Host Identifier
Use a unique identifier for each WinCollect
agent that you install. The name that you type in this field is displayed
in the WinCollect agent list of the JSA Console. If you are reinstalling
an agent on a Windows host and you want to use the same Host Identifier
for the agent, you must first rename the existing agent in JSA. Host
identifiers are unique to each installation of the agent on the same
Windows host.
By default, the Host Identifier is the hostname of the Windows
Authentication Token
The authentication token that you created
in JSA, for example, af111ff6-4f30-11eb-11fb-1fc117711111.
Configuration Server (host and port)
The IP address or host name of your JSA Console, Event Collector, or Event Processor. For example, or myhost.
Create Log Source
If this check box is selected, you must
provide information about the log source and the target destination.
Log Source Name
The name can be a maximum of 255 characters.
Log Source Identifier
Identifies the device that the WinCollect
agent polls.
This field must use the hostname, IP address, or FQDN of the
Windows host that the log source gathers events from.
Target Destination
The WinCollect destination must be configured
in JSA before you continue entering information in the installation
wizard. This field must contain the name of a previously created WinCollect
Destination as it appears in the Destinations window.
Event Logs
The Window logs that you want the log
source to collect events from and send to JSA.
Machine poll interval (msec)
The polling interval that determines the
number of milliseconds between queries to the Windows host.
The minimum polling interval is 300 milliseconds. The default
is 3000 milliseconds or 3 seconds.
Event Rate Tuning Profile
Select the tuning profile:
Default (Endpoint): 100/150
This setting is suitable for Windows endpoints that are running
a non-Server OS.
Typical Server: 500/750
This setting is suitable for most Windows Server endpoints.
High Event Rate Server: 1250/1875
This setting is suitable for all Windows endpoints and is ideal
for Domain Controllers and other potentially high EPS endpoints.
Default Status Server Address
An alternative destination to send WinCollect status messages
to, such as the heartbeat, if required. Set the value to an IP address
to send status messages to any JSA Console or any Event Processor
or Event Collector in your deployment. Set the value to Disabled to
send only a heartbeat without status messages. Set the value to None
if you don't want to send a heartbeat or status messages.
Syslog Status Server (if different
from default)
An alternative destination to send WinCollect
status messages to, such as the heartbeat, if required. Set
the value to an IP address to send status messages to any JSA Console
or any Event Processor or Event Collector in your deployment. Set
the value to Disabled to send only a heartbeat without
status messages. Set the value to None if you don't want
to send a heartbeat or status messages.