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Network Bandwidth for Simultaneous Asset Scans

By adjusting the network bandwidth setting, you change the number of assets that can be scanned concurrently and the number of vulnerability tools that can be used concurrently to scan the assets. Some scans use more vulnerability tools to scan, which impacts the number of assets that can be scanned concurrently.

You must have the correct license capabilities to perform the following scanning operations. If you need assistance to obtain a new or updated license key, contact your Juniper Customer Support.

The network bandwidth setting ranges from a low setting of 200 Kbps to full setting of 5000 Kbps. Configure the bandwidth setting from the details tab of a scan profile. The default network bandwidth setting is medium, which is 1000 Kbps.

Adjust the bandwidth, according to the following scenarios:

  • Adjust the network bandwidth to 5000 Kbps (full) to patch scan up to 50 assets concurrently or keep at 1000 Kbps (medium) to patch scan up to 10 assets concurrently.

  • Use the 5000 Kbps (full) setting if your network has good bandwidth.

  • Do not use the 5000 Kbps setting over a slow WAN connection.

  • If you scan through a firewall and it's a log source, the scan traffic creates events, and you might have to lower the network bandwidth to avoid exceeding your EPS (events per second) license threshold.