- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Understanding Contrail
- play_arrow Installing and Upgrading Contrail
- play_arrow Server Requirements and Supported Platforms
- play_arrow Installing Contrail and Provisioning Roles
- Introduction to Containerized Contrail Modules
- Introduction to Contrail Microservices Architecture
- Downloading Installation Software
- Overview of contrail-ansible-deployer used in Contrail Command for Installing Contrail with Microservices Architecture
- Installing Contrail with OpenStack and Kolla Ansible
- Configuring the Control Node with BGP
- Contrail Global Controller
- Role and Resource-Based Access Control
- play_arrow Installation and Configuration Scenarios
- play_arrow Upgrading Contrail Software
- play_arrow Backup and Restore Contrail Software
- play_arrow Contrail Command
- play_arrow Multicloud Contrail
- play_arrow Using Contrail with Red Hat
- play_arrow Using Contrail with Juju Charms
- play_arrow Configuring Contrail
- play_arrow Configuring Virtual Networks
- Creating Projects in OpenStack for Configuring Tenants in Contrail
- Creating a Virtual Network with Juniper Networks Contrail
- Creating a Virtual Network with OpenStack Contrail
- Creating an Image for a Project in OpenStack Contrail
- Creating a Floating IP Address Pool
- Using Security Groups with Virtual Machines (Instances)
- Support for IPv6 Networks in Contrail
- Configuring EVPN and VXLAN
- play_arrow Example of Deploying a Multi-Tier Web Application Using Contrail
- play_arrow Configuring Services
- play_arrow Configuring Service Chaining
- play_arrow Examples: Configuring Service Chaining
Monitoring the System
The Monitor icon on the Contrail Controller provides numerous options so you can view and analyze usage and other activity associated with all nodes of the system, through the use of reports, charts, and detailed lists of configurations and system activities.
Monitor pages support monitoring of infrastructure components—control nodes, virtual routers, analytics nodes, and config nodes. Additionally, users can monitor networking and debug components.
Use the menu options available from the Monitor icon to configure and view the statistics you need for better understanding of the activities in your system. See Figure 1

See Table 1 for descriptions of the items available under each of the menu options from the Monitor icon.
Option | Description |
Infrastructure > Dashboard | Shows “at-a-glance” status view of the infrastructure components, including the numbers of virtual routers, control nodes, analytics nodes, and config nodes currently operational, and a bubble chart of virtual routers showing the CPU and memory utilization, log messages, system information, and alerts. See Monitor > Infrastructure > Dashboard. |
Infrastructure > Control Nodes | View a summary for all control nodes in the system, and for each control node, view:
Infrastructure > Virtual Routers | View a summary of all vRouters in the system, and for each vRouter, view:
Infrastructure > Analytics Nodes | View activity for the analytics nodes, including memory and CPU usage, analytics host names, IP address, status, and more. See Monitor > Infrastructure > Analytics Nodes. |
Infrastructure > Config Nodes | View activity for the config nodes, including memory and CPU usage, config host names, IP address, status, and more. See Monitor > Infrastructure > Config Nodes. |
Networking > Networks | For all virtual networks for all projects in the system, view graphical traffic statistics, including:
See Monitor > Networking. |
Networking > Dashboard | For all virtual networks for all projects in the system, view graphical traffic statistics, including:
You can view the statistics in varying levels of granularity, for example, for a whole project, or for a single network. See Monitor > Networking. |
Networking > Projects | View essential information about projects in the system including name, associated networks, and traffic in and out. |
Networking > Networks | View essential information about networks in the system including name and traffic in and out. |
Networking > Instances | View essential information about instances in the system including name, associated networks, interfaces, vRouters, and traffic in and out. |
Debug > Packet Capture |