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Juniper BNG CUPS User Guide
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Use Dynamic Address Pools in Juniper BNG CUPS

date_range 15-Aug-24

BNG User Plane high availability within Juniper BNG CUPS is based on subscriber groups. Each subscriber group tracks its own set of subscriber prefixes to successfully switchover all session states, including pool prefix routes, to a backup BNG User Plane. Therefore, subscriber groups are allocated their own set of pool prefixes. Rather than pre-provisioning a set of pools for each subscriber group, a dynamic prefix source is used.

Dynamic prefix sources used in the BNG CUPS Controller include the following:

  • Address Pool Manager (APM)—APM is a cloud-native application that maintains a set of prefix partitions from which sub-prefixes may be apportioned for use as pool prefixes. APM communicates with the BNG CUPS Controller’s CPi through the APMi, a gRPC-based protocol. Currently, APM serves only IPv4 prefixes.
  • Local reserve—Local reserve is a BNG CUPS Controller configured set of prefix partitions from which sub-prefixes may be apportioned for use as pool prefixes. Local reserve serves both IPv4 and IPv6 prefixes. Local reserve can also act as a backup prefix source for APM when the APMi is disconnected. Currently a local reserve must be used for IPv6 prefixes to assign IPv6 non-temporary addresses, delegated prefixes, and router advertisement prefixes.

As part of the BNG CUPS Controller’s configuration of the BNG User Planes, the dynamic-address-pools stanza defines the source partition names from which pool prefixes are apportioned and from which they will be reclaimed.

Following are the four types of partitions:

  • partition—IPv4 Partition name

  • v6-dp-partition—IPv6 delegated prefix partition name

  • v6-na-partition—IPv6 non-temporary address partition name

  • v6-ra-partition—IPv6 route advertisement partition name

Local Reserve

The local reserve is a BNG CUPS Controller configured set of partitions. Partitions can be either IPv4 or IPv6. Local reserve partitions are configured under the access address-pool-manager stanza. See the following example:

content_copy zoom_out_map
    access {
        address-pool-manager {      
            port 20557;
            auto-recovery drain-delay 120;
            apportion-delay 60;
            local-reserve {
                partition middlesex {
                    family {
                        inet {
                partition v6-na-partition {
                    family {
                        inet6 {
                            prefix 173:162:1::/96;
                partition v6-dp-partition {
                    family {
                        inet6 {
                            prefix 3000::/8;

The IPv4 partition (middlesex in this example) is a backup partition for a partition of the same name in the APM configuration. In this case the local-reserve partition has one prefix of private addresses. If the connection to APM is lost, the subscriber groups associated with the BNG User Planes that have specified middlesex as their IPv4 partition apportion private prefixes from the local reserve after the APMi connection has been down for the configured apportion delay time. Once the APM apportioned public pool prefixes are exhausted, incoming subscribers in the subscriber group are allocated addresses from the private pool prefixes sourced from the local reserve.

Subscribers may have limited access with private addresses, but they will be able to login to the network. Once the APMi connection is restored, it is desirable to readdress the subscribers who were allocated private addresses with public addresses from APM-sourced pools. After the configured auto recovery drain delay period, the BNG CUPS Controller enables an active drain on the pools apportioned from the local reserve. As subscribers reconnect, additional public pool prefixes are apportioned from APM and the subscribers are allocated public addresses and regain full service.

There are also two IPv6 partitions configured as part of the local reserve. These partitions apportion IPv6 pool prefixes for non-temporary addresses and prefix delegated addresses for IPv6 subscribers respectively. Since APM does not support IPv6 partitions, local reserve is the only option to source dynamic address pools for subscriber groups serving IPv6 subscribers.

Address Pool Manager

APM is a separate cloud-native application that can be deployed in the same Kubernetes cluster as the BNG CUPS Controller or in a different cluster altogether. APM can source IPv4 partitions for many BNG CUPS Controller control plane instances or integrated BNGs.

See the following APM configuration example:

content_copy zoom_out_map
apm {
    inet-pool {
        partition middlesex {
            prefix {
                max-prefix-length 24;
    entity-match cpi-massachusetts {
        pool-domain-profile domainTemplate;
    pool-domain-profile domainTemplate {
        monitoring {
            apportion-threshold 200;
            reclaim-threshold 457;
        auto-reclamation {
            active always;

In the APM configuration, partition middlesex has a public IPv4 prefix from which pool prefixes are apportioned and reclaimed.

The entity-match stanza identifies the CPis that APM will accept connections from. In this case, only CPi with the systemID of cpi-massachusetts will be allowed to connect. The CPI uses apportion and reclamation settings for created pool domains as defined by the pool-domain-profile domainTemplate.

The corresponding BNG Controller configuration elements necessary to use APM as a dynamic prefix source are shown in the following example:

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groups {
    bbe-common-0 {
        access {
            address-pool-manager {
                port 20557;
            address-assignment {
                domain-profile v4FramedPoolName {
                    family {
                        inet {
                             preferred-prefix-length 24;
                             excluded-address-last-octet 255;

In the address-pool-manager stanza, the inet statement contains the external IP address used by APM. This can be retrieved by using the apm ip utility script command (see APM User Guide). The default port that APM listens on is 20557. The system identifier that the control plane instance uses to identify itself to APM is the control-plane-instance name (for example, cpi-massachusetts). APM must have a corresponding entity-match entry in its configuration.

In the address-assignment stanza, domain-profiles must match the FramedPool names that are supplied during the subscriber authentication phase and include the preferred prefix length to request pool prefixes from the prefix source (either APM or local reserve) and any address exclusions to use for the apportioned dynamic pools.

Domain Creation, Apportionment and Reclamation

The domain-profile statement configured under the BNG CUPS Controller’s access address-assignment stanza in the bbe-common-0 group aligns with the address-pool or FramedPool attribute returned during the authentication phase of subscriber login. The domain profile defines the size of the prefix to apportion from the partition, any address exclusions, and whether to install a discard route for each pool prefix.

See the following domain-profile example configuration:

content_copy zoom_out_map
domain-profile v4pool {
    family {
        inet {
            preferred-prefix-length 24;
            excluded-address last-octet 255;
            install-discard-routes {
                tag 77;
                backup-tag 88;
domain-profile dpPool {
    family {                            
        inet6 {                         
            partition-type delegated-prefix;
            preferred-prefix-length 48; 
            allocation-length 56;       
            install-discard-routes {    
                tag 77;                 
                backup-tag 88;          

As a subscriber logs into the network, a FramedPool attribute is returned from a successful authentication phase. If the FramedPool matches a domain-profile in the configuration, the CPi checks to see if a domain has been created for the associated subscriber group. If no domain exists, the CPi coordinates with the partition source (either APM or the local reserve) to create a domain name by connecting the values of the FramedPool name, the subscriber group name, and the associated routing instance.

Once the domain is created, the CPi raises an apportion request with the partition source to stock the domain with pool prefixes. As more subscribers associate with the subscriber group during login, the CPi apportions more pool prefixes when the number of available addresses in the domain drops below the domain’s apportion threshold. Similarly, when the number of available addresses rises above the domain’s reclamation threshold, the CPi raises a reclamation request with the partition source to return pool prefixes to the partition until the available addresses drops below the reclamation threshold. When all prefixes in the domain are reclaimed, the domain itself is cleaned up.