Vulnerability Scanning
In JSA Vulnerability Manager, vulnerability scanning is controlled by configuring scan profiles. Each scan profile specifies the assets that you want to scan and the scan schedule.
Vulnerability Processor
When you license JSA Vulnerability Manager, a vulnerability processor is automatically deployed on your JSA console. The processor contains a JSA Vulnerability Manager scanning component.
You must have the correct license capabilities to perform the following scanning operations. If you need assistance to obtain a new or updated license key, contact your Juniper Customer Support.
Deployment Options
Vulnerability scanning can be deployed in different ways. For example, you can deploy your scanning capability to a JSA Vulnerability Manager managed host scanner appliance or a JSA managed host.
Configuration Options
Administrators can configure scans in the following ways:
Schedule scans to run at times convenient for your network assets.
Specify the times during which scans are not allowed to run.
Specify the assets that you want to exclude from scans, either globally or for each scan.
Configure authenticated patch scans for Linux, UNIX, or Windows operating systems.
Configure different scanning protocols or specify the port ranges that you want to scan.