- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Introduction
- play_arrow Devices
- play_arrow Device Management
- play_arrow Systems of Record
- play_arrow Device Discovery Profiles
- play_arrow Modeling Devices
- Rapid Deployment Overview
- Zero Touch Deployment Using Autoinstallation and Junos Space Network Management Platform on ACX Series and SRX Series Devices
- Model Devices Overview
- Creating a Connection Profile
- Creating a Modeled Instance
- Activating a Modeled or Cloned Device in Junos Space Network Management Platform
- Downloading a Configlet
- Viewing and Copying Configlet Data
- Activating Devices by Using Configlets
- Viewing a Modeled Instance
- Adding More Devices to an Existing Modeled Instance
- Viewing the Status of Modeled Devices
- Deleting Modeled Instances
- Viewing a Connection Profile
- Cloning a Connection Profile
- Modifying a Connection Profile
- Deleting Connection Profiles
- play_arrow Device Authentication in Junos Space
- play_arrow Viewing Device Inventory
- play_arrow Exporting Device Inventory
- play_arrow Configuring Juniper Networks Devices
- Modifying the Configuration on the Device
- Reviewing and Deploying the Device Configuration
- Junos OS Releases Supported in Junos Space Network Management Platform
- Configuration Guides Overview
- Saving the Configuration Created using the Configuration Guides
- Previewing the Configuration Created using the Configuration Guides
- Deploying the Configuration Created using the Configuration Guides
- Viewing and Assigning Shared Objects
- Applying a CLI Configlet to Devices
- Applying a CLI Configlet to a Physical Inventory Element
- Applying a CLI Configlet to a Physical Interface
- Applying a CLI Configlet to a Logical Interface
- Executing a Script on the Devices
- Executing a Script on a Physical Inventory Component
- Executing a Script on a Logical Interface
- Executing a Script on the Physical Interfaces
- play_arrow Device Adapter
- play_arrow Device Configuration Management
- play_arrow Adding and Managing Non Juniper Networks Devices
- play_arrow Accessing Devices
- Launching a Device’s Web User Interface
- Looking Glass Overview
- Executing Commands by Using Looking Glass
- Exporting Looking Glass Results in Junos Space Network Management Platform
- Secure Console Overview
- Connecting to a Device by Using Secure Console
- Configuring SRX Device Clusters in Junos Space using Secure Console
- play_arrow Logical Systems (LSYS)
- play_arrow Tenant System (TSYS)
- play_arrow Device Partitions
- play_arrow Custom Labels
- play_arrow Verifying Template, Image Deployment, Script Execution, and Staged Images on Devices
- play_arrow Device Monitoring
- play_arrow Device Maintenance
- Viewing Device Statistics
- Viewing Devices and Logical Systems with QuickView
- Resynchronizing Managed Devices with the Network
- Putting a Device in RMA State and Reactivating Its Replacement
- Modifying the Target IP Address of a Device
- Modifying the Serial Number of a Device
- Rebooting Devices
- Deleting Staged Images on a Device
- Cloning a Device in Junos Space Network Management Platform
- Deleting Devices
- play_arrow Device Templates
- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Template Definitions
- Creating a Template Definition
- Finding Configuration Options in a Template Definition
- Working with Rules in a Template Definition
- Specifying Device-Specific Values in Template Definitions
- Managing CSV Files for a Template Definition
- Publishing a Template Definition
- Viewing a Template Definition
- Modifying a Template Definition
- Cloning a Template Definition
- Importing a Template Definition
- Exporting a Template Definition
- Unpublishing a Template Definition
- Deleting a Template Definition
- play_arrow Configuring Devices using Device Templates
- play_arrow Configuring Devices using Quick Templates
- play_arrow Device Template Administration
- Viewing Template Details
- Viewing the Device-Template Association (Device Templates)
- Viewing Template Definition Statistics
- Viewing Device Template Statistics
- Comparing Templates or Template Versions
- Comparing a Device Template Configuration with a Device Configuration
- Cloning a Template in Junos Space Network Management Platform
- Exporting and Importing a Quick Template in Junos Space Network Management Platform
- Deleting Device Templates from Junos Space Network Management Platform
- play_arrow CLI Configlets
- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow CLI Configlets
- Creating a CLI Configlet
- Modifying a CLI Configlet
- Viewing CLI Configlet Statistics
- Viewing a CLI Configlet
- Exporting CLI Configlets
- CLI Configlet Examples
- Deleting CLI configlets
- Cloning a CLI Configlet
- Importing CLI Configlets
- Applying a CLI Configlet to Devices
- Comparing CLI Configet Versions
- Marking and Unmarking CLI Configlets as Favorite
- play_arrow Configuration Views
- Configuration Views Overview
- Configuration View Variables
- Configuration View Workflow
- XML Extensions
- Creating a Configuration View
- Viewing a Configuration View
- Modifying a Configuration View
- Deleting Configuration Views
- Exporting and Importing Configuration Views
- Viewing Configuration Views Statistics
- Default Configuration Views Examples
- play_arrow XPath and Regular Expressions
- play_arrow Configuration Filters
- play_arrow Images and Scripts
- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Managing Device Images
- Device Images Overview
- Importing Device Images to Junos Space
- Viewing Device Images
- Modifying Device Image Details
- Staging Device Images
- Staging Satellite Software Packages on Aggregation Devices
- Verifying the Checksum
- Viewing and Deleting MD5 Validation Results
- Deploying Device Images
- Deploying Satellite Software Packages on Aggregation and Satellite Devices
- Viewing Device Image Deployment Results
- Viewing Device Association of Images
- Undeploying JAM Packages from Devices
- Removing Device Images from Devices
- Deleting Device Images
- play_arrow Managing Scripts
- Scripts Overview
- Promoting Scripts Overview
- Importing Scripts to Junos Space
- Viewing Script Details
- Modifying Scripts
- Modifying Script Types
- Comparing Script Versions
- Staging Scripts on Devices
- Verifying the Checksum of Scripts on Devices
- Viewing Verification Results
- Enabling Scripts on Devices
- Executing Scripts on Devices
- Executing Scripts on Devices Locally with JUISE
- Viewing Execution Results
- Exporting Scripts in .tar Format
- Viewing Device Association of Scripts
- Marking and Unmarking Scripts as Favorite
- Disabling Scripts on Devices
- Removing Scripts from Devices
- Deleting Scripts
- Script Annotations
- Script Example
- play_arrow Managing Operations
- play_arrow Managing Script Bundles
- Script Bundles Overview
- Creating a Script Bundle
- Viewing Script Bundles
- Modifying a Script Bundle
- Staging Script Bundles on Devices
- Enabling Scripts in Script Bundles on Devices
- Executing Script Bundles on Devices
- Disabling Scripts in Script Bundles on Devices
- Viewing Device Associations of Scripts in Script Bundles
- Deleting Script Bundles
- play_arrow Reports
- play_arrow Reports Overview
- play_arrow Report Definitions
- play_arrow Reports
- play_arrow Configuration Files
- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Managing Configuration Files
- play_arrow Jobs
- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Managing Jobs
- Viewing Statistics for Jobs
- Viewing Your Jobs
- Viewing Jobs
- Viewing Objects on Which a Job is Executed
- Viewing Job Recurrence
- Rescheduling and Modifying the Recurrence Settings of Jobs
- Retrying a Job on Failed Devices
- Reassigning Jobs
- Canceling Jobs
- Clearing Your Jobs
- Archiving and Purging Jobs
- Common Error Messages in Device-Related Operations
- play_arrow Role-Based Access Control
- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Roles
- Roles Overview
- Predefined Roles Overview
- Creating a User-Defined Role
- Managing Roles
- Modifying User-Defined Roles
- Deleting User-Defined Roles
- Cloning Predefined and User-Defined Roles
- Exporting User-Defined Roles from Junos Space Network Management Platform
- Importing Roles to Junos Space Network Management Platform
- play_arrow User Accounts
- Configuring Users to Manage Objects in Junos Space Overview
- Creating Users in Junos Space Network Management Platform
- Modifying a User
- Deleting Users
- Disabling and Enabling Users
- Unlocking Users
- Viewing Users
- Exporting User Accounts from Junos Space Network Management Platform
- Changing Your Password on Junos Space
- Clearing User Local Passwords
- Viewing User Statistics
- play_arrow User Groups
- play_arrow Domains
- play_arrow Remote Profiles
- play_arrow API Access Profiles
- play_arrow User Sessions
- play_arrow Audit Logs
- play_arrow Administration
- play_arrow Overview
- play_arrow Managing Nodes in the Junos Space Fabric
- Fabric Management Overview
- Overall System Condition and Fabric Load History Overview
- Junos Space Nodes and FMPM Nodes in the Junos Space Fabric Overview
- Dedicated Database Nodes in the Junos Space Fabric Overview
- Adding a Node to an Existing Junos Space Fabric
- Viewing Nodes in the Fabric
- Monitoring Nodes in the Fabric
- Viewing Alarms from a Fabric Node
- Shutting Down or Rebooting Nodes in the Junos Space Fabric
- Deleting a Node from the Junos Space Fabric
- Resetting MySQL Replication
- Modifying the Network Settings of a Node in the Junos Space Fabric
- Load-Balancing Devices Across Junos Space Nodes
- Replacing a Failed Junos Space Node
- Generating and Uploading Authentication Keys to Devices
- Configuring the ESX or ESXi Server Parameters on a Node in the Junos Space Fabric
- Creating a System Snapshot
- Deleting a System Snapshot
- Restoring the System to a Snapshot
- Creating a Unicast Junos Space Cluster
- NAT Configuration for Junos Space Network Management Platform Overview
- Configuring the NAT IP Addresses and Ports on Junos Space Platform
- Modifying the NAT IP Addresses and Ports on Junos Space Platform
- Disabling the NAT Configuration on Junos Space Platform
- play_arrow Backing up and Restoring the Junos Space Platform Database
- play_arrow Managing Licenses
- play_arrow Managing Junos Space Platform and Applications
- Managing Junos Space Applications Overview
- Upgrading Junos Space Network Management Platform Overview
- Junos Space Store Overview
- Configuring and Managing Junos Space Store
- Running Applications in Separate Server Instances
- Managing Junos Space Applications
- Modifying Settings of Junos Space Applications
- Modifying Junos Space Network Management Platform Settings
- Managing File Integrity Check
- Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Services
- Adding a Junos Space Application
- Upgrading a Junos Space Application
- Upgrading Junos Space Network Management Platform
- Synchronizing Time Across Junos Space Nodes
- Upgrading to Junos Space Network Management Platform Release 21.1R1
- Uninstalling a Junos Space Application
- play_arrow Managing Troubleshooting Log Files
- System Status Log File Overview
- Customizing Node System Status Log Checking
- Customizing Node Log Files to Download
- Configuring JBoss and OpenNMS Logs in Junos Space
- Generating JBoss Thread Dump for Junos Space Nodes
- Downloading the Troubleshooting Log File in Server Mode
- Downloading the Troubleshooting Log File in Maintenance Mode
- Downloading Troubleshooting System Log Files Through the Junos Space CLI
- play_arrow Managing Certificates
- Certificate Management Overview
- Changing User Authentication Modes
- Installing a Custom SSL Certificate on the Junos Space Server
- Uploading a User Certificate
- Uploading a CA Certificate and Certificate Revocation List
- Deleting a CA Certificate or Certificate Revocation List
- Adding and Activating X.509 Certificate Parameters for X.509 Certificate Parameter Authentication
- Modifying an X.509 Certificate Parameter
- Deleting X.509 Certificate Parameters
- play_arrow Configuring Authentication Servers
- Remote Authentication Overview
- Junos Space Authentication Modes Overview
- Junos Space Login Behavior with Remote Authentication Enabled
- Managing Remote Authentication Servers
- Creating a Remote Authentication Server
- Modifying Authentication Settings
- Configuring a RADIUS Server for Authentication and Authorization
- Configuring a TACACS+ Server for Authentication and Authorization
- play_arrow Managing SMTP Servers
- play_arrow Email Listeners
- play_arrow Managing Git Repositories
- play_arrow Audit Log Forwarding
- Audit Log Forwarding in Junos Space Overview
- Viewing Audit Log Forwarding Criterion
- Adding Audit Log Forwarding Criterion
- Modifying Audit Log Forwarding Criterion
- Deleting Audit Log Forwarding Criterion
- Enabling Audit Log Forwarding Criterion
- Testing the System Log Server Connection for Audit Log Forwarding
- play_arrow Configuring a Proxy Server
- play_arrow Managing Tags
- Tags Overview
- Creating a Tag
- Managing Tags
- Managing Hierarchical Tags
- Sharing a Tag
- Renaming Tags
- Deleting Tags
- Tagging an Object
- Untagging Objects
- Filtering the Inventory by Using Tags
- Viewing Tagged Objects
- Viewing Tags for a Managed Object
- Exporting Tags from Junos Space Network Management Platform
- play_arrow Managing DMI Schemas
- DMI Schema Management Overview
- Viewing and Managing DMI Schemas
- Viewing Missing DMI Schemas
- Setting a Default DMI Schema
- Configuring Access to Juniper Networks DMI Schema Repository by Using the Configure Juniper Repository Action
- Adding Missing DMI Schemas or Updating Outdated DMI Schemas in Junos Space Network Management Platform
- Creating a Compressed TAR File for Updating DMI Schema
- Viewing and Deleting Unused DMI Schemas
- play_arrow Managing Hardware Catalog
- play_arrow Managing the Purging Policy
- play_arrow Disaster Recovery
Configuring SNMP Community Names by IP
This task enables you to configure SNMP community names by IP address. You also need to configure the community string used in SNMP data collection. The network monitoring functionality is shipped with the public community string. If you have set a different read community on your devices, this is where you must enter it.
In this procedure, you enter a specific IP address and community string, or a range of IP addresses and a community string, and other SNMP parameters. The network monitoring functionality optimizes this list, so enter the most generic addresses first (that is, the largest range) and the specific IP addresses last, because if a range is added that includes a specific IP address, the community name for the specific address is changed to be that of the range. For devices that have already been discovered and have an event stating that data collection has failed because the community name changed, you might need to update the SNMP information on the interface page for that device (by selecting the Update SNMP link) for these changes to take effect.
To configure SNMP using an IP address:
- Select Network Monitoring > Admin > Configure SNMP Community Names by IP, and enter in the First IP Address field either a single IP address, or the first address of a range.
- If you are not entering a range of IP addresses, leave the Last IP Address field blank, otherwise enter the last IP address of the range.
- In the Community String field, enter the community string you use for your devices. The default is public.
- (Optional) Enter a timeout in the Timeout field.
- Select the appropriate version from the Version list.
- (Optional) Enter the number of retries in the Retries field.
- (Optional) Enter the port number in the Port field.
- Click Submit. The system displays a message telling you whether network monitoring needs to be restarted for the configuration to take effect.