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Configuring Vulnerability Data Retention Periods

You can set the retention period for vulnerability trend data and scan results in JSA Vulnerability Manager. Use configuration rules to change the default values..

  1. Click Admin > QVM Configuration.
  2. In the JSA Vulnerability Manager Vulnerability Retention section of the QVM Configuration window, enter a value in the following fields:



    Default Value

    Vulnerability Trend Reporting Data (In Days)

    Sets how many days JSA Vulnerability Manager retains vulnerability trend data for use in daily vulnerabilities reports.

    14 days

    Vulnerability Trend Reporting Data (In Weeks)

    Sets how many weeks JSA Vulnerability Manager retains vulnerability trend data for use in weekly vulnerabilities reports.

    14 weeks

    Vulnerability Trend Reporting Data (In Months)

    Sets how many months JSA Vulnerability Manager retains vulnerability trend data for use in monthly vulnerabilities reports.

    14 months

    Purge Scan Results After Period (In Days)

    Use this rule with Purge Scan Results After Period (In Execution Cycles) to set the retention limits for scan results data.

    Sets the number of days that JSA Vulnerability Manager retains data after it applies the Purge Scan Results After Period (In Execution Cycles) limiting rule.

    30 days

    Purge Scan Results After Period (In Execution Cycles)

    Use this rule with Purge Scan Results After Period (In Days) to set the retention limits for scan results data.

    Sets how many versions of scan result data JSA Vulnerability Manager retains. This rule has precedence over the value you set in Purge Scan Results After Period (In Days).

    For the default values for the Purge Scan Results After Period (In Days) and Purge Scan Results After Period (In Execution Cycles) rules:

    • JSA Vulnerability Manager retains scan results data for the 3 most recent execution cycles. It also retains any other versions of results for scans that you run within the 30 days limit.

    • If any of the 3 most recent execution cycles occurred beyond the 30 days limit, JSA Vulnerability Manager retains scan results data for those execution cycles.

    3 execution cycles

  3. Click Save.