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Workspaces User Guide
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Configuring Event Notifications, Path Outages, and Destination Paths

date_range 03-Jun-21

Configuring Event Notifications

You can configure an event to send a notification whenever that event is triggered. You can add, edit, and delete event notifications.

To add a notification to an event:

  1. Select Network Monitoring > Admin > Configure Notifications > Configure Event Notifications.
  2. Click Add New Event Notification.
  3. Select the event UEI that will trigger the notification.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Build the rule that determines whether to send a notification for this event, based on the interface and service information specified in the event.
  6. You can validate the rule results or skip the rule results validation:
    • To validate the rule results:

      1. Click Validate rule results and click Next after reviewing the results..

        Alternatively, you can skip the validate rule results step and click Skip results validation.

        The Choose the destination path and enter the information to send via the notification page appears.

      2. Specify a name for the notification, choose the destination path, and enter the information required to send with the notification.

        You can include the following values in the text message, short message, and the E-mail subject:

        • %noticeid% to include the notification ID number.

        • %nodelabel% to include the node label as an IP address.

        • %eventid% to include the event ID.

        • %ifalias% to include the SNMP IF alias of the affected interface.

        • %time% to indicate the time when the notification was sent.

        • %interface% to include the IP address of the interface.

        • %parm[a_parm_name]% to include the name, if any, of the event parameter.

        • %interfaceresolve% to include the reverse DNS name of the interface IP address.

        • %severity% to include the severity of the event.

        • %service% to include the name of the service.

        • %parm[#N]% to include the value of the event parameter at index N.

        • %operinstruct% to include the operator instructions from the event definition.

      3. Click Finish.

To edit an existing event notification:

  1. Select Network Monitoring > Admin > Configure Notifications > Configure Event Notifications.

  2. Click the Edit button that is located to the left of the event notification you want to modify.

  3. Select the event UEI that will trigger the notification.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Build the rule that determines whether to send a notification for this event, based on the interface and service information specified in the event.

  6. (Optional) Click Reset Address and Services if you want to clear the changes that you have entered.

  7. You can validate the rule results or skip the rule results validation:

    • To validate the rule results:

      1. Click Validate rule results and click Next after reviewing the results..

        Alternatively, you can skip the validate rule results step and click Skip results validation.

        The Choose the destination path and enter the information to send via the notification page appears.

      2. Specify a name for the notification, choose the destination path, and enter the information required to send with the notification.

        The Choose the destination path and enter the information to send via the notification page appears.

        You can include the following values in the text message, short message, and the E-mail subject:

        • %noticeid% to include the notification ID number.

        • %nodelabel% to include the node label as an IP address.

        • %eventid% to include the event ID.

        • %ifalias% to include the SNMP IF alias of the affected interface.

        • %time% to indicate the time when the notification was sent.

        • %interface% to include the IP address of the interface.

        • %parm[a_parm_name]% to include the name, if any, of the event parameter.

        • %interfaceresolve% to include the reverse DNS name of the interface IP address.

        • %severity% to include the severity of the event.

        • %service% to include the name of the service.

        • %parm[#N]% to include the value of the event parameter at index N.

        • %operinstruct% to include the operator instructions from the event definition.

      3. Click Finish.

To delete an existing event notification:

  1. Select Network Monitoring > Admin > Configure Notifications > Configure Event Notifications.

  2. Click the Delete button that is located to the left of the event notification you want to modify.

  3. Click Ok in the delete notification confirmation dialog box to delete the notification.

Configure Destination Paths

You can configure a destination path that describes what users or groups will receive notifications, how the notifications will be sent, and who to notify if escalation is needed. A destination path defines a reusable list of contacts that you include in an event configuration.

To create a new destination path:

  1. Select Network Monitoring > Admin > Configure Notifications > Configure Destination Paths.
  2. Click the New Path button.
  3. Specify appropriate values for the following fields:
    • Name—Specify a name for the destination path.

    • Initial Delay—From the list, select the number of seconds to wait before sending notifications to users or groups.

    • Initial targets—Select the users and groups to whom the event notification will be sent.

  4. Click the Add Escalation button to specify users and groups to whom event notification will be sent.
  5. Choose the commands to use (for example, callHomePhone, callMobilePhone, or callMobilePhone) for each user and group.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Finish when you have finished editing the destination path.

To modify an existing destination path:

  1. Select Network Monitoring > Admin > Configure Notifications > Configure Destination Paths.

  2. Under Existing Paths, select the existing destination path that you want to modify.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. You can make changes to any of the following fields:

    • Initial Delay—From the list, select the number of seconds to wait before sending notifications to users or groups.

    • Initial targets—Add users and groups to whom the event notification should be sent and remove users and groups to whom the event should not be sent.

  5. Click the Add Escalation button to specify users and groups to whom event notification will be sent.

  6. Choose the commands to use (for example, callHomePhone, callMobilePhone, or callMobilePhone) for each user and group.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Click Finish when you have finished modifying the destination path.

To delete a destination path:

  1. Select Network Monitoring > Admin > Configure Notifications > Configure Destination Paths.

  2. Under Existing Paths, select the existing destination path that you want to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. Click Ok to confirm that you want to delete the selected destination path.

Configure Path Outages

You can configure a path outage that describes what users or groups will receive notifications, how the notifications will be sent, and who to notify if escalation is needed. A destination path defines a reusable list of contacts that you include in an event configuration.

To create a new path outage:

  1. Select Network Monitoring > Admin > Configure Notifications > Configure Path Outage.
  2. Click the New Path button.
  3. Specify appropriate values for the following fields:
    • Critical Path—Enter the critical path IP address.

    • Critical Path Service—From the list, select the ICMP protocol.

    • Initial targets—Select the users and groups to whom the event notification will be sent.

  4. Build the rule that determines which nodes are subject to this critical path.
  5. Select the Show matching node list check box to show the list of nodes that match.
  6. Choose the commands to use (for example, callHomePhone, callMobilePhone, or callMobilePhone) for each user and group.
  7. Click Validate rule results to validate the rule.
  8. Click Finish when you have finished configuring the path outage.