stackrc
undercloud Post Configuration
Complete the following configurations post undercloud installation:
Configure forwarding:
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i br-ctlplane -o eth0 -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o br-ctlplane -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
Add external API interface:
sudo ip link add name vlan720 link br-ctlplane type vlan id 720 sudo ip addr add dev vlan720 sudo ip link set dev vlan720 up
Add stack user to the docker group:
newgrp docker exit su - stack source stackrc
overcloud Configuration
Configure nameserver for overcloud nodes
undercloud_nameserver= openstack subnet set `openstack subnet show ctlplane-subnet -c id -f value` --dns-nameserver ${undercloud_nameserver}
overcloud images
Create image directory
mkdir images cd images
Get overcloud images
curl -O https://images.rdoproject.org/queens/rdo_trunk/current-tripleo-rdo/ironic-python-agent.tar curl -O https://images.rdoproject.org/queens/rdo_trunk/current-tripleo-rdo/overcloud-full.tar tar xvf ironic-python-agent.tar tar xvf overcloud-full.tar
sudo yum install -y rhosp-director-images rhosp-director-images-ipa for i in /usr/share/rhosp-director-images/overcloud-full-latest-13.0.tar /usr/share/rhosp-director-images/ironic-python-agent-latest-13.0.tar ; do tar -xvf $i; done
Upload overcloud images
cd openstack overcloud image upload --image-path /home/stack/images/
Prepare Ironic
OpenStack bare metal provisioning a.k.a Ironic is an integrated OpenStack program which aims to provision bare metal machines instead of virtual machines, forked from the Nova baremetal driver. It is best thought of as a bare metal hypervisor API and a set of plugins which interact with the bare metal hypervisors
Note:Make sure to combine ironic_list files from the three overcloud KVM hosts.
Add the overcloud VMs to Ironic
content_copy zoom_out_mapipmi_password=<password> ipmi_user=<user> while IFS= read -r line; do mac=`echo $line|awk '{print $1}'` name=`echo $line|awk '{print $2}'` kvm_ip=`echo $line|awk '{print $3}'` profile=`echo $line|awk '{print $4}'` ipmi_port=`echo $line|awk '{print $5}'` uuid=`openstack baremetal node create --driver ipmi \ --property cpus=4 \ --property memory_mb=16348 \ --property local_gb=100 \ --property cpu_arch=x86_64 \ --driver-info ipmi_username=${ipmi_user} \ --driver-info ipmi_address=${kvm_ip} \ --driver-info ipmi_password=${ipmi_password} \ --driver-info ipmi_port=${ipmi_port} \ --name=${name} \ --property capabilities=profile:${profile},boot_option:local \ -c uuid -f value` openstack baremetal port create --node ${uuid} ${mac} done < <(cat ironic_list) DEPLOY_KERNEL=$(openstack image show bm-deploy-kernel -f value -c id) DEPLOY_RAMDISK=$(openstack image show bm-deploy-ramdisk -f value -c id) for i in `openstack baremetal node list -c UUID -f value`; do openstack baremetal node set $i --driver-info deploy_kernel=$DEPLOY_KERNEL --driver-info deploy_ramdisk=$DEPLOY_RAMDISK done for i in `openstack baremetal node list -c UUID -f value`; do openstack baremetal node show $i -c properties -f value done
Introspect overcloud node
content_copy zoom_out_mapfor node in $(openstack baremetal node list -c UUID -f value) ; do openstack baremetal node manage $node done openstack overcloud node introspect --all-manageable --provide
Add Baremetal Server (BMS) to Ironic
Automated profiling
Evaluate the attributes of the physical server. The server will be automatically profiled based on the rules.
The following example shows how to create a rule for system manufacturer as “Supermicro” and memory greater or equal to 128GByte
content_copy zoom_out_mapcat << EOF > ~/rule_compute.json [ { "description": "set physical compute", "conditions": [ {"op": "eq", "field": "data://auto_discovered", "value": true}, {"op": "eq", "field": "data://inventory.system_vendor.manufacturer", "value": "Supermicro"}, {"op": "ge", "field": "memory_mb", "value": 128000} ], "actions": [ {"action": "set-attribute", "path": "driver_info/ipmi_username", "value": "<user>"}, {"action": "set-attribute", "path": "driver_info/ipmi_password", "value": "<password>"}, {"action": "set-capability", "name": "profile", "value": "compute"}, {"action": "set-attribute", "path": "driver_info/ipmi_address","value": "{data[inventory][bmc_address]}"} ] } ] EOF
You can import the rule by:
content_copy zoom_out_mapopenstack baremetal introspection rule import ~/rule_compute.json
Scanning of BMC ranges
Scan the BMC IP range and automatically add new servers matching the above rule by:
content_copy zoom_out_mapipmi_range= ipmi_password=<password> ipmi_user=<user> openstack overcloud node discover --range ${ipmi_range} \ --credentials ${ipmi_user}:${ipmi_password} \ --introspect --provide
Create Flavor
content_copy zoom_out_mapfor i in compute-dpdk \ compute-sriov \ contrail-controller \ contrail-analytics \ contrail-database \ contrail-analytics-database; do openstack flavor create $i --ram 4096 --vcpus 1 --disk 40 openstack flavor set --property "capabilities:boot_option"="local" \ --property "capabilities:profile"="${i}" ${i} done
Create TripleO-Heat-Template Copy
content_copy zoom_out_mapcp -r /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/ tripleo-heat-templates git clone https://github.com/juniper/contrail-tripleo-heat-templates -b stable/queens cp -r contrail-tripleo-heat-templates/* tripleo-heat-templates/
Create and Upload Containers
OpenStack Contrainers
Create OpenStack container file
Note:The container must be created based on the OpenStack program:
content_copy zoom_out_mapopenstack overcloud container image prepare \ --namespace docker.io/tripleoqueens \ --tag current-tripleo \ --tag-from-label rdo_version \ --output-env-file=~/overcloud_images.yaml tag=`grep "docker.io/tripleoqueens" docker_registry.yaml |tail -1 |awk -F":" '{print $3}'` openstack overcloud container image prepare \ --namespace docker.io/tripleoqueens \ --tag ${tag} \ --push-destination \ --output-env-file=~/overcloud_images.yaml \ --output-images-file=~/local_registry_images.yaml
content_copy zoom_out_mapopenstack overcloud container image prepare \ --push-destination= \ --tag-from-label {version}-{release} \ --output-images-file ~/local_registry_images.yaml \ --namespace=registry.access.Red Hat.com/rhosp13 \ --prefix=openstack- \ --tag-from-label {version}-{release} \ --output-env-file ~/overcloud_images.yaml
Upload OpenStack Containers
content_copy zoom_out_mapopenstack overcloud container image upload --config-file ~/local_registry_images.yaml
Contrail Containers
Create Contrail container file
Note:This step is optional. The Contrail containers can be downloaded from external registries later.
content_copy zoom_out_mapcd ~/tripleo-heat-templates/tools/contrail ./import_contrail_container.sh -f container_outputfile -r registry -t tag [-i insecure] [-u username] [-p password] [-c certificate pat
Here are few examples of importing Contrail containers from different sources:
Import from password protected public registry:
content_copy zoom_out_map./import_contrail_container.sh -f /tmp/contrail_container -r hub.juniper.net/contrail -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -t 1234
Import from Dockerhub:
content_copy zoom_out_map./import_contrail_container.sh -f /tmp/contrail_container -r docker.io/opencontrailnightly -t 1234
Import from private secure registry:
content_copy zoom_out_map./import_contrail_container.sh -f /tmp/contrail_container -r device.example.net:5443 -c http://device.example.net/pub/device.example.net.crt -t 1234
Import from private insecure registry:
content_copy zoom_out_map./import_contrail_container.sh -f /tmp/contrail_container -r -i 1 -t 1234
Upload Contrail containers to undercloud registry
content_copy zoom_out_mapopenstack overcloud container image upload --config-file /tmp/contrail_container
Different YAML templates can be used to customize the overcloud
Contrail Services customization
content_copy zoom_out_mapvi ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail-services.yaml parameter_defaults: ContrailSettings: VROUTER_GATEWAY: # KEY1: value1 # KEY2: value2
Contrail registry settings
content_copy zoom_out_mapvi ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail-services.yaml
Here are few examples of default values for various registries:
Public Juniper registry
content_copy zoom_out_mapparameter_defaults: ContrailRegistry: hub.juniper.net/contrail ContrailRegistryUser: <USER> ContrailRegistryPassword: <PASSWORD>
Insecure registry
content_copy zoom_out_mapparameter_defaults: ContrailRegistryInsecure: true DockerInsecureRegistryAddress:, ContrailRegistry:
Private secure registry
content_copy zoom_out_mapparameter_defaults: ContrailRegistryCertUrl: http://device.example.net/pub/device.example.net.crt ContrailRegistry: device.example.net:5443
Contrail Container image settings
content_copy zoom_out_mapparameter_defaults: ContrailImageTag: queens-5.0-104-rhel-queens
Network customization
In order to customize the network, define different networks and configure the overcloud nodes NIC layout. TripleO supports a flexible way of customizing the network.
The following networking customization example uses network as:
Table 5: Network Customization Network
overcloud Nodes
OpenStack CTRL
OpenStack CTRL, Computes
OpenStack CTRL
Contrail CTRL, Computes
Network activation in roles_data
The networks must be activated per role in the roles_data file:
content_copy zoom_out_mapvi ~/tripleo-heat-templates/roles_data_contrail_aio.yaml
OpenStack Controller
content_copy zoom_out_map############################################################################### # Role: Controller # ############################################################################### - name: Controller description: | Controller role that has all the controler services loaded and handles Database, Messaging and Network functions. CountDefault: 1 tags: - primary - controller networks: - External - InternalApi - Storage - StorageMgmt
Compute Node
content_copy zoom_out_map############################################################################### # Role: Compute # ############################################################################### - name: Compute description: | Basic Compute Node role CountDefault: 1 networks: - InternalApi - Tenant - Storage
Contrail Controller
content_copy zoom_out_map############################################################################### # Role: ContrailController # ############################################################################### - name: ContrailController description: | ContrailController role that has all the Contrail controler services loaded and handles config, control and webui functions CountDefault: 1 tags: - primary - contrailcontroller networks: - InternalApi - Tenant
Compute DPDK
content_copy zoom_out_map############################################################################### # Role: ContrailDpdk # ############################################################################### - name: ContrailDpdk description: | Contrail Dpdk Node role CountDefault: 0 tags: - contraildpdk networks: - InternalApi - Tenant - Storage
Compute SRIOV
content_copy zoom_out_map############################################################################### # Role: ContrailSriov ############################################################################### - name: ContrailSriov description: | Contrail Sriov Node role CountDefault: 0 tags: - contrailsriov networks: - InternalApi - Tenant - Storage
Compute CSN
content_copy zoom_out_map############################################################################### # Role: ContrailTsn ############################################################################### - name: ContrailTsn description: | Contrail Tsn Node role CountDefault: 0 tags: - contrailtsn networks: - InternalApi - Tenant - Storage
Network parameter configuration
content_copy zoom_out_mapcat ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/contrail-net.yaml resource_registry: OS::TripleO::Controller::Net::SoftwareConfig: ../../network/config/contrail/controller-nic-config.yaml OS::TripleO::ContrailController::Net::SoftwareConfig: ../../network/config/contrail/contrail-controller-nic-config.yaml OS::TripleO::ContrailControlOnly::Net::SoftwareConfig: ../../network/config/contrail/contrail-controller-nic-config.yaml OS::TripleO::Compute::Net::SoftwareConfig: ../../network/config/contrail/compute-nic-config.yaml OS::TripleO::ContrailDpdk::Net::SoftwareConfig: ../../network/config/contrail/contrail-dpdk-nic-config.yaml OS::TripleO::ContrailSriov::Net::SoftwareConfig: ../../network/config/contrail/contrail-sriov-nic-config.yaml OS::TripleO::ContrailTsn::Net::SoftwareConfig: ../../network/config/contrail/contrail-tsn-nic-config.yaml parameter_defaults: # Customize all these values to match the local environment TenantNetCidr: InternalApiNetCidr: ExternalNetCidr: StorageNetCidr: StorageMgmtNetCidr: # CIDR subnet mask length for provisioning network ControlPlaneSubnetCidr: '24' # Allocation pools TenantAllocationPools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}] InternalApiAllocationPools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}] ExternalAllocationPools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}] StorageAllocationPools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}] StorageMgmtAllocationPools: [{'start': '', 'end': ''}] # Routes ControlPlaneDefaultRoute: InternalApiDefaultRoute: ExternalInterfaceDefaultRoute: # Vlans InternalApiNetworkVlanID: 710 ExternalNetworkVlanID: 720 StorageNetworkVlanID: 730 StorageMgmtNetworkVlanID: 740 TenantNetworkVlanID: 3211 # Services EC2MetadataIp: # Generally the IP of the undercloud DnsServers: ["172.x.x.x"] NtpServer:
Network interface configuration
There are NIC configuration files per role.
content_copy zoom_out_mapcd ~/tripleo-heat-templates/network/config/contrail
OpenStack Controller
content_copy zoom_out_mapheat_template_version: queens description: > Software Config to drive os-net-config to configure multiple interfaces for the compute role. This is an example for a Nova compute node using Contrail vrouter and the vhost0 interface. parameters: ControlPlaneIp: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the ctlplane network type: string ExternalIpSubnet: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the external network type: string InternalApiIpSubnet: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the internal_api network type: string InternalApiDefaultRoute: # Not used by default in this template default: '' description: The default route of the internal api network. type: string StorageIpSubnet: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the storage network type: string StorageMgmtIpSubnet: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the storage_mgmt network type: string TenantIpSubnet: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the tenant network type: string ManagementIpSubnet: # Only populated when including environments/network-management.yaml default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the management network type: string ExternalNetworkVlanID: default: 10 description: Vlan ID for the external network traffic. type: number InternalApiNetworkVlanID: default: 20 description: Vlan ID for the internal_api network traffic. type: number StorageNetworkVlanID: default: 30 description: Vlan ID for the storage network traffic. type: number StorageMgmtNetworkVlanID: default: 40 description: Vlan ID for the storage mgmt network traffic. type: number TenantNetworkVlanID: default: 50 description: Vlan ID for the tenant network traffic. type: number ManagementNetworkVlanID: default: 60 description: Vlan ID for the management network traffic. type: number ControlPlaneSubnetCidr: # Override this via parameter_defaults default: '24' description: The subnet CIDR of the control plane network. type: string ControlPlaneDefaultRoute: # Override this via parameter_defaults description: The default route of the control plane network. type: string ExternalInterfaceDefaultRoute: # Not used by default in this template default: '' description: The default route of the external network. type: string ManagementInterfaceDefaultRoute: # Commented out by default in this template default: unset description: The default route of the management network. type: string DnsServers: # Override this via parameter_defaults default: [] description: A list of DNS servers (2 max for some implementations) that will be added to resolv.conf. type: comma_delimited_list EC2MetadataIp: # Override this via parameter_defaults description: The IP address of the EC2 metadata server. type: string resources: OsNetConfigImpl: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig properties: group: script config: str_replace: template: get_file: ../../scripts/run-os-net-config.sh params: $network_config: network_config: - type: interface name: nic1 use_dhcp: false dns_servers: get_param: DnsServers addresses: - ip_netmask: list_join: - '/' - - get_param: ControlPlaneIp - get_param: ControlPlaneSubnetCidr routes: - ip_netmask: 169.x.x.x/32 next_hop: get_param: EC2MetadataIp - default: true next_hop: get_param: ControlPlaneDefaultRoute - type: vlan vlan_id: get_param: InternalApiNetworkVlanID device: nic1 addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: InternalApiIpSubnet - type: vlan vlan_id: get_param: ExternalNetworkVlanID device: nic1 addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: ExternalIpSubnet - type: vlan vlan_id: get_param: StorageNetworkVlanID device: nic1 addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: StorageIpSubnet - type: vlan vlan_id: get_param: StorageMgmtNetworkVlanID device: nic1 addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: StorageMgmtIpSubnet outputs: OS::stack_id: description: The OsNetConfigImpl resource. value: get_resource: OsNetConfigImpl
Contrail Controller
content_copy zoom_out_mapheat_template_version: queens description: > Software Config to drive os-net-config to configure multiple interfaces for the compute role. This is an example for a Nova compute node using Contrail vrouter and the vhost0 interface. parameters: ControlPlaneIp: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the ctlplane network type: string ExternalIpSubnet: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the external network type: string InternalApiIpSubnet: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the internal_api network type: string InternalApiDefaultRoute: # Not used by default in this template default: '' description: The default route of the internal api network. type: string StorageIpSubnet: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the storage network type: string StorageMgmtIpSubnet: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the storage_mgmt network type: string TenantIpSubnet: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the tenant network type: string ManagementIpSubnet: # Only populated when including environments/network-management.yaml default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the management network type: string ExternalNetworkVlanID: default: 10 description: Vlan ID for the external network traffic. type: number InternalApiNetworkVlanID: default: 20 description: Vlan ID for the internal_api network traffic. type: number StorageNetworkVlanID: default: 30 description: Vlan ID for the storage network traffic. type: number StorageMgmtNetworkVlanID: default: 40 description: Vlan ID for the storage mgmt network traffic. type: number TenantNetworkVlanID: default: 50 description: Vlan ID for the tenant network traffic. type: number ManagementNetworkVlanID: default: 60 description: Vlan ID for the management network traffic. type: number ControlPlaneSubnetCidr: # Override this via parameter_defaults default: '24' description: The subnet CIDR of the control plane network. type: string ControlPlaneDefaultRoute: # Override this via parameter_defaults description: The default route of the control plane network. type: string ExternalInterfaceDefaultRoute: # Not used by default in this template default: '' description: The default route of the external network. type: string ManagementInterfaceDefaultRoute: # Commented out by default in this template default: unset description: The default route of the management network. type: string DnsServers: # Override this via parameter_defaults default: [] description: A list of DNS servers (2 max for some implementations) that will be added to resolv.conf. type: comma_delimited_list EC2MetadataIp: # Override this via parameter_defaults description: The IP address of the EC2 metadata server. type: string resources: OsNetConfigImpl: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig properties: group: script config: str_replace: template: get_file: ../../scripts/run-os-net-config.sh params: $network_config: network_config: - type: interface name: nic1 use_dhcp: false dns_servers: get_param: DnsServers addresses: - ip_netmask: list_join: - '/' - - get_param: ControlPlaneIp - get_param: ControlPlaneSubnetCidr routes: - ip_netmask: 169.x.x.x/32 next_hop: get_param: EC2MetadataIp - default: true next_hop: get_param: ControlPlaneDefaultRoute - type: vlan vlan_id: get_param: InternalApiNetworkVlanID device: nic1 addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: InternalApiIpSubnet - type: interface name: nic2 use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: TenantIpSubnet outputs: OS::stack_id: description: The OsNetConfigImpl resource. value: get_resource: OsNetConfigImpl
Compute Node
content_copy zoom_out_mapheat_template_version: queens description: > Software Config to drive os-net-config to configure multiple interfaces for the compute role. This is an example for a Nova compute node using Contrail vrouter and the vhost0 interface. parameters: ControlPlaneIp: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the ctlplane network type: string ExternalIpSubnet: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the external network type: string InternalApiIpSubnet: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the internal_api network type: string InternalApiDefaultRoute: # Not used by default in this template default: '' description: The default route of the internal api network. type: string StorageIpSubnet: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the storage network type: string StorageMgmtIpSubnet: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the storage_mgmt network type: string TenantIpSubnet: default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the tenant network type: string ManagementIpSubnet: # Only populated when including environments/network-management.yaml default: '' description: IP address/subnet on the management network type: string ExternalNetworkVlanID: default: 10 description: Vlan ID for the external network traffic. type: number InternalApiNetworkVlanID: default: 20 description: Vlan ID for the internal_api network traffic. type: number StorageNetworkVlanID: default: 30 description: Vlan ID for the storage network traffic. type: number StorageMgmtNetworkVlanID: default: 40 description: Vlan ID for the storage mgmt network traffic. type: number TenantNetworkVlanID: default: 50 description: Vlan ID for the tenant network traffic. type: number ManagementNetworkVlanID: default: 60 description: Vlan ID for the management network traffic. type: number ControlPlaneSubnetCidr: # Override this via parameter_defaults default: '24' description: The subnet CIDR of the control plane network. type: string ControlPlaneDefaultRoute: # Override this via parameter_defaults description: The default route of the control plane network. type: string ExternalInterfaceDefaultRoute: # Not used by default in this template default: '' description: The default route of the external network. type: string ManagementInterfaceDefaultRoute: # Commented out by default in this template default: unset description: The default route of the management network. type: string DnsServers: # Override this via parameter_defaults default: [] description: A list of DNS servers (2 max for some implementations) that will be added to resolv.conf. type: comma_delimited_list EC2MetadataIp: # Override this via parameter_defaults description: The IP address of the EC2 metadata server. type: string resources: OsNetConfigImpl: type: OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig properties: group: script config: str_replace: template: get_file: ../../scripts/run-os-net-config.sh params: $network_config: network_config: - type: interface name: nic1 use_dhcp: false dns_servers: get_param: DnsServers addresses: - ip_netmask: list_join: - '/' - - get_param: ControlPlaneIp - get_param: ControlPlaneSubnetCidr routes: - ip_netmask: 169.x.x.x/32 next_hop: get_param: EC2MetadataIp - default: true next_hop: get_param: ControlPlaneDefaultRoute - type: vlan vlan_id: get_param: InternalApiNetworkVlanID device: nic1 addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: InternalApiIpSubnet - type: vlan vlan_id: get_param: StorageNetworkVlanID device: nic1 addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: StorageIpSubnet - type: contrail_vrouter name: vhost0 use_dhcp: false members: - type: interface name: nic2 use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: TenantIpSubnet outputs: OS::stack_id: description: The OsNetConfigImpl resource. value: get_resource: OsNetConfigImpl
Advanced Network Configuration
Advanced vRouter Kernel Mode Configurations
In addition to the standard NIC configuration, the vRouter kernel mode supports the following modes:
Bond + VLAN
NIC Template Configurations
The snippets below only shows the relevant section of the NIC configuration for each mode.
content_copy zoom_out_map- type: vlan vlan_id: get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID device: nic2 - type: contrail_vrouter name: vhost0 use_dhcp: false members: - type: interface name: str_replace: template: vlanVLANID params: VLANID: {get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID} use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: TenantIpSubnet
content_copy zoom_out_map- type: linux_bond name: bond0 bonding_options: "mode=4 xmit_hash_policy=layer2+3" use_dhcp: false members: - type: interface name: nic2 - type: interface name: nic3 - type: contrail_vrouter name: vhost0 use_dhcp: false members: - type: interface name: bond0 use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: TenantIpSubnet
Bond + VLAN
content_copy zoom_out_map- type: linux_bond name: bond0 bonding_options: "mode=4 xmit_hash_policy=layer2+3" use_dhcp: false members: - type: interface name: nic2 - type: interface name: nic3 - type: vlan vlan_id: get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID device: bond0 - type: contrail_vrouter name: vhost0 use_dhcp: false members: - type: interface name: str_replace: template: vlanVLANID params: VLANID: {get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID} use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: TenantIpSubnet
Advanced vRouter DPDK Mode Configurations
In addition to the standard NIC configuration, the vRouter DPDK mode supports the following modes:
Bond + VLAN
Network Environment Configuration
Enable the number of hugepages:
content_copy zoom_out_mapparameter_defaults: ContrailDpdkHugepages1GB: 10
NIC Template Configurations
content_copy zoom_out_map- type: contrail_vrouter_dpdk name: vhost0 use_dhcp: false driver: uio_pci_generic cpu_list: 0x01 members: - type: interface name: nic2 use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: TenantIpSubnet
content_copy zoom_out_map- type: contrail_vrouter_dpdk name: vhost0 use_dhcp: false driver: uio_pci_generic cpu_list: 0x01 vlan_id: get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID members: - type: interface name: nic2 use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: TenantIpSubnet
content_copy zoom_out_map- type: contrail_vrouter_dpdk name: vhost0 use_dhcp: false driver: uio_pci_generic cpu_list: 0x01 bond_mode: 4 bond_policy: layer2+3 members: - type: interface name: nic2 use_dhcp: false - type: interface name: nic3 use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: TenantIpSubnet
Bond + VLAN
content_copy zoom_out_map- type: contrail_vrouter_dpdk name: vhost0 use_dhcp: false driver: uio_pci_generic cpu_list: 0x01 vlan_id: get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID bond_mode: 4 bond_policy: layer2+3 members: - type: interface name: nic2 use_dhcp: false - type: interface name: nic3 use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: TenantIpSubnet
Advanced vRouter SRIOV Mode Configurations
vRouter SRIOV can be used in the following combinations:
SRIOV + Kernel mode
Bond + VLAN
Bond + VLAN
Network environment configuration
content_copy zoom_out_mapvi ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/contrail-services.yaml
Enable the number of hugepages
SRIOV + Kernel mode
content_copy zoom_out_mapparameter_defaults: ContrailSriovHugepages1GB: 10
content_copy zoom_out_mapparameter_defaults: ContrailSriovMode: dpdk ContrailDpdkHugepages1GB: 10 ContrailSriovHugepages1GB: 10
SRIOV PF/VF settings
content_copy zoom_out_mapNovaPCIPassthrough: - devname: "ens2f1" physical_network: "sriov1" ContrailSriovNumVFs: ["ens2f1:7"]
NIC template configurations:
The SRIOV NICs are not configured in the NIC templates. However, vRouter NICs must still be configured.
See following NIC Template Configurations for vRouter kernel mode.
The snippets below only shows the relevant section of the NIC configuration for each mode.
content_copy zoom_out_map- type: vlan vlan_id: get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID device: nic2 - type: contrail_vrouter name: vhost0 use_dhcp: false members: - type: interface name: str_replace: template: vlanVLANID params: VLANID: {get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID} use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: TenantIpSubnet
content_copy zoom_out_map- type: linux_bond name: bond0 bonding_options: "mode=4 xmit_hash_policy=layer2+3" use_dhcp: false members: - type: interface name: nic2 - type: interface name: nic3 - type: contrail_vrouter name: vhost0 use_dhcp: false members: - type: interface name: bond0 use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: TenantIpSubnet
Bond + VLAN
content_copy zoom_out_map- type: linux_bond name: bond0 bonding_options: "mode=4 xmit_hash_policy=layer2+3" use_dhcp: false members: - type: interface name: nic2 - type: interface name: nic3 - type: vlan vlan_id: get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID device: bond0 - type: contrail_vrouter name: vhost0 use_dhcp: false members: - type: interface name: str_replace: template: vlanVLANID params: VLANID: {get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID} use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: TenantIpSubnet
See following NIC Template Configurations for vRouter DPDK mode:
content_copy zoom_out_map- type: contrail_vrouter_dpdk name: vhost0 use_dhcp: false driver: uio_pci_generic cpu_list: 0x01 members: - type: interface name: nic2 use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: TenantIpSubnet
content_copy zoom_out_map- type: contrail_vrouter_dpdk name: vhost0 use_dhcp: false driver: uio_pci_generic cpu_list: 0x01 vlan_id: get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID members: - type: interface name: nic2 use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: TenantIpSubnet
content_copy zoom_out_map- type: contrail_vrouter_dpdk name: vhost0 use_dhcp: false driver: uio_pci_generic cpu_list: 0x01 bond_mode: 4 bond_policy: layer2+3 members: - type: interface name: nic2 use_dhcp: false - type: interface name: nic3 use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: TenantIpSubnet
Bond + VLAN
content_copy zoom_out_map- type: contrail_vrouter_dpdk name: vhost0 use_dhcp: false driver: uio_pci_generic cpu_list: 0x01 vlan_id: get_param: TenantNetworkVlanID bond_mode: 4 bond_policy: layer2+3 members: - type: interface name: nic2 use_dhcp: false - type: interface name: nic3 use_dhcp: false addresses: - ip_netmask: get_param: TenantIpSubnet
Advanced Scenarios
Remote Compute
Remote Compute extends the data plane to remote locations (POP) whilest keeping the control plane central. Each POP will have its own set of Contrail control services, which are running in the central location. The difficulty is to ensure that the compute nodes of a given POP connect to the Control nodes assigned to that POC. The Control nodes must have predictable IP addresses and the compute nodes have to know these IP addresses. In order to achieve that the following methods are used:
Custom Roles
Static IP assignment
Precise Node placement
Per Node hieradata
Each overcloud node has a unique DMI UUID. This UUID is known on the undercloud node as well as on the overcloud node. Hence, this UUID can be used for mapping node specific information. For each POP, a Control role and a Compute role has to be created.
Mapping Table
Table 6: Mapping Table Nova Name
Ironic Name
IP Address
Ironic UUID: 7d758dce-2784-45fd-be09-5a41eb53e764
DMI UUID: 73F8D030-E896-4A95-A9F5-E1A4FEBE322D
Ironic UUID: d26abdeb-d514-4a37-a7fb-2cd2511c351f
DMI UUID: 14639A66-D62C-4408-82EE-FDDC4E509687
Ironic UUID: 91dd9fa9-e8eb-4b51-8b5e-bbaffb6640e4
DMI UUID: 28AB0B57-D612-431E-B177-1C578AE0FEA4
Ironic UUID: 09fa57b8-580f-42ec-bf10-a19573521ed4
DMI UUID: 09BEC8CB-77E9-42A6-AFF4-6D4880FD87D0
Ironic UUID: 4766799-24c8-4e3b-af54-353f2b796ca4
DMI UUID: 3993957A-ECBF-4520-9F49-0AF6EE1667A7
Ironic UUID: 58a803ae-a785-470e-9789-139abbfa74fb
DMI UUID: AF92F485-C30C-4D0A-BDC4-C6AE97D06A66
ControlOnly preparation
Add ControlOnly overcloud VMs to overcloud KVM host
Note:This has to be done on the overcloud KVM hosts
Two ControlOnly overcloud VM definitions will be created on each of the overcloud KVM hosts.
content_copy zoom_out_mapROLES=control-only:2 num=4 ipmi_user=<user> ipmi_password=<password> libvirt_path=/var/lib/libvirt/images port_group=overcloud prov_switch=br0 /bin/rm ironic_list IFS=',' read -ra role_list <<< "${ROLES}" for role in ${role_list[@]}; do role_name=`echo $role|cut -d ":" -f 1` role_count=`echo $role|cut -d ":" -f 2` for count in `seq 1 ${role_count}`; do echo $role_name $count qemu-img create -f qcow2 ${libvirt_path}/${role_name}_${count}.qcow2 99G virsh define /dev/stdin <<EOF $(virt-install --name ${role_name}_${count} \ --disk ${libvirt_path}/${role_name}_${count}.qcow2 \ --vcpus=4 \ --ram=16348 \ --network network=br0,model=virtio,portgroup=${port_group} \ --network network=br1,model=virtio \ --virt-type kvm \ --cpu host \ --import \ --os-variant rhel7 \ --serial pty \ --console pty,target_type=virtio \ --graphics vnc \ --print-xml) EOF vbmc add ${role_name}_${count} --port 1623${num} --username ${ipmi_user} --password ${ipmi_password} vbmc start ${role_name}_${count} prov_mac=`virsh domiflist ${role_name}_${count}|grep ${prov_switch}|awk '{print $5}'` vm_name=${role_name}-${count}-`hostname -s` kvm_ip=`ip route get 1 |grep src |awk '{print $7}'` echo ${prov_mac} ${vm_name} ${kvm_ip} ${role_name} 1623${num}>> ironic_list num=$(expr $num + 1) done done
Note:The generated ironic_list will be needed on the undercloud to import the nodes to Ironic.
Get the ironic_lists from the overcloud KVM hosts and combine them.
content_copy zoom_out_mapcat ironic_list_control_only 52:54:00:3a:2f:ca control-only-1-5b3s30 control-only 16234 52:54:00:31:4f:63 control-only-2-5b3s30 control-only 16235 52:54:00:0c:11:74 control-only-1-5b3s31 control-only 16234 52:54:00:56:ab:55 control-only-2-5b3s31 control-only 16235 52:54:00:c1:f0:9a control-only-1-5b3s32 control-only 16234 52:54:00:f3:ce:13 control-only-2-5b3s32 control-only 16235
content_copy zoom_out_mapipmi_password=<password> ipmi_user=<user> DEPLOY_KERNEL=$(openstack image show bm-deploy-kernel -f value -c id) DEPLOY_RAMDISK=$(openstack image show bm-deploy-ramdisk -f value -c id) num=0 while IFS= read -r line; do mac=`echo $line|awk '{print $1}'` name=`echo $line|awk '{print $2}'` kvm_ip=`echo $line|awk '{print $3}'` profile=`echo $line|awk '{print $4}'` ipmi_port=`echo $line|awk '{print $5}'` uuid=`openstack baremetal node create --driver ipmi \ --property cpus=4 \ --property memory_mb=16348 \ --property local_gb=100 \ --property cpu_arch=x86_64 \ --driver-info ipmi_username=${ipmi_user} \ --driver-info ipmi_address=${kvm_ip} \ --driver-info ipmi_password=${ipmi_password} \ --driver-info ipmi_port=${ipmi_port} \ --name=${name} \ --property capabilities=boot_option:local \ -c uuid -f value` openstack baremetal node set ${uuid} --driver-info deploy_kernel=$DEPLOY_KERNEL --driver-info deploy_ramdisk=$DEPLOY_RAMDISK openstack baremetal port create --node ${uuid} ${mac} openstack baremetal node manage ${uuid} num=$(expr $num + 1) done < <(cat ironic_list_control_only)
ControlOnly node introspection
content_copy zoom_out_mapopenstack overcloud node introspect --all-manageable --provide
Get the ironic UUID of the ControlOnly nodes
content_copy zoom_out_mapopenstack baremetal node list |grep control-only | 7d758dce-2784-45fd-be09-5a41eb53e764 | control-only-1-5b3s30 | None | power off | available | False | | d26abdeb-d514-4a37-a7fb-2cd2511c351f | control-only-2-5b3s30 | None | power off | available | False | | 91dd9fa9-e8eb-4b51-8b5e-bbaffb6640e4 | control-only-1-5b3s31 | None | power off | available | False | | 09fa57b8-580f-42ec-bf10-a19573521ed4 | control-only-2-5b3s31 | None | power off | available | False | | f4766799-24c8-4e3b-af54-353f2b796ca4 | control-only-1-5b3s32 | None | power off | available | False | | 58a803ae-a785-470e-9789-139abbfa74fb | control-only-2-5b3s32 | None | power off | available | False |
The first ControlOnly node on each of the overcloud KVM hosts will be used for POP1, the second for POP2, and so and so forth.
Get the ironic UUID of the POP compute nodes:
content_copy zoom_out_mapopenstack baremetal node list |grep compute | 91d6026c-b9db-49cb-a685-99a63da5d81e | compute-3-5b3s30 | None | power off | available | False | | 8028eb8c-e1e6-4357-8fcf-0796778bd2f7 | compute-4-5b3s30 | None | power off | available | False | | b795b3b9-c4e3-4a76-90af-258d9336d9fb | compute-3-5b3s31 | None | power off | available | False | | 2d4be83e-6fcc-4761-86f2-c2615dd15074 | compute-4-5b3s31 | None | power off | available | False |
The first two compute nodes belong to POP1 the second two compute nodes belong to POP2.
Create an input YAML using the ironic UUIDs:
content_copy zoom_out_map~/subcluster_input.yaml --- - subcluster: subcluster1 asn: "65413" control_nodes: - uuid: 7d758dce-2784-45fd-be09-5a41eb53e764 ipaddress: - uuid: 91dd9fa9-e8eb-4b51-8b5e-bbaffb6640e4 ipaddress: - uuid: f4766799-24c8-4e3b-af54-353f2b796ca4 ipaddress: compute_nodes: - uuid: 91d6026c-b9db-49cb-a685-99a63da5d81e vrouter_gateway: - uuid: 8028eb8c-e1e6-4357-8fcf-0796778bd2f7 vrouter_gateway: - subcluster: subcluster2 asn: "65414" control_nodes: - uuid: d26abdeb-d514-4a37-a7fb-2cd2511c351f ipaddress: - uuid: 09fa57b8-580f-42ec-bf10-a19573521ed4 ipaddress: - uuid: 58a803ae-a785-470e-9789-139abbfa74fb ipaddress: compute_nodes: - uuid: b795b3b9-c4e3-4a76-90af-258d9336d9fb vrouter_gateway: - uuid: 2d4be83e-6fcc-4761-86f2-c2615dd15074 vrouter_gateway:
Note:Only control_nodes, compute_nodes, dpdk_nodes and sriov_nodes are supported.
Generate subcluster environment:
content_copy zoom_out_map~/tripleo-heat-templates/tools/contrail/create_subcluster_environment.py -i ~/subcluster_input.yaml \ -o ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/contrail-subcluster.yaml
Check subcluster environment file:
content_copy zoom_out_mapcat ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/contrail-subcluster.yaml parameter_defaults: NodeDataLookup: 041D7B75-6581-41B3-886E-C06847B9C87E: contrail_settings: CONTROL_NODES:,, SUBCLUSTER: subcluster2 VROUTER_GATEWAY: 09BEC8CB-77E9-42A6-AFF4-6D4880FD87D0: contrail_settings: BGP_ASN: '65414' SUBCLUSTER: subcluster2 14639A66-D62C-4408-82EE-FDDC4E509687: contrail_settings: BGP_ASN: '65414' SUBCLUSTER: subcluster2 28AB0B57-D612-431E-B177-1C578AE0FEA4: contrail_settings: BGP_ASN: '65413' SUBCLUSTER: subcluster1 3993957A-ECBF-4520-9F49-0AF6EE1667A7: contrail_settings: BGP_ASN: '65413' SUBCLUSTER: subcluster1 73F8D030-E896-4A95-A9F5-E1A4FEBE322D: contrail_settings: BGP_ASN: '65413' SUBCLUSTER: subcluster1 7933C2D8-E61E-4752-854E-B7B18A424971: contrail_settings: CONTROL_NODES:,, SUBCLUSTER: subcluster2 VROUTER_GATEWAY: AF92F485-C30C-4D0A-BDC4-C6AE97D06A66: contrail_settings: BGP_ASN: '65414' SUBCLUSTER: subcluster2 BB9E9D00-57D1-410B-8B19-17A0DA581044: contrail_settings: CONTROL_NODES:,, SUBCLUSTER: subcluster1 VROUTER_GATEWAY: E1A809DE-FDB2-4EB2-A91F-1B3F75B99510: contrail_settings: CONTROL_NODES:,, SUBCLUSTER: subcluster1 VROUTER_GATEWAY:
Add contrail-subcluster.yaml, contrail-ips-from-pool-all.yaml and contrail-scheduler-hints.yaml to the OpenStack deploy command:
content_copy zoom_out_mapopenstack overcloud deploy --templates ~/tripleo-heat-templates \ -e ~/overcloud_images.yaml \ -e ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml \ -e ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/contrail-plugins.yaml \ -e ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/contrail-services.yaml \ -e ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/contrail-net.yaml \ -e ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/contrail-subcluster.yaml \ -e ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/contrail-ips-from-pool-all.yaml \ -e ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/contrail-scheduler-hints.yaml \ --roles-file ~/tripleo-heat-templates/roles_data_contrail_aio.yaml
overcloud Installation
openstack overcloud deploy --templates ~/tripleo-heat-templates \ -e ~/overcloud_images.yaml \ -e ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/network-isolation.yaml \ -e ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/contrail-plugins.yaml \ -e ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/contrail-services.yaml \ -e ~/tripleo-heat-templates/environments/contrail/contrail-net.yaml \ --roles-file ~/tripleo-heat-templates/roles_data_contrail_aio.yaml
Validation Test:
source overcloudrc curl -O http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.5/cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk.img openstack image create --container-format bare --disk-format qcow2 --file cirros-0.3.5-x86_64-disk.img cirros openstack flavor create --public cirros --id auto --ram 64 --disk 0 --vcpus 1 openstack network create net1 openstack subnet create --subnet-range --network net1 sn1 nova boot --image cirros --flavor cirros --nic net-id=`openstack network show net1 -c id -f value` --availability-zone nova:overcloud-novacompute-0.localdomain c1 nova list