- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Understanding Contrail
- play_arrow Configuring Contrail
- play_arrow Configuring Virtual Networks
- Creating Projects in OpenStack for Configuring Tenants in Contrail
- Creating a Virtual Network with Juniper Networks Contrail
- Creating a Virtual Network with OpenStack Contrail
- Creating an Image for a Project in OpenStack Contrail
- Creating a Floating IP Address Pool
- Using Security Groups with Virtual Machines (Instances)
- Support for IPv6 Networks in Contrail
- Configuring EVPN and VXLAN
- play_arrow Example of Deploying a Multi-Tier Web Application Using Contrail
- play_arrow Configuring Services
- play_arrow Configuring Service Chaining
- play_arrow Examples: Configuring Service Chaining
- play_arrow Monitoring and Troubleshooting the Network Using Contrail Analytics
- play_arrow Understanding Contrail Analytics
- play_arrow Configuring Contrail Analytics
- play_arrow Using Contrail Analytics to Monitor and Troubleshoot the Network
- Monitoring the System
- Debugging Processes Using the Contrail Introspect Feature
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Dashboard
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Control Nodes
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Virtual Routers
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Analytics Nodes
- Monitor > Infrastructure > Config Nodes
- Monitor > Networking
- Query > Flows
- Query > Logs
- Example: Debugging Connectivity Using Monitoring for Troubleshooting
Introduction to Containerized Contrail Modules
Starting with Contrail 4.0, some subsystems of Contrail are delivered as Docker containers.
Why Use Containers?
Contrail software releases are distributed as sets of packages for each of the subsystem modules of a Contrail system. The Contrail modules depend on numerous open source packages and provisioning tools and are validated on specific Linux distributions. Each module has its own dependency chains and its own configuration parameters.
These dependencies lead to complexities of deployment, including:
The Linux version of the target system must match exactly to the version upon which Contrail is qualified, or the installation might fail.
A deployment that succeeds despite an operating system mismatch could pull dependent packages from a customer mirror site that don’t match the dependencies with which the Contrail system was qualified, creating potential for failure.
Change in any package on the target system creates a risk of failure of dependencies in the Contrail software, creating a need for requalification upon any system change.
Currently, provisioning tools such as Fuel, Juju, Puppet, and the like interact directly with Contrail services. Over time, these tools become more complex, requiring interaction with the lowest level of details of Contrail service parameters.
Containerizing some Contrail subsystems reduces the complexity of deploying Contrail and provides a straightforward, simple way to deploy and operate Contrail.
Overview of Contrail Containers
Starting with Contrail 4.0, some of the Contrail subsystems are delivered as Docker containers that group together related functional components. Each container file includes an INI-based configuration file for configuring the services within the container. The purpose of the INI is to provide enough high-level configuration entries to configure all services within the container, while masking the complexity of the internal service configuration. The container configuration files are available on the host system and mounted within specific containers.
In Contrail 4.0, the containerized components include Contrail controller, analytics, and load-balancer applications. Contrail OpenStack components are not containerized at this time.
In Contrail 4.0.1, the containerized components include OpenStack Ocata services. Only OpenStack Ocata services are containerized. Mitaka and Newton SKUs of OpenStack are still provisioned as non-containerized host services.
All Contrail containers run with the host network, without using a Docker bridge, however, all services within the container listen on the host network interface. Some services, such as RabbitMQ, require extra parameters, such as a host-based PID namespace.
The intention is to build a composable Contrail core system of containers that can be used with differing cloud and container orchestration systems, such as OpenStack, Kubernetes, Mesos, and the like.

Contrail 4.0 Containers
This section describes the containers in Contrail 4.0 and their contents.
The contrail-controller
includes all Contrail applications that make up a Contrail controller,
All configuration services, such as
contrail api, config-nodemgr, device-manager, schema, svc-monitor
, and CONFIGDB.All control services, such as
contrail-control, control-nodemgr, contrail-dns
, andcontrail-named
.All Web UI services, such as
.Configuration database (Cassandra)
Redis for Web Ui
The contrail-analytics
includes all Contrail analytics services, including:
The contrail-analyticsdb
has Cassandra for the analytics database and Kafka for streaming data.
The contrail-lb
loadbalancer container
includes all components that provide load-balancing and high availability
to the system, such as HAproxy, keepalive, and the like.
In previous releases of Contrail, HAproxy and keepalive were
included in most services to load-balance Contrail service endpoints.
Starting with Contrail 4.0, the load-balancers are taken out of the
individual services and held instead in a dedicated loadbalancer
container. An exception is HAproxy as part of the vrouter agent,
which can be used to implement Load-Balancing as a Service (LBaaS).
The loadbalancer
container is an
optional container, and customers can choose to use their own load-balancing
DPDK vRouter
Starting with Contrail release 5.0, you can configure the Contrail DPDK vRouter to run in a Docker container. In earlier releases, DPDK vRouter runs on a compute host. The contrail-vrouter-dpdk binary file provides data plane functionality when Contrail vRouter is run in DPDK mode in a Contrail cluster.
Summary of Container Design, Configuration Management, and Orchestration
The following are key features of the new architecture of Contrail containers.
All of the Contrail containers are multiprocess Docker containers.
Each container has an INI-based configuration file that has the configurations for all of the applications running in that container.
Each container is self-contained, with minimal external orchestration needs.
A single tool, Ansible, is used for all levels of building, deploying, and provisioning the containers. The Ansible code for the Contrail system is named
and kept in a separate repository. The Contrail Ansible code is responsible for all aspects of Contrail container build, deployment, and basic container orchestration.