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Increasing UDP Payload Size

You can increase the payload size for UDP syslog destinations in the Agent Configuration file

The default payload size for UDP destination packages is 1,024 bytes. You can increase the payload size for a standalone WinCollect agent by adding a parameter in the Agent Configuration file.


After you change the payload size for the WinCollect agent, you must increase the maximum UDP payload size in JSA.

  1. Open the Agent Configuration XML file.

    The default path to this file is WinCollect\config\AgentConfig.xml.

  2. Add the following parameter to the UDPSendStage module:

    <Parameter name="MaxPayloadSize" value="<desired value>”/>

  3. Save the file, and restart the WinCollect agent.

After you change the payload size for the WinCollect agent, you must increase the maximum UDP payload size in JSA.